Our article is not an attempt to convince or dissuade the reader, everyone chooses what to believe in himself. But such a phenomenon as Siberian shamanism definitely deserves the attention of a serious researcher and a philistine who is passionate about mysticism.
This topic has always attracted and frightened those who want to know more than described in school textbooks. There are legends about the wisdom of Siberian shamans, many believe in their supernatural abilities, and someone goes on a long journey in search of them, hoping for healing from the disease or the help of mysterious spirits in their affairs. Who are they - people who can communicate with higher powers and wander between worlds?
Worldview of the peoples of Siberia
In the view of the archaic peoples of the Russian North, the Universe consists of two parts: explicit (everyday) and sacred. In turn, the sacred world is triune: the upper part is inhabited by bright spirits, the middle - by people, and the lower - in simplified terms, evil. The inhabitants of the upper and lower worlds are hidden from the average person, while the shaman sees spirits and interacts with them both in the middle world and in other worlds where he can move.
The upper world is ruled by the deity Ulgen, and the lower one is ruled by Elric, who, although he leads the “dark kingdom,” has also had a hand in the creation of man and everything. After death, a man sets out on a dangerous journey to the halls of the lower world.
One can easily find obvious resemblance to the cults of many other peoples. For example, the Slavs of pre-Christian Rus believed in Jav, Prav and Nav; Scandinavians - in the Tree of Igdrasil, whose roots, trunk and branches also personified the triune world; the ancient Egyptians believed that after death a person goes to the underground dark world of spirits. You can even draw parallels with the Christian Creator and the Devil, hell and paradise. But we are not talking about any borrowing in this case, the worldview of the peoples of Siberia was formed independently.
So, the Siberian shaman or shaman, as we see, is a kind of conductor, a mediator between the world of people and the world of gods and spirits.
The word "shaman" came to the Russian language from Evenki šaman. Many modern scholars believe that it is associated with the Sanskrit sāman - "conjure."
Turkic peoples call shamans the word kam, which probably comes from the Japanese kami ("god"). From the Turkic name, in turn, the term "shamans" is formed.
This phenomenon is described as the ability of a shaman to travel between worlds through ritual actions in order to talk with otherworldly entities. During the ritual, the shaman enters into a trance, the connection of the spiritual body with the physical weakens, the energy channels open, through which the consciousness makes its journey.
Shaman categories
It is generally accepted that an angry shaman is able to reduce the objectionable to the grave. But the main task of most Siberian magicians is healing and help. In any case, many Siberian peoples were always sure of this.
Shamans of the North, flaming in the upper and lower worlds, are called black and are considered the most powerful. White shamans do not resort to shamans, their strengths are not so great, but their tasks are more mundane: to help with the weather, drive away pestilence, overcome ailments, make hunting and fishing successful, and trade profitable. It should be noted that among the peoples of southern Siberia (Altai, Khakass, Tuvinians) white shamans are also flaming, but only to bright spirits.
In the western part of Siberia (among the Khanty, Mansi, Nenets), sacred faces have a specialization at all. They are divided into predictors, weather charmers, singers, fishing rituals, shamans themselves.
Shamans associated with blacksmithing are considered particularly strong. They work with the elements: Earth, which gave ore; fire, in which the ore turns into metal; water, tempering him, and air.
External attributes, costume, props
Each shaman of Siberia has a special outfit. Photos of researchers of religious cults in the North give an idea of how diverse, but overall the costumes are similar. However, the uninitiated, especially a foreigner, is not able to determine the appearance and level of the shaman.
Every little thing matters: braid, brushes, beads, metal stripes, bones. Some details are dedicated to totem animals, others to patron spirits, others talk about certain skills, but there are some that are added just for the sake of beauty.
Shamans can use staves, clappers, vessels with clinking pebbles or cereals.
For fortune telling, stones, bones of animals and birds are used, in seaside areas - shells of mollusks. There is information gathered by the Siberian scholars that shamans of some nationalities practiced fortune telling on human turtles. For this purpose, after death, the body of the shaman was dismembered, the bones were cleaned and dried. The skull went to the successor along with the bones of other shamans previously used by the deceased. So, from generation to generation, whole collections of skulls have accumulated.
The rites of the shamans of Siberia are mainly aimed at good. The main task is to help fellow tribesmen. The shaman resorts to malicious magic and unkind spells when the family is in danger, or for the sake of punishing a universal enemy. The basis of activity is healing, protection, assistance in domestic needs.
Methods and Tools
Flailing is the main method. Unlike the European tradition, the Siberian shaman never “calls out” spirits. On the contrary, he himself overcomes a difficult path to go to the one whose help he asks. Further actions are directed to appeasing, pleading, entreating.
