A tooth staggers and hurts: reasons, dentist consultation, necessary treatment, possible complications and rules for dental care

If a tooth staggers and hurts in a child or an adult, then this is always a sign of trouble in the body. Most often, this is a symptom of a certain dental disease, however, in some cases, tooth mobility also develops with other pathologies. Even the best oral hygiene is not always able to prevent this symptom.

We will understand why the tooth staggers and hurts when pressed.

tooth staggers and hurts when pressed

Why does a tooth hurt?

Each person has a certain degree of tooth mobility. This phenomenon proceeds almost imperceptibly and is considered a physiological norm. Such mobility is necessary so that the load on the jaw during the chewing process is evenly distributed. In the absence of this reflex, the dental apparatus would wear out very quickly. These natural movements of the teeth cannot be determined even during a dental examination, and even more so it can not be noticed by an ordinary person. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe all possible pathological conditions in time and immediately consult a doctor.

It happens that a milk tooth staggers and hurts, and it happens that a molar tooth. There are norms of pathological mobility, which is considered a sign of certain diseases. At the initial stages, it can be determined by x-ray examination of the jaw, and in more advanced situations, a person independently notices that his tooth staggers and hurts.

Four 4 degrees of pathological tooth mobility are distinguished:

  • 1 degree at which tooth reeling back and forth is observed, at a distance of no more than 1 mm;
  • 2 degree, when the tooth staggers in the same directions within more than 1 mm;
  • 3 degree at which the tooth sways from one side to another;
  • 4 degree at which tooth rotation around its axis is observed.

Quite often, teething is accompanied by severe pain. However, even if there is no pain, pathological mobility is considered a bad sign. If the tooth can still be preserved in the first three stages, then in the last, fourth stage, the only way out is to remove it with subsequent prosthetics.

What often leads to staggering and sore teeth?

what to do if the tooth staggers and hurts

Factors for the development of tooth mobility

This can be a clear sign of a variety of pathological processes. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a qualified dentist. Among the main causes of this symptom, the following can be distinguished:

  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • tooth cyst;
  • granuloma of the tooth;
  • periostitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • tooth injury.

Consider the main reasons why the molar staggers and hurts when pressed.

Periodontal disease

This pathological phenomenon is an atrophy of the teeth, which occurs due to their insufficient blood supply. At the same time, dental roots are exposed, which in a normal state, as a rule, are hidden under the gums. The exposed areas are overly sensitive, and soreness is observed in this area. At the initial stages of the disease, the fixation of the dental apparatus is normal, staggering is noted in more advanced cases, when the pathological process has been going on for several years. At the same time, patients complain of unpleasant and painful sensations in the gums and an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Often, patients confuse periodontal disease with periodontitis. However, these are two completely different diseases. With periodontal disease, there is no inflammatory process in the gums and bleeding. In the absence of therapeutic measures, tissue atrophy begins to progress, and gradually a person loses his teeth

In some cases, tooth staggers and hurts with periodontitis.

molar staggers and hurts when pressed


This pathological condition is an inflammatory process in the tissues that hold teeth in the alveoli. Such a disease leads to the gradual destruction of the alveolar processes of the jaw. Subsequently, the teeth begin to loosen, patients complain of pain during eating. A characteristic sign of this disease is bleeding gums, the release of purulent contents from the gingival pockets. In advanced situations, mobility gradually reaches the fourth degree, tooth loss begins.

With periodontitis, the tissues around the tooth roots become inflamed, that is, the gum often hurts and the tooth staggers. The destruction of the dental nerves, ligaments and bone tissue around the roots. The teeth begin to loosen and hurt at rest and when touched. There is an unpleasant odor in the mouth, swelling of the gums in the affected area. Pathology can be complicated by the development of granulomas or cysts. Often the tooth cannot be saved and you have to resort to the removal. The pathological process is dangerous because from the oral cavity the infection can spread through the bloodstream to other organs: heart, joints, kidneys.

With this pathology, the destruction of periodontal joints occurs. Gingivitis, that is, gum disease, is considered the initial stage of periodontitis, in the subsequent inflammation passes to another periodontal tissue, which leads to its destruction.

The main cause of this disease is an excessive accumulation of plaque, which gradually hardens and forms tartar. Chewing and smoking for many reasons can contribute to periodontitis. Thus, tobacco reduces the reactivity of the immune system, as a result of which the probability of periodontal infection with pathogenic microflora increases significantly. A hereditary predisposition extremely rarely causes the development of this disease, but this sometimes happens. In this case, gingivitis develops, and then - periodontitis.

In patients with diabetes mellitus, the pathological process is diagnosed more often, with therapy rarely yielding results.

For what other reasons does the tooth stagger and hurt when pressed?

Tooth cyst

A tooth cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid, localized in the area of ​​the tooth root. Gradually, this formation increases, displacing neighboring healthy tissues, the teeth sway and begin to fall out. The cyst can be eliminated exclusively by surgery; it cannot be treated with medication. In the initial stage of the disease, the cystic cavity can only be visualized on x-rays. When its dimensions reach a few centimeters, swelling of the gums, pain when biting, loosening develops. Often the cheek swells, the body temperature rises.

gums hurt and teeth loose what to do

Dental granuloma

Sometimes the upper or lower tooth staggers and hurts with a granuloma. It is a complication of a cyst. During infection, the cystic cavity is filled with purulent contents. Typically, a cyst and dental granuloma are considered a consequence of a caries lesion. At the same time, the patient is worried about severe pain, general malaise, high fever. The tooth acquires excessive mobility and begins to stagger. This condition requires an urgent visit to a specialist, otherwise the focus of infection can go to other organs. The tooth is removed and a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Granuloma may have a different location in the tooth cortex, but most often granulomas are found in the upper part of the tooth root. The hidden course of this disease is fraught with some danger, since it does not allow timely diagnosis and treatment of it.

