How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy?

When planning a baby, each girl can think about how to measure basal temperature. By this indicator, it is possible to judge about ovulation or successful fertilization. Moreover, BT is able to indicate certain diseases in humans. Therefore, further we will find out how to correctly measure this indicator. This is actually not the most difficult task. And even a teenager can handle it.

About basal temperature

To begin with, a few words about which indicator we will have to deal with further. What is BT?

Basal temperature is the natural temperature of the human body. This component can only be obtained at rest. Physical activity distorts the real picture.

BT schedule

By BT, you can track the phases of the menstrual cycle, judge pregnancy or the presence of any disease (most often tumors).

Important: in different phases of the menstrual cycle, the studied indicator will also be different. That is why you need to understand the rules for measuring BT.

When to take readings

How to measure basal temperature? This process will not require any special preparation. But a woman will have to remember some rules anyway. In addition, you need to deal with the decryption of the received data.

Temperature measurement is only necessary in the morning. In the evening or in the middle of the day, the readings on the thermometer will turn out to be inaccurate. And then the BT schedule will be distorted. To the extent that a woman cannot determine pregnancy or ovulation.

Moreover, when obtaining data on basal temperature, you need to remember one simple rule - all manipulations are performed daily at the same time. It is advisable to do this at 6-7 in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Important: if a woman works on the night shift and sleeps in the morning and in the afternoon, then measurement is allowed in the daytime. The main thing is to rest for about 6-8 hours. Only a full sleep and lack of physical activity will help to obtain the most accurate information.

Methods of taking readings

How to measure basal temperature? Every modern girl will have to choose a method for solving the problem.

For example, BT can be obtained:

  • vaginally;
  • orally;
  • rectally.

The most accurate way to determine the studied indicator is a rectal measurement of body temperature. But in the mouth or in the vagina, you can also hold a thermometer.

Thermometer with temperature

Important: when keeping records of BT, a woman will have to stop at only one of the proposed techniques. Otherwise, there will be no result from the actions taken.

How much to keep a thermometer

How much to measure basal temperature? The answer depends on the chosen method of solving the problem.

At the moment, a thermometer is required to keep 5 minutes in the mouth. If a woman prefers measurements in the vagina or in the anus, you will have to wait 3 minutes. It is not recommended to take out a thermometer and record the results before.

Important: electronic measuring devices must be kept until the "bell".

How long to keep notes

How to measure basal temperature to determine day x or pregnancy? Not every woman realizes that the task will have to be taken with extreme responsibility.

The thing is that a single record will not produce any result. BT changes will have to be recorded daily throughout the entire menstrual cycle. It is necessary to start from the first day of the next critical days.

For the correct determination of pregnancy or ovulation according to the indications of basal temperature, it is required to observe changes in several menstrual cycles. You can do just 3 months, but it is better to take readings for six months.

Important: it is best if a woman constantly keeps records of BT. The more there are, the more clear the picture of the girlโ€™s body condition is in the end.

Pregnancy and BT

About Recording

To correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation or pregnancy, you need to follow some simple rules. What is this about?

The thing is that after taking readings from a thermometer, you will have to write them in a notebook. Next, you need to build a schedule of BT and note the body temperature on a particular day of the cycle.

It is a visual drawing that helps to judge the onset of ovulation or pregnancy. According to ordinary notes in a notebook, you can also navigate, not doing it is not as simple as it seems.

Important: at the moment, a BT schedule is proposed on various women's sites and forums. It is enough to make daily evidence on the appropriate service. The system itself will build a schedule and highlight ovulation, as well as favorable days for conception. This technique will save you from unnecessary trouble.

Basal temperature and ovulation

Using thermometers

How to measure basal temperature? In order not to encounter incorrect readings, you must always use the same measuring device.

What if I needed to replace the thermometer? It is enough just to put an appropriate mark on the BT chart and continue to take readings further. It is advisable (for the purity of the "experiment") to measure the temperature for several menstrual cycles over the planned time.

