How to recognize menopause in women?

How to recognize menopause? During menopause, the woman's reproductive function fades. Menopause can occur at any age, most often after 43 years. Due to hormonal adjustment, the general well-being of a woman changes. Many are interested in how to determine the onset of menopause. If the general health has significantly worsened, then you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough medical examination. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, a specialist will prescribe a medication if necessary, which will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Tides are the main symptom

Hot flashes with menopause

How to recognize menopause, and what symptoms indicate that it has come? Hot flashes are one of the most famous signs of menopause.

As medical practice shows, most women are faced with the so-called tide. This condition is called a "hot flash." Red spots appear on the skin, there is a headache and dizziness, a feeling of nausea appears and the cardiovascular system is disturbed. The tide does not last long - from 25 seconds to several minutes. Experts say that a similar condition can happen with a man due to such factors:

  • lower testosterone levels;
  • treatment with certain drugs;
  • removal of the testicles.

To normalize well-being, doctors often recommend medication. Medications should be prescribed strictly by a specialist, since side effects may occur. The doctor will choose the right dosage and determine the duration of treatment.

The occurrence of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Many are interested in how to recognize menopause? If a woman sweats heavily at night - this may indicate that menopause is occurring. Due to the deficiency of female sex hormones, overall health is significantly worsened, and thermoregulation is disturbed. The brain receives a signal that the body has overheated, since the hypothalamus malfunctioned. Under such conditions, excess heat is discharged, and the sebaceous glands begin to work actively.

Cycle disruption

How to recognize menopause at home? The cycle in women is disturbed due to the gradual extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries. Monthly periods are irregular. During critical days, a small amount of spotting is released. Often the duration of the menstrual cycle increases from 38 to 85 days. This period is called premenopause. Over time, menstruation will cease to go. If menstruation is absent throughout the year, then we can confidently testify that menopause has come.

Vaginal dryness

How does menopause in women begin? Due to age-related changes in the body of a woman, metabolic processes slow down. Tissues are no longer so elastic and moist, and the intimate zone is more sensitive to such changes. The vaginal wall becomes flabby, cracks form in it, and severe discomfort occurs during sexual rapprochement. Some patients have a feeling of having a foreign body in the vagina due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. Unpleasant symptoms of menopause can bother for months or even years - until the onset of the last menstruation.

Restless sleep

How to recognize the onset of menopause? Insomnia is a common symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience and interferes with a full rest during menopause. Due to a violation of the level of sex hormones, sleep problems occur. An insufficient amount of estrogen provokes the appearance of hot flashes and night sweats, and this also interferes with sleep. Due to impaired magnesium metabolism, muscles cannot completely relax. A lack of progesterone provokes the development of insomnia. You should be aware that progesterone is one of the most famous natural relaxants that can pacify and establish sleep.

Mental disorders

how to recognize menopause

How to recognize the onset of menopause? During menopause, mood often changes. A woman is happy and cheerful for moments, and sometimes tearful and joyless. A sudden emotional outburst can happen before the next critical days. So the premenstrual syndrome is manifested. To improve well-being, you should take sedatives, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

In rare cases, panic attacks can occur, which are a characteristic sign of menopause. In addition, sexual desire is reduced. As medical practice shows, 79% of women aged 49 to 59 do not face the problem of reducing sexual activity. The appearance of such a symptom can be affected by both a physiological and a psychological cause. How to recognize the onset of menopause? Symptoms are not always pronounced, but nevertheless they cause a lot of inconvenience and appear in the form of such signs:

  1. Vaginal dryness. In the process of sexual rapprochement, discomfort may occur due to the appearance of painful sensations and irritation, since the mucous membranes of the vagina are less elastic. Under such conditions, intimacy is not a pleasure.
  2. Quite often, during menopause, women are worried about soreness of the mammary glands. Due to changes in the hormonal background in the chest, discomfort occurs.

Problems with nails and hair

Due to hormonal imbalance, hair can actively fall out. This is one of the most common phenomena that a woman may encounter with menopause. Unfortunately, due to a lack of estrogen, not only hair but also nails are affected. A brittle and dry nail plate may flake. With such changes, you should visit a doctor.