Most often, this formation is a complication of pulpitis and is caused by the spread of infection of the nerve located in the root of the tooth, affected by inflammation. The second cause of this process may be damage to surrounding tissues - periodontitis. Injuries, such as a tooth fracture, are the main source of infection and can also trigger the development of dental granuloma.

The factors that provoke the development of acute manifestations of this disease include hypothermia, colds, stressful situations, climate change, overstrain.


This disease is called flux, it acts as a result of advanced tooth decay, improper tooth therapy or trauma. A purulent inflammatory process occurs in the periosteum, which is manifested by severe pain, swelling of the cheeks, and an increase in temperature. The diseased tooth gradually sways. In such a case, the abscess must be opened, drainage is given and antibacterial medications are prescribed.

wisdom tooth staggers and hurts

A wisdom tooth staggers and hurts

These elements of the oral cavity do not fulfill the main functions of the jaw and are a relic of the past, therefore they are usually removed. When such a tooth staggers, strengthening it makes little sense. The decision to remove is made by the dentist.

Tooth injury

With a bruise, a dislocation or a fracture of the bone formation in the oral cavity can occur, which is often accompanied by pain and a loose tooth. Therapeutic measures depend on the degree of complexity of the trauma.


Pathological disorders in the structure of the dental apparatus lead to the fact that the load on the jaw is distributed unevenly. Over time, as a result of this, the teeth become loose and begin to ache, most often the front ones. A similar pathological process is subject to orthodontic therapy.

Other causes of loosening and sore teeth

The following common pathologies can lead to loosening and development of pain syndrome:

  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metabolic disturbances;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • gum inflammation under the prosthesis.

These diseases can lead to increased mobility of the dental apparatus, however, there is no severe pain syndrome, as with various dental diseases.

Tooth mobility in children and during pregnancy

Swinging baby teeth in children are not a sign of pathological processes.

The period of the change of dental composition lasts from 5 to 11 years. As a rule, parents do not have to go to the dentist. Milk teeth fall out on their own, and should not interfere with this process. It is necessary to consult a specialist in cases when the baby’s baby teeth are loosened as a result of trauma, gingivitis (gum disease), vitamin deficiency, calcium deficiency or caries.

lower tooth staggers and hurts

In the process of the formation of molars in a child, their excessive mobility may be noted at first. This is due to the fact that dental roots are in the process of development. Over time, the dental apparatus is strengthened, and the swing stops on its own.

When a child has a toothache and staggers, this requires a visit to the dentist in the event that such mobility is accompanied by pain and poor health. The factors for the occurrence of such a condition are the same as in adults - diseases and injuries.

During pregnancy, caries often develops in women, which contributes to the fact that the front teeth stagger and hurt. This is due to the fact that the developing embryo takes a large amount of calcium from the mother's body. Most affected by women who suffer from early toxicosis. In order to avoid the development of dental pathologies during pregnancy, you must regularly visit the dentist and follow certain rules:

  1. The use of a large number of foods that contain calcium: sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, hard cheese.
  2. Daily walks in the fresh air, sun exposure, which contributes to the absorption of calcium.
  3. Reception of special vitamin-mineral preparations for pregnant women containing calcium.
  4. Especially careful monitoring of oral hygiene, the use of toothpastes with a high content of phosphorus.

If your gums hurt and your teeth are loose, what should I do?

First aid for loosening teeth, dentist's advice

It is necessary to consult a dentist as soon as possible. With severe mobility, it is by no means recommended to use alternative treatment methods, since they will not help in this case, even vice versa - they can lead to aggravation of pathological processes. A timely visit to the doctor will help to keep the dental apparatus intact.

Is it possible to save a loose tooth, only a specialist decides, who, after all the diagnostic procedures, makes an accurate diagnosis. If you seek help with the first symptoms of trouble, you can get by with conservative therapeutic methods. However, if suppuration in the jaw and serious lesions of the tooth root are observed, the doctor, as a rule, resorts to tooth extraction, which is done in order to prevent the further spread of the inflammatory process.

What to do if the tooth staggers and hurts before going to the doctor? There are situations when severe pain occurs in a person at night or there is no way to visit a doctor immediately. In such situations, you can do the following:

  1. Rinse the oral cavity with a solution of salt, soda and a drop of iodine. The procedure is repeated for 2 hours every 20 minutes.
  2. Do some squats. This helps improve blood circulation and reduce the severity of pain.
  3. Take anesthetic medication: Nise, Tempalgin, Ketanov, Nurofen. This helps very well with severe pain, but it can only be a temporary measure before going to the doctor. Dental therapy cannot be replaced with painkillers. When the molar stumbles and hurts, everyone should know what to do.
  4. If trauma to the jaw occurs, rinse your mouth with water with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water), and then apply a cold compress to your cheek. Chewing on the inflamed side of the jaw should also be ruled out. Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or a solution of furatsilina. This will help should help avoid the inflammatory process.
    molar stays and hurts what to do

Preventative measures

In order to strengthen the teeth, the following preventive measures are necessary:

  1. Eat calcium-rich foods.
  2. Toothbrushing with special pastes that contain fluorine and phosphorus.
  3. Rinse the mouth with a decoction of oak bark.
  4. Do not gnaw hard foods (crackers, nuts).

We looked at what to do if a tooth staggers and hurts.

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