Overtaking is easy if you follow the rules. Traffic rules: overtaking

Overtaking is the most important topic in traffic rules. As a matter of fact, any topic needs to be learned, since everything that is in the rules will be useful in practical driving in the future. Therefore, it is worth talking about how overtaking is carried out, where it is prohibited, as well as about everything else that may relate to this topic.

overtaking it


I would like to start with terminology. So, overtaking is the advancing of a vehicle (one or several at once), which is directly related to going to the oncoming lane. After the maneuver is completed, the driver returns.

There is still a second term. And this is an advance. Many often confuse it with overtaking. What is the meaning of this concept? Everything is as simple as possible. Advancement is a process in which the driver of a particular vehicle moves at a speed that is higher than that of the other, passing cars. They ate in other words - it’s just a situation when a car “bypasses” its neighbor. At the same time, the driver does not tune into the oncoming lane, so this maneuver is considered much safer. Therefore, the terms do not need to be confused. Overtaking is one thing, and being ahead is another.

The first thing to learn

In the 11th chapter of the rules of the road , everything related to overtaking is described in great detail. And the first thing that the SDA book teaches is that before proceeding with the maneuver, the driver must make sure that the lane where he intends to leave is free. He must calculate whether he has enough time, and how high is the likelihood that during the implementation of his actions, a car will not appear in the oncoming lane. It is very important. Many drivers do not comply with this rule, and the result, as a rule, is disastrous. It is because of this that the majority of accidents and deaths due to accidents occur. Because two cars that “walked” at high speeds and collided with front bumpers are usually victims.

All this gives rise to a law that states: if an accident occurs under the circumstances described above, then in the incident the fault always lies with the person who initiated the overtaking. This is logical and understandable. After all, it was the driver who did not calculate everything beforehand, and began the maneuver without thinking about the consequences and without waiting elementarily.

overtaking rules

Golden Rule number 2

Another point that you need to memorize by reading the topic “Overtaking”. SDA says: the driver of the car that they intend to overtake should not increase speed at the moment. It is recommended, on the contrary, to reduce it. Because otherwise, the time that a person will have to spend on maneuvering increases. Accordingly, he will ride longer in the oncoming lane, and this is at least a few tens of meters. No need to clarify what this is fraught with.


In addition to the above, there are many more nuances that must also be taken into account. Overtaking is prohibited, for example, in those cases when the vehicle in front is ahead of someone else or trying to avoid an obstacle. You still cannot proceed with this maneuver if the car that was walking in the same lane gave a turn signal.

Also, a person, before starting to take action to perform an action, must look in the rear mirror. Because it may well be likely that the car that was following him also decided to overtake. SDA in such cases say that you need to wait, reduce speed (or at least do not exceed), and only then, once again having checked everything, do your plan.

And, of course, one more nuance. Overtaking is prohibited if the driver understands that after the completion of the maneuver he will not be able to return to his lane without creating any obstacles for the rest of the vehicles (including the one being overtaken). Many motorists forget these simple provisions, which is why they get into accidents.

pedestrian overtaking

Speed ​​Issues

Overtaking rules also dictate certain provisions regarding how quickly the driver needs to move, who intends to do the named maneuver. This nuance is also important.

You can’t take action if the speed at which the car is moving is not enough. Let’s say the speedometer in front of the vehicle is 85 km / h. If a person who wants to overtake him has accelerated only to 80 km / h - in no case should one proceed with actions. Even if in terms of speed he has walked his neighbor in lanes of several kilometers - you should not risk it either. So, for example, if he managed to accelerate to 90 km / h, then in this case, to complete a full pass, it will take 180 meters. And the oncoming lane should be free for 360 meters. Why so? Everything is simple. 180 meters is needed for the man involved in the maneuver, and the same amount for the oncoming car. This is the only way to avoid a collision.

The rules for overtaking are that if a person catches up with a car ahead too slowly, it is better to abandon the plan. Because, having completed the action, the driver will automatically interfere with the car that has just been ahead. And it is possible that he also decides to go to overtake. In general, in this case, high speed is needed - this must be learned.

overtaking traffic

Where you can’t do a maneuver?

Overtaking is prohibited in many places. Firstly, at regulated and unregulated intersections (if a person is moving on the wrong road that is the main one).