Important: the need to use the same thermometer is due to the fact that measuring instruments have different "sensitivity". And a deviation of 0.1 degrees Celsius can seriously distort the reality of what is happening in the body.

Step-by-step instruction

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? In the same way as with ovulation tracking. There will be no difference in the processes.

If you briefly imagine the manual for measuring BT, it will look like this:

  1. From the evening of the previous day, put the thermometer close to the bed.
  2. To sleep.
  3. Waking up, not getting out of bed, take a thermometer and measure BT in one way or another.
  4. Record the readings and put them on the chart.

That's all. After the actions done, you can continue your usual day. The procedure is repeated daily. The operation does not provide any special skills. Measurements should be carried out without physical activity.

How to measure BT

About the schedule

Thinking about how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, girls need to understand the phases of the menstrual cycle and how the BT schedule looks. This component plays a huge role for the whole process.

As we already said, according to the corresponding drawing, it will be possible to understand when ovulation occurs. On the BT chart you can see:

  • cycle day;
  • body temperature.

Noting daily changes in BT and connecting neighboring points with each other, a woman will receive a broken line. This is the basal temperature graph. It can be divided into several parts.


  • follicular phase;
  • the onset of ovulation;
  • luteal stage of the menstrual cycle;
  • menstruation.

If you need to track the pregnancy, then it will be visible at the luteal stage of the monthly cycle. Below we will talk about the decryption of the received data.

Impact on BT

We figured out how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine certain changes in the body. It is worth noting that the studied indicator is subject to strong external influences. And therefore, the received data is not always valid.

BT disease and change

Doctors say the following factors affect basal body temperature:

  • bad habits;
  • shift work;
  • illnesses;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases;
  • too long sleep;
  • insomnia;
  • intermittent sleep;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • change of time zone;
  • acclimatization;
  • a sharp change in the weather;
  • long trips;
  • recent sexual intercourse (if it took place less than 4 hours before the measurements);
  • the presence of a woman's tumors or inflammatory processes.

This is not a complete list of what can affect BT. But these factors are most often encountered in practice. It is advisable to avoid them during pregnancy planning. Indeed, ovulation under the influence of these can occur sooner or later. Or disappear altogether.

Important: if on the eve of a woman faced with the above circumstances, she is recommended to make a corresponding mark on the BT schedule. Then there will be no problems with data analysis.

Before ovulation

Now itโ€™s clear how to measure basal temperature. It's time to talk about decrypting the data received.

As already mentioned, the body temperature of a woman varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Prior to ovulation, during the follicular phase, BT will be normal.

What does it mean? The readings on the thermometer reached 36.3-36.7 degrees Celsius. The closer to ovulation, the higher the temperature.

On the BT chart, a smooth increase in readings can be noted. No sharp jumps in one direction or another.


How to measure basal temperature to determine various changes in the body, we found out. It remains to understand the results.

During ovulation, the temperature rises sharply to 37.2-37.5 degrees. These readings will last about 2-3 days. This is how ovulation can be defined.

Important: some girls have a sharp drop in body temperature a day or two before the favorable time for conception. This is quite normal.

After ovulation

If conception has not occurred, then the menstrual cycle goes into the luteal phase. The body is preparing for critical days.

After ovulation and before the onset of menstruation, body temperature will be slightly elevated. It reaches 36.8-37 degrees Celsius. There will be no sharp drops or jumps on the chart.

During menstrual bleeding, BT drops to 36.3-36.6 degrees. Most often, lowered body temperature is observed. This is quite normal.

Important: menstruation is the beginning of a new cycle.

Cycle phases

BT Pregnancy

And how can you understand if a woman is pregnant, if you rely only on the testimony of BT?

The thing is that after the successful conception, BT will remain slightly increased. The same as with ovulation.

As we have already said, with the onset of the "X-day" BT increases by 2-3 days. If it keeps elevated for 5-6 days, pregnancy should be suspected. Especially if there were no such adjustments before.

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