Disorders in the cardiovascular system

how to recognize the onset of menopause symptoms

Due to the natural decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, diseases of the cardiovascular system can occur in women. Thanks to estrogen, the vessels are flexible and elastic, which ensures full blood supply. Quite often, in women during menopause, doctors diagnose arterial hypertension. Under such conditions, it is important to regularly monitor overall well-being and measure blood pressure. This will help prevent the development of serious complications. If the tonometer readings are too high, a stroke or heart attack may occur. To prevent this, you should regularly visit your doctor.

A dangerous symptom is osteoporosis.

how to recognize the onset of menopause

During menopause, many symptoms cause discomfort. How to recognize menopause is of interest to many. With menopause, calcium deficiency often occurs. Under such conditions, bone mass can decrease, and this significantly increases the risk of fracture. If general health worsens, you should visit a doctor. The following symptoms should be a cause for concern:

  • feeling of weakness and increased fatigue;
  • pain in the lumbar region and sacrum;
  • discomfort during active movement.

If one of the symptoms appears, it is not recommended to self-medicate and take medications without first consulting a doctor. Doctors are not advised to systematically drink painkillers. This only masks the disease, but does not affect its development.

How to improve your well-being?

The drug "Convalis"

Many people know how menopause begins in women, but not everyone knows which drugs will help to improve well-being. In the event that the unpleasant symptoms of menopause interfere with a habitual and active lifestyle, it is necessary to carry out drug therapy. Based on the results of the patient’s study, the doctor will select the appropriate effective medication that will help improve the general condition of the woman. Thanks to medications, you can eliminate the following symptoms:

  • insomnia
  • Depression
  • tides;
  • sexual problems;
  • hair loss;
  • fragility of nails.

With the help of drugs, it will be possible to restore full urination and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.

With the help of Novella, Fluoxetine, Velaxin, Adepressa, Actaparoxetine, Rexetin, Paxila, Plizila, a patient is treated during menopause. After treatment with medications, sleep is normalized, the appetite is good and the mood is even. If a woman has convulsions, then thanks to "Gabagamma", "Konvalis" you can eliminate the symptoms with a menopause. To normalize the woman’s reproductive system during the onset of menopause, it is necessary to carry out treatment using Estrovel, Klimadinon, Feminalgin, Femicaps, Tsi-Klima, and Tribestan. Such drugs relieve menopausal syndrome, help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminate hot flashes and improve overall well-being.

What are the reasons for an early menopause in a woman?

how menopause begins in women

There are several reasons for which an early menopause may occur:

  • hereditary factor;
  • early puberty;
  • surgical manipulation of the pelvic organs;
  • prolonged stress;
  • unbalanced diet or hunger;
  • the implementation of chemotherapy;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • smoking.

How to recognize early menopause? Symptoms are manifested in the form of the following symptoms:

  • tides;
  • tachycardia;
  • emotional instability;
  • decreased sex drive.

In some cases, secondary signs appear:

  • there are problems in the process of emptying the bladder;
  • dry vagina appears;
  • hair fall out;
  • the state of the nail plate changes.

Is early menopause dangerous? Only a doctor can answer this question precisely after a thorough examination of the patient. First of all, it is necessary to identify the factor that provoked the onset of menopause ahead of time. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe effective medications that will help normalize the woman's reproductive system.

Note to women

Doctor consultation

How to find out that menopause has come? If the general state of health has significantly worsened, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination so that the specialist identifies the factor that provoked the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. Many diseases can cause insomnia and weakness. At home, it is impossible to carry out a thorough diagnosis of the whole organism, therefore it is not recommended to self-medicate and take medications without first consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies often have the same strength as potent medicines, so they can harm the whole body. If menopausal syndrome causes a lot of inconvenience, then you can not do without drug therapy. Thanks to drugs, the overall health of a woman can be improved. The duration of treatment and dosage will be determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the strength of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body.

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