Black tea benefits and harms

Tea is the only drink that accompanies each of us from morning to evening, and in the evenings it can become the center of a company of close people. It so happened that we love black tea more, the benefits and harms of which should be carefully studied. Green tea has become popular with us recently, and black has become an indispensable product in our diet since very ancient times. However, many are biased towards this drink. It is believed that it is too high-calorie that it is not able to give a charge of vigor, it contains too much caffeine, which means that it affects the work of the heart and blood vessels, increases blood pressure. And in addition to all this, many are convinced that tea bags are much worse than loose tea.

Black tea: the benefits and harms, according to scientists

Some researchers are convinced that it is an indispensable element in a healthy diet, with its regular use reduces the likelihood of heart disease, blood vessels and brain. The studies did not find confirmation that this drink increases blood pressure and speeds up heartbeat, but it has been proven that the components of the drink protect against strokes, heart attacks and strengthen blood vessels. Many researchers are convinced that tea contains many substances that our body needs so much every day, so we should start our morning with it, and not with coffee. A huge amount of vitamins and minerals contained in it, helps to strengthen the body and its purification from bad elements.

Black tea: benefits and harms for our body

With the regular use of this drink, the likelihood of heart and brain diseases is significantly reduced. With an epidemic of colds, you should use this drink with lemon or honey, which greatly strengthens the immune system. If you need to stick to a diet because of excess weight, you should prefer black tea without sugar, as it is the lowest-calorie drink.

Black tea: benefits and harms depending on the quality of the drink

The quality of tea depends on a number of conditions, of which the most important is the processes of cultivation and manufacture. This plant needs a thorough heat treatment associated with steam frying. When packing tea, it is necessary to carefully monitor the presence of foreign components, separating it from dust. As a result of one of the experiments, the answer was given to such an important question, which tea is better, in bags or loose? It turned out that there was practically no difference between them.

The benefits of black tea

American scientists concluded that combining this drink with citrus fruits can avoid skin cancer in 70% of cases. However, the correct combination of ingredients is important here, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect. Tea should be drunk hot, adding a slice of lemon. Tannin - one of the components of tea, contains antioxidants that protect us from negative external factors, the drink allows you to get rid of stale breath. From it you can make compresses from edema, redness and eye fatigue. The infusion of strong tea can protect the skin from burning when in the sun. But this drink has its drawbacks.

The harm of black tea

This drink is harmful to patients with glaucoma, as it can cause an increase in pressure. Pregnant women should not get involved in it, since it is able to reduce the weight of the unborn child. Yesterday's tea leaves become harmful, as bacteria multiply in it. You should not drink medicine with him, as it interferes with their absorption.

It is important to remember that the positive and negative qualities of this drink are conditional concepts, since not all people are the same, and that one is harmful, the other may be useful.

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