Secondly, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is also strictly prohibited. Railroad crossings (and the distance located 100 meters to them), bridges, overpasses, tunnels (and also below them), the end of the ascent, dangerous turns, areas where visibility is limited - this cannot be done in all the above places.

There are certain situations with the intersection in which you can overtake the vehicle ahead. Firstly, it should not be adjustable. Secondly, the sign of the main road must be in front of the intersection . There should be no additional plates (with the exception of characters numbered from 2.3.1. To 2.3.7). This means that the maneuver can be completed only if the main road does not change direction at this intersection.

It is also worth noting that before the rules were allowed to overtake at pedestrian crossings, if it was empty. But now everything has changed, and from now on this action is prohibited even if this section of the road is empty.

overtaking penalty

Dangerous places

It is worth telling in more detail about those sections of the road where the maneuver is not only threatened with a fine, but also with life. So, bridges, flyovers, overpasses and tunnels are just as dangerous as the oncoming lane. Overtaking, respectively, there should not be any.

In general, some bridges are sometimes built in such a way that it is impossible to see them from afar. And many drivers, in a hurry, start overtaking and, as a result, complete it on the bridge, where travel is difficult. By the way, usually there are corresponding signs. The overtaking sign is numbered as 3.20. It's easy to recognize it - it shows two cars, the left of which is highlighted in red. Everything is clear, the meaning does not need to be explained.

More about signs

But when a person sees pointer 3.26, then you can relax and proceed, having checked everything beforehand, to maneuver. This sign looks like the same 3.20, only both cars are gray and are crossed out obliquely by five lines. This means the lifting of the ban.

Dangerous turns and do not need any signs at all - they are visible and so. However, according to the rules they are established - 1.14, 1.11.1, 1.11.2. When you see these signs, you need to not only wait for a maneuver, but also reduce the speed (with the exception of a steep climb).

And, finally, if visibility is limited on some section (such a road, or there are some structures there, or maybe a specific terrain), then overtaking is also prohibited. In such situations, it is better to drive as carefully as possible and be as careful as possible. And, as you might have already noticed, not many characters will need to be memorized. Only two - one prohibition indicator, and the second - cancellation, and they occur sequentially. The second - after some distance after the first.

no overtaking

Code Provisions

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there is no separate article or punishment for illiterate overtaking. But there is the 12th chapter of the Code of Administrative Violations. There, in the fourth part, it says that leaving on the oncoming lane or on tram tracks (of course, also oncoming directions) is punishable by a fine. Its size is five thousand rubles. The penalty for overtaking, as you can see, is not small. Also, the driver may be deprived of his rights. The term is usually 4-6 months. For many people, losing a driver’s license this way is the worst punishment, because many say it’s better to get a penalty for overtaking.

It should be noted that under this article, those drivers who overtake in the wrong place are punished. That is, where there were no permitting signs.

Many people are interested in - is it possible to “exchange" the punishment? Instead of deprivation, pay a fine? No, it all depends on the traffic police. Fine? So it will be so. Will the case be brought to court? Most likely, the deprivation of rights threatens, but there, at the hearing, you can try to solve this problem and justify yourself.

Maneuvering locations

Much has been said about where it is impossible to overtake. But what about where it can be? These places also need to be listed. The so-called oncoming drive is allowed to be carried out on two-lane motorways. There the center line looks like intermittent markings.

You can also do this on the road where there are only three lanes. And they should also have broken lines. And, of course, the permit category includes roads where there are only two lanes, and the markings are combined. That's where overtaking is allowed. But not in all places there are corresponding signs, therefore it is desirable to remember all this. There will be no excess.

overtaking allowed

What is not overtaking?

At the very beginning, it was said that many people are confused in the definitions of “overtaking” and “advancing”. Now we should clarify everything with examples.

Overtaking that occurs within the same lane is not considered overtaking. Because, if the intersection of the horizontal marking does not happen, it was not an oncoming journey. Another overtaking can not be called an advance that does not go beyond the right half of the road. That is, the car does not drive into the oncoming lane either.

And, finally, one more point - car ahead of schedule, in which a person drove into the oncoming lane, but did not return to the side of the passing traffic. Turned, for example.

So, if you remember all of the above, then you can safely perform overtaking. The main thing is to remember the rules.

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