Marshal tires: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

Often, to win sales markets in Europe and North America, Asian manufacturers go to a variety of tricks. For example, they are developing a new marketing policy. This trend has also affected Marshal tires.

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A bit of history

The presented brand is fully owned by the South Korean company Kumho Tires. The Korean giant made such tricks because of his desire to occupy a leading position in the global tire industry. Now Marshal tires are served in Europe, North America. A few years ago, a representative office was opened in Russia.

The lineup

Tire tread Matshal Matrac FX KMU11

Marshal tires are designed for different vehicles. The most popular models designed for sedans and small cars. In reviews of Marshal tires, drivers talk about good grip and low noise. Tires for trucks and all-wheel drive vehicles are less popular. In this segment, South Korean tires are noticeably inferior to larger and more famous manufacturers.


Before shipping to dealers, all Marshal tires undergo several degrees of quality control. This eliminates the possibility of defective products falling into retail. Compliance with quality is confirmed by international ISO and DOT certificates.

The manufacturing techniques used in the manufacture and design of Marshal tires fully comply with all international standards. The tread design is created using modern modeling techniques. Only after that, the company tests the prototype at internal landfills.

Tire tread "Marshal"

The rubber compound from Kumho tires is more soft. Just Marshal tires are designed for more severe than in South Korea, the climate of Europe. That is what determines this approach.


Most in demand are Marshal tires for the summer. Reviews of drivers in this case, for the most part, are only positive. The advantages of rubber of this sample are primarily in reliable dynamics and low noise. The car confidently holds the road, even in conditions of heavy rain. All models of the brand have a developed drainage system that effectively copes with water drainage. The risks of drifts are minimal. High-speed tire types have been developed that are able to maintain their performance characteristics up to a car speed of 300 km / h. Of course, this type of rubber is more rigid and noisy.

Consumer interest in the winter tires of this brand is slightly lower. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, strong competition. Secondly, stringent legislation of the EU countries. Thirdly, the conservative approach of car owners themselves. In reviews of Marshal winter tires, drivers note a low resistance of tires to extremely low temperatures. At the same time, the quality of fixing the spikes also raises many questions. Often, these metal elements fly out of the tread even after one season of operation. Of course, by this parameter it is impossible to judge unambiguously about the quality of Marshal tires. Just some motorists forget about the need to break in wheels.

Winter car

The lineup includes models for year-round operation. These types of tires are noticeably smaller. By the way, the manufacturer himself introduces serious restrictions on the temperature regime. The company does not recommend the use of tires in severe frosts. Many drivers in this case go for a simple trick - they drive the tires presented until late autumn, and after that they change the tires for winter.

Where is produced

Marshal tires are manufactured in a factory in China. Some tire models are also available in South Korea. This separation allows manufacturers to save a decent amount. That's just the prejudice of motorists about the quality of Chinese goods leaves a negative imprint on the final demand.


The company manages to compete with other major brands primarily due to its well-defined pricing policy. In reviews of Marshal tires, many motorists note primarily their acceptable cost. Rubber belongs to the middle category with a slight bias in the budget side. Tires are almost never put on premium cars; they give preference to more expensive and reliable brands.


The biggest problem presented by the class of tires is their low mileage. Often, bumps and hernias form on the sidewalls of the wheels. Especially often this phenomenon is noticed by motorists who are forced to move on roads with poor asphalt surface.

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