Ritual music
Of great importance is the intonation of the voice and sound. The sense of sound resonance is very developed among peoples who have long been practicing throat singing: Khakass, Altai, Nenets, Tuvans, Evenks.
Music for the shamans of Siberia is also of great importance. The customs of different nations vary. Shamans use tambourines in order to create sound vibrations necessary for entering a trance. Some use a harp.
The shaman’s song, which may seem to the uninitiated a set of chaotic sounds, actually consists of spells cast in a well-established order. Depending on the purpose of the incantation, the shaman turns to one or another deity, asks him for help, a hint or protection. In some cults, the shaman imitates the voices of animals, the sounds of nature.
An English anthropologist with Polish roots, Maria Chaplitskaya, devoted a lot of time to studying the issue. During the ethnographic expedition along the Yenisei River in 1914-1916, she herself witnessed the chants that she later described in her works.
"Special" herbs
To enter a trance shaman can use certain plants, mushrooms. In ancient traditions, fuming with plants is considered part of the ritual. Probably, according to shamans, the use of certain substances that cause hallucinations helps to tune in the right way, facilitates communication with otherworldly entities.
The phenomenon of travestism
This practice is common among some peoples of Siberia. Shamans of Altai, Kamchatka, Chukotka and some other northern regions can “turn” into women with the aim of performing certain cults or at the behest of spirits. Shamans can also claim to be men.
In this case, of course, we are not talking about a sex change from a medical point of view. Changes are exclusively external.
The phenomenon of verbal killing
Researchers of the beliefs of the peoples of Siberia have repeatedly described local cases related to the shaman's curse that led to death. Autochthons are convinced that magicians have the gift to kill with words. But the scientific world has always found more prosaic explanations for the phenomenon, considering deadly diseases a consequence of radiation, poisoning by poisons, or even a coincidence.
In the 70s of the last century, a young scientist from Novosibirsk Sergey Kamov decided to properly investigate the issue. According to him, his own grandfather had a similar gift. As a child, Sergey had to see how his grandfather stopped the huge furious wolfhound with one word: “Die!”: The dog instantly lost his breath.
Kamov traveled through villages, talked with old people, wrote down sacred words. He managed to collect about three hundred ancient spells in more than 15 dialects and dialects.
In laboratory conditions, Sergey Kamov conducted experiments on plants and animals using modern equipment and measuring instruments. In almost half the cases, the experimenter received a fatal outcome: the plants were stunted, the immune system was weakened in the animals, and malignant tumors developed at lightning speed. Kamov believed that not only the text itself was important, but also the intonation with which it was pronounced.
In the 80s, Kamov received a proposal for cooperation from one of the special services of the USSR, which he immediately rejected. However, the scientist had to abandon further studies of the phenomenon.
Shaman lifestyle
There is an opinion that shamans lead a secluded life, hold whole settlements in fear, communicate mainly with spirits, and not with mere mortals. The formation of such ideas has contributed a lot to cinema.
In fact, practicing shamans could always start families, live in peace, there were no more hermits among them than among ordinary people. In Siberia, the principle of continuity was widespread, when knowledge and “position” passed from parent to son or daughter, from grandfather or grandmother to grandchildren.
Indigenous peoples believe that the one in whose veins shamanic blood flows, even if he does not connect his life with magical practices, will still have some outstanding gift. However, according to Siberians, to one extent or another, each person is endowed with the ability to interpret dreams, guess, heal wounds.
Shamans in the modern world
According to Anatoly Alekseev, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov, there are still strong shamans in Siberia. A scientist who was born and raised in Yakutia devoted many years to the topic of studying spiritual practices and traditions of his native land.
In his writings, he explains that it is not enough to want to become a shaman; one must have certain qualities, character, and health. At all times, the indigenous peoples of Siberia believed that the shaman was chosen by spirits, and only with their help he can gain the necessary knowledge.
Today, when interest in the topic of the supernatural is growing, many are trying to find out how to find shamans in Siberia. But this, according to Alekseev, is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, the increased interest of society interferes with sacred practices, “scares away” otherworldly forces; on the other, demand generates charlatans and mummers.
According to the researcher, a real shaman does not strive for fame, does not give any advertising and does not engage in self-promotion. Ancient knowledge requires concentration and silence. Therefore, those who decide to personally meet with a practicing wizard, have a long way to go in the hinterland, independent search, polls of local people. But if a prominent ethnographer and historian, who has lived in Siberia all his life, assures that shamans exist, then everyone has a chance of a successful search.