Eastern horoscope. Dog sign

The Dog sign belongs to a few restless people who are always on the alert and waiting for a dirty trick from all sides. They are quite closed, they are not typical to show their emotions. Their real feelings, feelings and desires often remain only in the soul.

Sometimes people whose birth year is on the Dog sign are very cynical, which pushes others around them. They constantly correct everyone, make comments, try to direct the true path, they simply cannot live without criticizing or teaching people. They immerse themselves in the details, are always logical, do not give in to emotions, and act only after much thought.

Man is a sign. A dog simply hates injustice. This is a fighter for the truth. By nature, he is a skeptic and ardent materialist, but has an excellent sense of humor, which quite often helps to get out of not very pleasant situations and, so dearly beloved, disputes.

He does not like the gatherings and the crowd. He does not go to clubs or other public events, preferring home comfort or gatherings to a small company. From the outside it seems that this person is cold and callous, but this is far from the case, just his real emotions are hidden deep inside.

Despite the negative character traits, the sign Dog is a noble nature. Always lend a helping hand, help in a difficult situation. If someone helps him, then the Dog will never forget kindness and will forever remain faithful and grateful. There is fidelity in relations with the opposite sex. These people are not peculiar to treason and campaigns on the side. They are always honest with themselves and with loved ones. Most importantly, you can always rely on the Dogs with full confidence that they will never betray or divulge secrets. They are just great friends, especially if it is the Dog - the zodiac sign Aries or Capricorn.

Quite intelligent individuals, all their life learning something. But often among the Dogs there is a problem with the fact that they cannot qualitatively express their thoughts.

As supporters of injustice, any manifestation of it causes a strong proest. In this case, the Dog goes ahead into the battle and does not calm down until he proves his case, defends the victim and punishes the offender. These people really suffer from injustice, if a catastrophe or any other misfortune happens, they do not find a place for themselves, they are eager to help. They care about everything: hunger, calamity, war, unemployment. That is why sponsors and patrons are often found among them, they help absolutely free of charge, while experiencing moral satisfaction.

Horoscope of compatibility. Dog and other zodiac signs.

Aries. Very faithful people. They are able to overcome life's obstacles.

Calf. They are rather cynical and can "go over their heads" for their own material and spiritual benefits.

Twins. You can not call too smart people, but there is plenty of spiritual kindness.

Cancer. Sensitive and sentimental, can cry because of the little things, so they are quite vulnerable.

A lion. Bright personality. There are always a lot of people and noise around, obvious leadership qualities.

Virgo. Technically, a mindset. He will always find a logical explanation for everything.

Libra. The softest character. They will never offend anyone, they forgive everyone. Well-developed diplomatic skills.

Scorpio. Flashes of rage and aggression are possible. These people have a heavy character, they constantly participate in disputes, sow discord.

Sagittarius. Energy is in full swing! No one and nothing will stop this person.

Capricorn. You can always rely on such people with a clear conscience, they will never betray and will not reveal someone else's secrets. They are very careful and prone to excessive suspicion.

Aquarius. High intelligence, bright mind. Achieve professional success.

Fish. Original and interesting people. There is a craving for sport and competition.

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