Celtic calendar - horoscope

Everyone knows their zodiac sign. Many believe that it can influence the fate of a person. However, in addition to the familiar signs of the zodiac and the eastern calendar, you need to pay attention to another aspect of astrology. The Celtic calendar also contains signs that differ from those that people are used to. Therefore, in order to fully understand the influence of the stars and the date of birth on the fate of the stars, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with them.

Celtic tree calendar

The lunar month is used as the time period in the Druid calendar. And the names are trees. According to the druids, each of them has a special magical power, which affects a person in different ways.

Birch (from 12.24 to 01.20)

After a long winter, the first birch wakes up from a dream. She is a symbol of the beginning, life, reproduction. According to the Celtic calendar, according to the horoscope, Birch is a symbol of purification. After the mid-winter holiday, the Sun returns to begin its journey to the top of the sky again.

celtic horoscope calendar

Mountain ash (from January 22 to February 18)

February is the month of the awakening of the year. The days continue to increase, and the dreams of spring are getting closer. During this period, a spill of water also falls, which symbolizes a new life that comes through vegetation. Mountain ash among the druids was associated with secrets, eternal life and rebellion.

Ash (from 19.02 to 18.03)

An ancient witch tree, which, according to the beliefs of the druids, helped to change the appearance, but at the same time left the inner essence untouched. Symbolizes renewal and purification. Ash is a symbol of the water element. Druids believed that it was his branch that would not allow drowning.

Alder (from March 19 to April 15)

A tree associated with the elements of fire and water. It allows the earth to get rid of excess moisture. The alder branch on which the kidneys are arranged in a spiral is a symbol of resurrection. During this period, a thin bridge appears between the dark and light parts of the world.

celtic calendar

Willow (from April 16 to May 13)

Another witch tree that serves the moon goddess. Willow is a symbol that everything that is born must die. But at the same time, death is preceded by any birth. The cyclic nature of everything is what the druids believed in.

Hawthorn (from 14.05 to 10.06)

During this period, real summer comes. Winter recedes under the desire of all living things to be reborn. Hawthorn is a symbol of purification and new life. Everything around us is entering a new cycle.

Oak (from 11.06 to 08.07)

This period of the year has a turning point - the summer solstice. Druids and Celts performed sacrifices so that the gods would not be angry and endowed them with a rich harvest and protect them from troubles. Oak gives inspiration to those who subtly feel the connection with two worlds.

Holly (from 09.07 to 05.08)

This plant is a symbol of the eternal soul, which is reborn with each cycle. From this moment, the year begins to decline. All living things should begin the aging process. Because in order for summer to come, the cycle must end, and all that is old must die.

celtic holidays calendar

Hazel (from 06.08 to 02.09)

This tree is a symbol of wisdom, which the druids considered a judge in the cycle of years. Hazel bestows inspiration and talent. The tree helps to fence itself off and defend itself from the forces of evil. Hazel helps to find the truth and gives wisdom and judgment to those who were born under its influence.

Grapes (from 03.09 to 30.09)

This plant forms spirals during growth. This symbolizes the cyclical nature of all being. The autumn equinox falls on this period. Grapes are also used to make a drink that thins the line between the world of the living and the world of spirits.

Ivy (from 01.10 to 28.10)

Another of the plants that forms a spiral is ivy. It is associated with immortality and the rebirth of the soul. An evergreen plant does not let you feel sad and sad about death. Ivy does not lose its vitality neither in cold, nor in heat, nor in rainfall, nor in drought. The ability to reborn with renewed vigor is a key feature of the plant.

Reed (from 29.10 to 25.11)

celtic calendar

The Samhain holiday also falls on this month. During this period, the connection between the world of the living and the spirits intensifies. The plant itself sprouts very quickly, but also dries quickly. However, the roots retain their strength, which helps Reed to germinate again. It is deeply hidden in the ground. The plant is often compared to kings.

Elderberry (from November 26 to December 22)

The black elderberry is a symbol of death, and the white flowers are rebirth. This plant is often left at tombstones. The flowers and the bark of the tree itself have a powerful healing effect, but the smell of elderberry can cause illness. A plant is a symbol of the return of everything to its place.

Nameless day - 23.12

A jumper day that connects the seasons. The druids left this date unoccupied, since an unprecedented amount of energy is accumulating on this day. The Celts believed that this date is the key to immortality.

Celtic totem calendar

In addition to trees, druids also believed that animals possessed magical properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that the totem calendar appeared over time. Each of the signs has a special energy.

Deer (from 12.24 to 01.20)

According to the Celtic calendar of animals, this sign endows the wearer with qualities such as pride, activity, love of freedom and honesty. Strengthen the influence will help totems of Salmon or Snake.

Crane (from January 21 to February 17)

This totem gives a person kindness, a large margin of patience and unusual behavior. These qualities can be strengthened with the totems of Cat, Swan or Owl.

Seal (from February 18 to March 17)

According to the Celtic calendar, this totem gives the wearer sensitivity, artistry. A man is an emotional romantic who tries to hide his feelings. Strengthen the influence using the totems of Otter, Deer or Snake.

Bear (from March 18 to April 14)

This totem gives a person self-confidence and courage. The medium is characterized by a strong character and straightforwardness of actions and words. Strengthen the influence of Cat, Owl and Swan.

Snake (from 15.04 to 12.05)

celtic tree calendar

A person under the influence of this animal is distinguished by cunning and wisdom. He is inventive and secretive. Amplifiers - Otter, Salmon and Deer.

Bee (from 13.05 to 09.06)

This totem endows the wearer with qualities such as hard work and patience. A person likes to communicate with other people, captivate the public and be in the spotlight. Reinforcing totems are Cat, Swan and Owl.

Otter (from 10.06 to 07.07)

According to the Celtic calendar, this totem gives a person optimism, fun and charm. Reinforcing totems include Elk, Deer and Seal.

Cat (from 08.07 to 04.08)

Honesty, fidelity, kindness, reliability - these are the qualities that people born under the sign of the Cat possess. Amplifying totems - Owl, Bear and Swan.

Salmon (from 05.08 to 01.09)

celtic totem calendar

Totem gives a person wisdom, insight and attentiveness. Reinforcing signs include the Snake and Seal.

Swan (from September 2 to September 29)

This totem bestows kindness, tenderness and talent on the wearer. The Crane and Owl strengthen its influence.

Goose (from September 30 to October 27)

A person born under the influence of this totem is awarded with qualities such as strength, artistry, kindness and confidence. And you can strengthen these properties with the help of Salmon or Otter.

Owl (from 28.10 to 24.11)

This totem is calm and measured. Man is endowed with patience and wisdom. Enhance the quality of the totems of Crane, Bear or Cat.

Raven (from 11.25 to 12.23)

A person is endowed with qualities such as wisdom, judgment, and patience. And they can be strengthened with the totem of a cat or seal.

Although few people know about the Celtic calendar and its signs, this does not make it less significant. Though unconsciously, people celebrate the events of this people. The calendar of Celtic holidays is not too extensive. But on the night of October 31 to November 1, Samhain falls. This is the celebration of the end of the harvest. And this day coincided with the world famous holiday - Halloween.

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