Why can not I shave my intimate area and how to get rid of my hair?

Who does not remove hair in the bikini area? Such a person is difficult to find, especially if it is a woman! However, there is a long-standing dispute between doctors and fashionistas about the potential dangers of this activity. Today we will consider the question of why it is impossible to shave the intimate area. And also what is an alternative way to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body.

Why you can not shave the intimate area

Why you can not shave the intimate area

French dermatologists were among the first to sound the alarm. Nice decided to conduct relevant research. According to a survey of 30 patients infected with molluscum contagiosum, it turned out that all the victims removed hair in the bikini area.

These two facts were connected in one chain, after which the world learned about the terrible consequences of such a care for their body. Doctors explain their categorical nature by the elementary rules of hygiene: during mechanical exposure to the skin, scratches, cuts form, and subsequently skin irritation begins. Waxing was also attributed to the forbidden methods . These activities can lead to a number of skin diseases and a virus infection. This is the opinion of scientists.

How to shave hair in the intimate area

No matter how dermatologists try to scare us, women will not stop caring for their intimate place, because to start a stable relationship with a beloved man, this zone plays an important role. With its accuracy and grooming, you can arrange a gentleman to yourself. And, on the contrary, negligence of the intimate zone can spoil the whole "appetite" and the impression of you. No matter how beautiful you may be, the memories of the terrible thickets on your body will haunt your former fan for a long time.

Therefore, we will not go to extremes, but simply learn how to properly remove hair from our body. To reduce the risk of irritation and the appearance of ingrown hair when shaving , follow these 5 rules:

  1. Choose a men's shaving machine. Female counterparts and disposable substitutes are designed to handle smooth surfaces, that is, they are completely unsuitable for the bends and depressions of our pelvis.
  2. Use shaving foam or gel that foam well.
  3. Shave in the direction of hair growth, otherwise you will cut off the skin and provoke ingrown hairs.
  4. After depilation, apply a menthol, chamomile, or calendula moisturizer. These are antiseptics that will relieve irritation.
  5. Choose a comfortable position when getting rid of hair, use a mirror.

Why you can not shave the intimate area: again about the doctors

Doctors attribute the depilation to provocation of infection with the human papillomavirus, molluscum contagiosum and the possibility of blood poisoning. All this from the fact that the skin slowly heals after mechanical action, remains irritated for a long time, therefore, with low immunity, any virus can be caught at this moment.

How to shave your intimate area

Why you can not shave the intimate zone: the opinion of women

Shave or not to shave? That is the question! Of course, most women will remain adherents of machine tools, because this method is the simplest, fastest, painless and accessible to everyone without exception. For those who want to get rid of hair once and for all, laser hair removal is suitable.

The nice thing is that scientists have not yet identified contraindications against this method. However, a big minus of this procedure is a painful sensation during its implementation and a high price. How to take care of your body is everyone’s personal business, we are sure that you will choose the best option for yourself. However, before shaving the intimate area, we advise you to choose the right after-shave skin care products that slow down hair growth. And do not forget to replace your machine with a man.

To be beautiful is simple, the main thing is not to harm your health. Compliance with the rules that we have indicated will make the hair removal procedure much more pleasant, and your skin - more attractive.

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