The square of Venus and Pluto in astrology can be compared with Shakespearean tragedies. As in the works of the great author, the history of these two loving hearts is also not going smoothly. The myth of Pluto speaks of the separated halves of one whole. They always try to find each other in order to restore their lost integrity.
Fatal love and the Pluto Venus aspect intertwine and produce obsessed love. The most difficult cases of the aspect are conjunction, quadrature and opposition. Any option in the end can lead to unrequited love and suffering. How to understand the synastry of Venus and Pluto, read below.
What is synastry?
Through the use of a variety of astrological tools, modern astrologers can make an objective assessment of the potential for interaction between two people. This implies the synastric aspect. In addition to people, with the help of synastry, you can analyze the relationship with their pets or with organizations where people work.
Synastry methods are divided into 2 groups:
- The first studies natal charts and their derivatives from two partners. The easiest way is to overlay a card of one person on a card of another and then analyze the resulting aspects. That is, it is a synasty with decryption.
- The second is studying an integrated map, which is an average. This map is a very detailed analysis of all aspects of the synastry and summarizes the possible prospects for relations between partners.
Most often, astrologers make a grid or a table with the planets of one person vertically and another horizontally, thereby observing which aspects begin to emerge in certain intersections.
The conjunction of Venus with Pluto
The combination of Venus and Pluto in the synastry guarantees a romantic relationship, and physical attraction to each other occurs involuntarily. If the aspect is negative, then the personality in which Pluto prevails usually shows zealous and possessive feelings for his partner with retrograde Venus. Man-Pluto seeks to control it and even tries to adjust for himself, "bend". These options for the square of Venus and Pluto in the synastry very negatively affect intimate life, especially if the partners are spouses.
If the aspect is positive, then the relationship is rebuilt in a spiritual way. Man-Pluto becomes a kind of helper or vehicle of man-Venus in the material plane. This option allows people to build an excellent tandem in business related to finance, culture, art or social insurance. And parallel spiritual development allows achieving mutual respect and unity in personal relationships.
What is sextile, trine and quadrature in astrology?
In the astrological forecast, there are often both positive and negative scenarios. So, the harmonious aspect that means luck is sextile. Its action softens the situation and provides opportunities that will help achieve the desired result. The opposite is quadrature. This aspect is very tense and brings disharmony. Obstacles and open conflicts come to life with him.
Further in the astrological forecast you can find a trigon or trine. The translation of this word means "triple" or "triangle." This aspect, by contrast, is the most balanced and stable. It is he who helps to smooth out emerging conflicts or remove acute problems. With the help of trine, all human traits come into harmony.
A square (quadrature), already mentioned above, is an aspect that distorts the energy of one planet with the energy of another, such as the square of Venus and Pluto in the synastry. That is, the energy of one of these planets blocks or destroys the natural properties of another planet.
A square is always a one hundred percent conflict of interest. It is the square that shows the worst events in the natal chart. He can predict misfortunes or losses, as well as severe suffering or fatal confluence of circumstances. Planets that are in a beneficial aspect in contact with the square will indicate difficulties in relationships, for example, Venus will talk about unhappy love, unsuccessful marriage and love sufferings.
Compound, sextile or trine of Venus to Pluto
How does Pluto and Venus connect in the synastry? Man-Pluto makes great demands based on jealousy of his half-Venus. He will completely absorb it and rule, as the owner. But sextile and trine show well-being. These aspects usually bring profitable partnerships in social spheres or in economic development. However, when combining such a pair, both may have a reassessment of life values.
If you have the square of Venus and Pluto in the synastry in a marriage or close business relationship, financial problems can arise that most often lead to deceit and bad consequences for the human Venus. And if the relationship is only romantic, then Venus will already undergo a process of mental decay or degradation due to the development of debauchery, vulgarity and vulgarity in his life. This can result in direct sexual harassment. But in all such cases, the square of the transit Pluto to the natal Venus should be considered in detail in the maps of both people.
Venus man conjunct Pluto woman
In this aspect, a man identifies himself with his life beginning, while actively developing. A woman, walking on his heels and being literally his "shadow", usually goes unnoticed in her affairs, but becomes an expression of the trends that a man loves. Over time, intense female passion increases, forming a mystical connection with a man and extending to the depths of the heart.
Venus woman conjunct Pluto
As you can see, the aspects of Venus and Pluto in the synastry vary depending on the strength of one or another planet in the natal chart of a particular person. According to astrology, the female Venus, in conjunction with the male Pluto, usually feels all the male responses in her direction, but she cannot express them openly, that is, she keeps in herself. Passion forms between two people, and the past is forgotten as a nightmare. Such love is usually endowed with some kind of secret quality, just it is a magic casket that stores the original essence of love.
