August 19, what holiday in Russia: features, history and interesting facts

Living in Russia is interesting and wonderful. All these sensations brighten up the numerous events with which the annual calendar is full. What holiday in Russia on August 19? It is rather difficult to answer this question, as there may be several options.

Apple Spas

If you ask your grandparents what holiday is celebrated in Russia on August 19, you can hear in response: "Apple Savior." This is a glorious Christian celebration, which is celebrated for more than ten centuries in a row.

August 19, what holiday in Russia

What are they doing on this day? According to ancient tradition, you need to devote all day to preparations from your favorite fruits: make jam, jams, compotes and other sweets. It is imperative to bake a fragrant apple pie and treat each loved one with a slice of this dessert.

what holiday in Russia on August 19

In ancient times, on the holiday of August 19, people boasted of their harvest. They put on white clothes, put plums, apples, pears in a basket and walked around the neighbors, handing out treats. Also on this day it is customary to visit your relatives in the cemetery with the same hotel.

What can not be done in Apple Spas?

Our older relatives know not only which holiday in Russia is celebrated on August 19, but also all the traditions associated with this day. For example, absolutely any kind of physical activity is prohibited. Previously, people freed this day from all affairs and rested with all my heart. Unfortunately, now because of the busy work schedule, this is almost impossible.

It is also strictly forbidden to harm insects, even if they attacked first.

It was believed that if a person violates this sign, then he will pursue failure throughout the year.

Humanitarian aid

Everyone knows about the holiday of August 19 in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. On this day, three glorious states are united with one goal - to help people in need. It is on the Day of Humanitarian Aid that the government of several countries decides how they can help the republics that have suffered due to natural disasters, are in crisis or cannot recover from the hostilities.

what celebrate the holiday in Russia on August 19

It is believed that on this day, not only the head of state, but every ordinary person should become a little kinder. On the holiday of August 19, you need to pay attention to the people who are around: those who do not have a permanent residence, single mothers, sick children and other needy individuals. The purpose of this event is to help another person, without requiring anything in return.

It is believed that after such a ceremony a person is endowed with special protection. After that, he will be ill several times less, all envious people and ill-wishers will disappear.


Do not forget about what a church holiday in Russia on August 19. On this day, the whole country celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord. This very interesting, ancient celebration has been celebrated since the time of the existence of Jesus Christ on this Earth. He read the commandments to his disciples, and in an instant his clothes color and even the shade of his face changed. In connection with this transformation, a glorious church holiday appeared.

It is believed that in mid-August you need to go to church and consecrate the most dear to the heart objects. Believers come in the early morning to the temple and lay their own grown fruits under a large cross. Only after that it was possible to start making blanks.

About what holiday in Russia on August 19, do not have to remind older people. To this day, they set an alarm early in order to have time to do as much as possible in the kitchen. An amazing coincidence was recorded: people who illuminated products for harvesting consumed goodies throughout the year. They never deteriorated or swelled.

Interesting traditions

Unfortunately, young people now rarely recall Orthodox events and do not follow traditions on the holiday date. August 19 in Russia is the day when it is strictly forbidden to eat meat products, eggs and consume milk in any form. It was believed that a person who brought such food into his body, himself incurred serious illnesses.

Young housewives should have done everything beforehand. It was considered a great sin if she began to do the cleaning, sewing or knitting.

People were afraid if there was heat throughout the day. Such weather predicted a harsh winter.

Helping Homeless Animals

In some countries, there has been an acute problem with stray animals for several years running. Hungry cats and dogs live everywhere: in the entrances, on the streets, at metro stations and in other public places. In 1992, it was decided which August 19 holiday in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries of the world will be considered official. Of course, it became World Stray Animals Day.

August 19th holiday

It was during this period 25 years ago that several state-owned shelters were opened. Anyone could find an abandoned pet on the street and bring it to the appropriate institution. There they were fed, washed, made the necessary vaccinations and provided full care. Anyone who wanted could also come to the nursery and choose a pet for themselves.

what a holiday on August 19 in Russia is a church

Currently, groups of volunteers are gathering on this day who are looking for homeless animals on the streets of the city and provide them with the necessary support.

Vest day

If you ask a young man what holiday is in Russia on August 19, then most likely he will remember another important event - the birth of a vest. It was on this significant day in the middle of the 17th century that the first model of this universal clothing was sewn.

Russian holidays in august 19

This event is official for those who wear a striped robe. We are talking about sailors, some military directions and employees of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Celebrate this holiday and people who are distantly related to the above disciplines. In all entertainment centers of each city, interesting contests are held related to this event. For example, you need to create the most beautiful image using striped clothing, put on or take it off for a while, and also come up with various scenes. On this day, it is customary to have fun, concerts are held in the central squares, discos are held, you can even see an unusual fireworks display. Many couples whose wedding took place on that day arrange their celebration in this style. They dress up in appropriate clothes and make out a thematic design in a banquet room. The most important event in their life becomes like a sea party. What gift can be given to a loved one for such an event? Of course, an exclusive vest!

Photography day

What holiday in Russia is celebrated on August 19 by people of creative professions? Undoubtedly, this is Photo Day. Who is directly related to this day? People whose profession is associated with this industry: photographers, models and creators of Photoshop. Thanks to these professionals, every person in the collection comes across a high-quality, bright and interesting shot. It is definitely worth mid-August to congratulate a colleague on a wonderful event and give him a souvenir.

What is happening on this day? Culprits of the celebration advertise their best works. Often a contest is held to find the best specialist. The winner receives an appropriate gift, most often they use a modern camera as his. Often on the embankments of the city you can meet filming lovers who offer to make a free photo as a gift.

holiday date August 19 in Russia

This holiday is actively celebrated by ordinary people. They give their loved ones the best pictures. According to tradition, people go to photo shoots on this day. Many of them are carried out by gift certificate. Many educational institutions organize free photography lessons, thanks to them people stop at choosing their future profession.

What is the holiday of August 19 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world? The answer to this question does not matter. It is important that on this day all peoples are united by some special atmosphere: kindness, nobility and purity.

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