For decades, nutritionists have recommended eating porridge and cereal from oats for breakfast, so in recent years the popularity of oatmeal has grown tremendously. Oatmeal, traditional for Misty Albion, has gained worldwide popularity. And, indeed, porridge from it is considered a valuable food product, the usefulness of which is due to its rich composition. It is an excellent source of proteins and natural fiber, it contains a large amount of vitamins C, PP, A, E and vitamin complex B. In addition, oatmeal has magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, calcium, nickel and other important minerals, as well as pectin , biotin and other nutrients vital to the human body.
Oatmeal has excellent cleansing properties, and they effectively act on the intestines and other internal organs, due to the huge amount of fiber. Studies have shown that it is enough to eat only two servings of oatmeal per day to significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and thus reduce the risk of thrombosis and the development of serious pathologies of the heart and vascular system.
One of the best dietary products is rightfully oatmeal, the benefits of which are very great for people suffering from impaired digestion, gastritis, and stomach ulcers. Also, oatmeal or cereal will be an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight, because they have the time-tested cleansing properties and remove toxins from the body.
Regular consumption of oatmeal is highly recommended for poisoning, low acidity of the gastric juice, indigestion, colitis, constipation, impaired liver function. Oatmeal has a pronounced tonic effect, helping to improve and normalize the functions of various body systems, in addition, it will strengthen memory, thinking and the ability to concentrate.
Oatmeal: benefits
The need for the product is obvious to those suffering from mood swings, drowsiness, weakness, depressive thoughts and other disorders of the nervous system. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use not only oatmeal, but also decoctions of oatmeal, which are prepared by boiling the product in water.
To make oatmeal tasty and more nutritious, it can be varied with various flavors - honey, fruit yogurt, nuts, dried fruits and other ingredients. In the case when the goal is to reduce weight and cleanse the body, you should eat oatmeal, which must be boiled in water without adding anything, even salt.
Since oatmeal is just a storehouse of valuable nutrients, its benefits are enormous for children. After all, a growing body needs an increased amount of trace elements, vitamins and other beneficial elements.
For cooking, it is best to take whole oatmeal or flakes that have not undergone further processing and do not have any additives. But it is better not to purchase semi-finished products for quick cooking, since these cereals have undergone lengthy heat treatment, while losing many useful properties.
Those who want to lose weight should not doubt the effectiveness of the product, think that the relatively high calorie content of oatmeal will not give a tangible effect in a short period of time. This is not true. When eating oatmeal, not only the extra kilograms disappear, but also the body is cleansed, enriched with natural useful elements that strengthen health. Due to its properties, oatmeal will help not to think about food for a long time, while not burdening the body with extra calories and weight.