At present, cosmetologists are increasingly using the knowledge of their ancestors in their work. But not only this industry is suitable for such a natural substance as clay. It is the blue Cambrian clay, its exceptional properties that are appreciated today. We analyze the features of the structure, the use of this amazing natural substance.
Clay features
It contains almost all the chemical elements that make up the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev. The composition of Cambrian clay is still not fully understood, but it causes cell rejuvenation, cleanses tissues. Scientists have proven its effect on the condition of the skin, a beneficial effect on the body's immunity. Cambrian clay was formed about 500 million years ago at the bottom of the Cambrian seas.
What is clay treatment?
This substance is a real folk doctor. Clay therapy is called natural natural methods of treatment. Rev. Seraphim of Sarov used this substance to heal the monks. People again turned to the experience of their ancestors, they use this natural substance not only for physical, but also for spiritual cleansing.
Cambrian cosmetic clay is a proven remedy of traditional medicine, it is available for home self-medication. Among the features of this substance, we note the preventive, restorative, therapeutic characteristics.
Avicenna (Abu Ali ibn Sina) used this substance in the treatment of many diseases. He used only some varieties, which he prepared according to a certain technology.
Bulgarian healer Ivan Yotov argued that the blue-white Cambrian clay affects the body, as it has radioactive properties.
Interesting information
Such clay contains many minerals necessary for the human body. This substance has excellent sorption characteristics, allowing to remove harmful toxins from the human body. It is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases, fractures, wounds, burns, without having a negative impact.
Cambrian clay is ideal for use at any age. Studies have confirmed its antitumor properties against benign neoplasms: fibroids, goiter, mastopathy. There is evidence that Cambrian white clay helps fight leukemia and cancer. Chemists explain this effect by the presence of radium, a rare radioactive element with tremendous healing power. You can apply clay "cakes" to abscesses, ulcers, tumors without napkins, gauze, because it has excellent antibacterial properties. Toxins and pathogenic microbes are gradually removed from the body, the patient's well-being improves.
Blue Cambrian food clay is used to prevent and treat minor tumors, as well as to relieve inflammation in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
Application Secrets
In order for the clay to bring maximum benefits, it must be prepared immediately before use. In addition, a person must have a positive attitude so that positive emotions contribute to the healing of the patient.
Cambrian clay should periodically “recharge” with the energy of the sun. To do this, it is placed in a transparent jar, put on a windowsill. After such a "procedure" it will bring maximum benefit.
You can not use the same mixture several times, it will only do harm.
Topical Tips
Cambrian clay is suitable for getting rid of rheumatism, nervous paralysis, arthritis. A few cloves of chopped garlic are added to its solution, a cotton swab is impregnated with the product, and a sore spot is rubbed with it. In case of tuberculosis, such a mixture rubs the chest 2-3 times in knocks.
Cambrian clay helps get rid of a cold. Clay cakes are applied to the sinus area, a solution is dripped 3-4 times into the nose. If you follow these simple rules, you can get rid of a common cold in 3-4 days.
Cambrian clay is an effective treatment for tonsillitis. ½ teaspoon is bred in a glass of warm water, gargle with a solution 4-5 times a day. Between receptions, you can additionally make compresses, lotions around the neck.
Claying your teeth with clay powder helps relieve gum disease, strengthen them, and whiten your teeth.
When washing eyes with clay water, stress and fatigue can be relieved.
The use of Cambrian clay for the prevention of heart disease has long been known. It is best to rub the region of the heart with it. It relieves inflammation of the liver, kidneys, helps fight mastopathy. The cause of this ailment is a deficiency in the body of silicon, metabolic disorders. By ingesting a solution of clay from the body, toxins are removed, and external lotions tone the skin. Cambrian clay when smearing the male body allows you to fight impotence.
Lotions on the forehead and back of the head help reduce headaches. Cambrian blue clay also helps combat depression - the “21st century plague”. Reviews of its positive impact are left by ordinary people. They note an improvement in general condition and increased efficiency.
Clay treatment for allergies
There is a special scheme for its use, which allows to withstand allergic reactions. First, take 1 teaspoon of clay in a glass of water, use the solution 2-3 times. Each week, the dose is increased by 1 teaspoon. The duration of the full course is 30 days. In case of skin allergy, a bandage with a clay solution is applied to the sore spot, the frequency of the procedure is 3-4 times a day.