Since love most often in life passes over time, in this aspect it mystically revives, like a fantastic phoenix bird. This is because the female Venus finds herself, and the male Pluto is aware of its original āIā associated with cosmic energy.
Quadrature of Venus to Pluto
With the square of Venus and Pluto in the synastry between two people there is a physical attraction that prevails over romance, so the couple always have problems, accompanied by jealousy and possessive manners. The person-Pluto will always try to control the Venusian, and also strive to be dominant emotionally. Plus, the Plutonian in this aspect is the chief finance officer.
The Venusian will always consider the Plutonian to be too aggressive, not only in ordinary life, but also in the intimate, and in response, the Plutonian will see excessive frivolity in the Venusian. In a business relationship, success in such a combination will not be.
Quadrature of the male Venus to the female Pluto
In this case, male nature is feminine and soft, and female nature, on the contrary, is impulsive. The square of Venus and Pluto in natal for a man means a threat to his inner self-confidence, as a woman-Pluto taunts things that, according to a man, can soften her temper. And the more he reacts to his suppressed inner "I", the more he will feel his humiliation. However, this aspect increases sexual desire due to the flexibility of female nature.
Squaring a woman-Venus to a man-Plutonian
A woman feels within herself all those qualities that a man within himself cannot consider. But the intensity of male nature in this aspect knocks a woman off balance, and the more the Venusian woman tries to help her partner in male transformation, the more she cuts the bonds of her past life. In this aspect, spiritual growth is inevitable, however, the disorder arising from the Plutonian will bring difficulties in marriage affairs.
Trine of Venus to Pluto
In this option, a romantic and physical attraction is well manifested in a pair. Such a combination will be a success in relationships where financial issues prevail. The person-Venus benefits the Plutonian in developing diplomatic qualities, and the person-Pluto pushes the Venusian to spiritual development and a positive attitude. Pluto brings mysticism here.
Venus woman in trine to male Pluto
Here a woman can reach her heights thanks to the Plutonian. Her mind reaches the music flowing from the male subconscious, it is she who attracts a woman so much. Colorful shades of impressions arise literally from nowhere. The masculine subconscious subconscious completely takes possession of the Venusian woman; as a result, she simply dissolves in it, receiving the highest goodness. She becomes music, and he becomes inspiration, singing about love. It is in the melody that forms the stream of consciousness that these relationships flow.
Venus man in trine to woman Pluto
If such an aspect is considered in a relationship, then the depth of a woman is complemented by the warmth of a man. When she is at the very bottom of her well, the saving light from her partner gets to her. It contributes to the transformation of its lower nature, leads to self-knowledge and recognition. Transformations occur in a soft manner, thanks to which a man also receives his share of growth and development. He recognizes and realizes his ability to love and be loved. In turn, the light above the well that a woman sees is a man's unconditional love.
Opposition of Venus to Pluto
Surprisingly, with such opposition, romance prevails. However, the Venus-man will consider the Plutonian to be the dominant and terrible owner, and in the opposite direction, the Venusian will receive the stigma of a superficial and rather frivolous person. Only a personal manifestation of Pluto in a separate horoscope can show the true strength of its influence. In a positive way, romantic and loving relationships can be endowed with a spiritual aspect that will stimulate the creation of something more.
Thanks to this development, mutual respect is developing between partners. Common interests are manifested in art and culture. But if the partners, being married, decided to divorce, then the process will be accompanied by scandals, screams and serious conflicts related to the material sphere and total capital.
Venus man in opposition to the woman-Pluto
This option combines passion and instability at the same time. This aspect usually leads to breaks in relationships. Everything happens because a Venusian man sees femininity within himself and tries to kill all its manifestations in relation to himself, since he considers this a weakness. A woman, on the contrary, sees herself perfectly in a man, but does not understand her destructive power and continues to beat against the wall, fighting with a similar male nature. Despite the difficulties, partners due to this aspect can achieve the strongest transformations.
Female Venus in opposition to male Pluto
In this aspect, the Venusian woman acutely feels not only passion with her Plutonian, but also its inconstancy, originating at the lowest levels of development. However, in this way, she achieves good work on herself and quite laborious changes. While a woman gives her love to a man, he tries to destroy everything that impedes her growth.
A new awareness can come to a woman only if she can withstand the process of coup and waiting for approval from a partner. Due to the problematic nature of this aspect, not all couples can withstand such passions, so they often diverge even if there are other positive strengths.