What is arugula useful for the body. Arugula salad: useful properties and contraindications

Have you noticed that practically in every culinary program rucola salad is actively used? For many compatriots, this plant remains a mystery, and few people know how to handle it. Our ancestors knew about the spicy taste and medicinal properties of an inconspicuous weed, which is also called a caterpillar or a walker.

In the 21st century, the popularity of green lettuce is gradually growing. Nutritionists and doctors are well aware of the benefits of arugula for humans, but more on that later. The culprit of today's publication is this annual plant.

Cognitive information

why arugula is useful

Belongs to the cruciferous arugula family . Useful properties and contraindications of salad are completely different. Botanical science has approximately 90 varieties of this herb. However, the most popular and sought after in Eurasia is the gallows. Bright green grass with yellow flowers. Delicate leaves exude a pleasant aroma and have a spicy slightly bitter taste. The range of growth is extensive - from the Far East to Africa. It occurs in the wild, often the plant can be seen in Dagestan, the Caucasus and Eurasia.

As a vegetable crop is grown on personal plots, window sills. The rucola salad is unpretentious in leaving and to climatic conditions. Useful properties are enclosed in green leaves and seeds enriched with essential oils. Without much work, you can get your own nutritious plant at home. However, you should know that the grass must be regularly watered and it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight.

"Green First Aid Kit" donated by nature

rucola salad beneficial properties

The plain-looking crawler deserves high praise and respect. After you know the composition, you will understand how useful arugula and what healing power awarded. In greens, a group of different vitamins is collected: A, B, C, D. It boasts the presence of vital chemical elements, without which the body gradually fades. These include magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, manganese.

The enormous benefits are also due to the content of plant fiber and tannins. With regular consumption, it is possible to strengthen the protective barrier and tone the body. Grass is rich in flavonoids - substances that are known to prevent the risk of vascular pathologies. For this reason, the product is recommended by specialists for high blood pressure, cholesterol and impaired venous blood flow.

What else is arugula useful for the body? According to scientists, the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous processes, has a calming effect. Be sure to include it in the diet of diabetics, patients with genitourinary disorders. Young leaflets have a disinfectant, diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. As an additional therapy, greens are indicated for pyelonephritis, skin and heart diseases.

Clinical trials have confirmed the healing power of the plant, especially in the treatment of gastric ulcer. Studies have repeatedly been conducted on rodents suffering from gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcer. For a certain time they were treated with a gosladynik. To the great surprise, the specialists found significant improvements: the production of gastric juice was reduced. It is difficult to overestimate the healing qualities of such a piquant weed.

Guarding Men's Health

rucola salad useful properties and contraindications

Incredible therapeutic activity is possessed by rucola salad, whose beneficial properties are in the biochemical composition for the strong half of humanity. This is the best remedy for erectile dysfunction. The ancient Romans knew about the miraculous power of the aphrodisiac.

Many modern healers for the purpose of prevention are advised to use a plant with shrimp. Such a banal recipe will help to preserve male libido and sexual energy for a long time. There is a healing potion that has been tested for centuries: combine arugula with honey and black pepper (10: 1). Eat a tablespoon daily.

What is arugula useful for the female body?

The plant has established itself as an excellent tool in the fight against dryness and irritation of the skin. Cosmetology companies add it to the product mix. Grass helps to get rid of peeling, redness and rashes. Porridge from green leaves, combined with lemon juice whitens the skin, helps smooth wrinkles.

what is arugula useful for the body

Used for baldness and brittle hair arugula. Useful properties are the presence of retinol (vitamin A). It is enough to rub plant oil into the scalp several times a week to prevent problems. We want to please women with another important advantage of grass.

It helps to stabilize weight, normalize metabolism. In addition, a small portion reduces appetite and saturates for a long time. Nutritionists around the world prescribe it to all losing weight. Green salad can be mixed with boiled fish, chicken, seafood, fresh vegetables. Dishes will supply the weakened body with the missing minerals and will not add extra calories.

Green arugula salad: useful properties and contraindications

There is no doubt in the healing power of the herb, however, despite the abundance of positive aspects, it can be harmful. Especially for persons with hypersensitivity and individual intolerance. Recall that the composition contains volatile, provoking an allergic reaction. Limit the portion of the product should people with high acidity of the stomach and colitis.

arugula useful properties and contraindications

Use caution during pregnancy arugula salad. Useful properties and contraindications are not comparable, but still the plant causes uterine contractions. Refuse to take while breastfeeding the baby. On this, harmful properties are exhausted.

Vitamins on your table

Spicy and fragrant greens have long taken root in world culinary. She gives dishes a touch of sophistication. Gourmets add it to meat, vegetable and fish delicacies. Salad leaves are seasoned with olive oil and eaten with brown bread. The plant goes well with cottage cheese, creamy sauces, rice. Agree, it is difficult to find a similar spice in nature. We have already discussed what arugula is useful for the body, now we will delight readers with a recipe for a delicious dish.

Caesar salad"

arugula useful properties

Before cooking, we will give advice: do not cut the greens with a knife, as it will lose its properties. Better tear with your hands. Component components:

  • chicken fillet in an amount of three hundred grams;
  • arugula leaves (dosage at discretion);
  • Cherry - 10 pcs.;
  • lettuce ;
  • Parmesan cheese - 200 gr.;
  • white bread - six cubes;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing.

Cut the meat into thin strips, fry with salt and pepper. Pieces of white bread without a crust are passaged until golden brown in a separate frying pan. We combine chicken, halves of cherry, homemade crackers, grated cheese, lettuce and arugula. Dress with sauce, cool and enjoy the taste!

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of using healing herbs, the more you now know what arugula is useful.

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