Clay intake
Why is Cambrian blue clay so good? Its use helps to cleanse, saturate, nourish the body from the inside. Vanga suggested that it be treated with clay, doused with its solution. She was sure that such procedures stimulate the circulatory system. With a lack of silicon in the body, the skin becomes painful, dull, and the clay solution returns its natural shine, a healthy appearance.
Beauticians know that the cause of oily skin, acne, acne is improper nutrition, constant stress, pressure surges. Before starting cosmetic procedures related to clay, a good cosmetologist advises his client to visit a dermatologist and seek help from a nutritionist. Cambrian clay restores the skin, makes it supple, supple, updated. Reviews of women who have undergone clay-based cosmetic procedures fully confirm this. They are really glad that they decided to try such means, after the application of which their skin glowed with health.
Home cosmetology
In addition to blue clay, it is advisable to use essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural honey for home masks. The mask should not fall on the lips, eye area. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Then the mixture is removed with warm water, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. We offer several recipes based on blue clay that any woman can use.
Mask recipe for oily and problem skin
Blue clay, talc, rice flour are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. A small amount of warm water is added to the mixture, brought to a creamy state. The mask produces a drying effect, stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is suitable for combating acne, pustules on the skin.
Dry Skin Mask Recipe
2 parts of blue clay are combined with 1 part of cream, diluted to a creamy look. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Get rid of cellulite
Blue clay is diluted with water, Fucus oil is introduced. A thick mass is applied to all problem areas, the body is wrapped with cling film, then covered with a warm cloth. After 1.4-2 hours, the mask is washed off, the skin is treated with anti-cellulite gel or cream.
Hair care
Blue clay is an ideal hair care product. Having mixed 1 part of dry clay with 5 parts of concentrated ethyl alcohol, a mixture is obtained, rubbing it into the scalp allows you to fight dandruff. To increase the effectiveness of such a drug, an aspirin tablet and 1-2 cloves of chopped garlic are used. You can also use burdock oil.
Anti sweating
If you mix boric acid, talc, blue clay in equal amounts, it turns out to be an excellent tool to eliminate excessive sweating of the legs. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks.
The use of blue clay for sunburn
Clay and water are mixed to a creamy state, then applied to the burned places with a cotton swab. Such a "mask" will help relieve pain. By adding 5-10 drops of essential oil, you can prepare an excellent mixture for the neck and hands.
Useful Tips
Clay has the ability to absorb odors, so it must be stored in a dry place, away from food. In the absence of free time for “spring cleaning” in the refrigerator, you can use this natural substance. Experienced housewives say that it absorbs all extraneous odors and saves you from unnecessary problems.
Our body does not have enough strength to conduct a full-fledged fight against ailments and diseases, it needs help. After updating and cleaning, metabolism is normalized, immunity is stabilized.
The best medicine is those substances that are created by nature itself. Among such treasures located in the bowels of the earth, Cambrian blue clay can be distinguished. It was formed during the decomposition of primitive ferns, horsetails, as well as from marine organisms. Her age is estimated by experts at five hundred million years.
White-blue color includes 39 chemical elements, most of which are rare elements. About half of it is silicon, without which life is impossible. With a decrease in its amount in the body, blood problems arise. With the constant use of Cambrian clay, you can solve a similar problem, extend your skin beauty and youth.
She is rightly considered a gift of God; thanks to her, her lost health can be restored. Chemical antiseptics kill both microbes and healthy cells, and clay eliminates only toxins and microbes, forming a full-fledged immunity in the body. She renews cells, fills them with new energy.
In addition to radioactive radium, with the help of which toxins are eliminated from the body, clay contains macronutrients and mineral substances that the body cannot do without. Blue clay is able to draw upon itself harmful elements that have accumulated in the body, which are not able to escape through the blood. There are two types of use:
- drinking (internal intake);
- compresses (applications).
Experts recommend combining both clay treatment methods to get the desired result. Ready powder is an excellent remedy for constipation. For those people whose gastrointestinal tract is seriously clogged, there are digestive problems, clay should be taken only on the recommendation of a specialist.