Headache conspiracies: reading rules, texts

The pain, literally splitting the head in half, is known to many. It easily destroys a person’s plans and significantly complicates his life, especially if there are no necessary medicines at hand. Sometimes migraines are so strong that pharmacy products are not able to help. In this case, you will have to consult a doctor or use the ancient and proven method of the ancestors - read the plot for a headache.

The rules of the rituals

Important rules of magic

The success of a magic ritual always depends on the performer. You can perfectly learn the words of the conspiracy, carefully prepare the room and follow all the rules, but you can’t achieve the result. This will happen if you do not believe in luck or think during the process about extraneous things. And you can mix up words or the number of candles, but clearly visualize the final result, have 100% confidence in success and quickly get what you want.

When planning to turn to magic for help, you need to remember some important nuances:

  1. You can read the plot at any time of the day, but it is better to do this at dawn or at midnight.
  2. It is impossible to engage in magic as a joke or out of curiosity.
  3. You can read the plot from a headache on yourself, but it is better to use the help of a loved one.
  4. During the rituals, you should remove all jewelry, choose loose and plain clothes. Women need to wash off makeup in advance.
  5. The morning plot should be read facing east, and the evening one should be read west.
  6. Rituals aimed at improving health should be carried out during the growth of the moon. The time when the month is decreasing, you need to choose to get rid of specific ailments. Exceptions are sometimes possible. Then this will certainly be said in the description of the rite.
  7. Candles used during witchcraft should be church or made of natural wax. Paraffin should not be used. Candles cannot be blown out, they should be extinguished with a special cap or with your fingers.
  8. Sick people or pregnant women cannot read another person’s healing plot and should not practice magic. They can conduct only those rites that are aimed at their own healing.
  9. In the room where the ritual will be held, all household appliances and telephones should be turned off. Pets temporarily have to be moved to the kitchen or to another room.
  10. Before starting the healing ritual, it is recommended to read the prayer “Our Father”.
  11. In the event that two people participate in a magical rite, the first must clearly hear all the words that the second pronounces.
  12. It is better not to end the interrupted ritual, but to postpone its implementation. For example, an unexpected guest’s visit may indicate that higher powers are not inclined to help on this day.
  13. It is very important during witchcraft to clearly visualize the desired result. If there is no confidence in one's own strengths and abilities of magic, it is better to refuse to perform the ritual. To achieve the desired result will not work.

Plot with a knife

A strong conspiracy from a headache using a knife will help to cope with migraines of any intensity. True, it is impossible to conduct the ritual on your own, you will need the help of a relative or loved one. To conspire, you need seven wax candles and a new knife, bought without change.

Headache conspiracy with a knife

The ritual works best on a waning moon, but can be applied at other times. The patient is seated on a chair in the middle of the room. Place candles around and light them.

The assistant should stand behind and take the knife by the edge. It is necessary to baptize the patient’s head with his pen during that time, while such a conspiracy is read: “The head bone is not noose, not pain. Blood scarlet in whiskey do not knock. Uninvited ailment leave your brain. Let the servant of God (name) forget about torment, his pain will forever recede. Amen".

Pagan ritual

Headache conspiracies and prayers are used most often. In addition to these effective methods, there are others - old, pagan rituals. For example, a rite dedicated to the god of Fire. It is suitable for those people who, in addition to frequent headaches, have other health problems. The rite is performed daily for seven days.

To perform the ritual, you will need:

  • seven wax candles (not church);
  • matches;
  • clay or ceramic mug.

The ritual is recommended in the morning. After waking up, water is poured into the mug, almost to the brim. From a match they light a candle and take it in their hand. The mug must be placed in such a way that you can walk around it.

Headache conspiracy

With a lit candle, make 14 circles around the water tank. First seven one way, then the other. During this, the following conspiracy should be read: “Great is Ognebozhich! Semargl-Svarozhich! We slept in pain-twigs, avert adversity, cleanse the womb. The power of fire will save the child of God. May my twig disappear! ”

When the conspiracy is read, put out the candle and take two sips of the charmed water. Leave the mug on the windowsill so that sunlight and moonlight fall on the liquid. The next day, the rite is repeated with a new candle. Actions continue daily for a week. On the last, seventh day, you need to completely finish the water. Bury used candles near the house.

The ancient Slavs believed that the rite has the following effect on the body:

  • the first day completely relieves headaches;
  • the second from ENT pathologies;
  • the third is from heart disease;
  • the fourth day of the ritual eliminates infertility;
  • the fifth will help to forget about stomach problems;
  • the sixth will restore vision;
  • on the seventh day, the body will completely cleanse and recover.

Conspiracy on the crest

A headache crest plot can cope with migraines of any intensity. True, one can resort to the help of this ritual only once a year, on Palm Sunday. On this holiday, human energy is very strong and able to work miracles. If you use this plot on any other day, you can seriously harm your health.


To perform the ritual you will need:

  • willow bought next to the church;
  • natural wood comb;
  • a glass of water;
  • three church candles;
  • matches.

Place candles and light on the table. With a prepared comb, comb your hair well. It is important at this moment to think about how the pain goes away. Collect the hair remaining on the comb and place it in a glass with water. Say the following words over the liquid: “Willow, take the ailment!” Water, lock my pain underground! May it be so!".

After the conspiracy from a headache is read, pour water over the purchased willow. Save the twig until the next holiday, then burn it in the fireplace or on the street. If necessary, the ritual is repeated after a year.

The plot of Stepanova

The famous Siberian healer offers several ways to treat headaches. She also has her own version of the ritual on Palm Sunday. Stepanova’s conspiracies from headaches are easy to remember and simple to execute. The healer offers a choice of three treatment options:

  1. You can get rid of migraine simply by pouring water on your head with the words: “Adonai, heal your servant, relieve the pain”.
  2. At dawn, come to the cemetery and choose any grave, bow to her three times. Then visit the churchyard two more times. On the third day, take a little earth from the grave, rub her forehead and throw it back with the words: “As you do not sleep and lie, so I live and do not know the ailments”.
  3. Palm Sunday ritual. Brush hair. Put everything that remains on the crest into a glass of water. Choose a willow that grows near the temple. Pour the tree with the water into which the hair was placed with the words: “With pain, leave the water in the ground!”
Headache conspiracy

Ritual with a willow twig

A plot for a willow twig from a headache is used when the patient suffers from severe migraines almost daily. If no other remedies help, it is recommended that you use this ancient ritual. It is impossible to conduct it yourself, you need an assistant. It is necessary to prepare:

  • fresh twig cut from willow;
  • black thread;
  • wax candle (not church);
  • matches;
  • a glass of spring water.

The patient should sit on a chair in the middle of the room. The person conducting the ritual connects both ends of the twig and fastens them with a thread. You should get a circle that is smaller in diameter than the patient’s head. After that, you can light a candle.

The magician should take the rim and, holding it above the patient’s head, say the words: “Alphees lac-lacquer, afies vac-lac. Adwees, solgios saquiel gal-com. ” Then, a twig is put on the patient’s head, and the magician continues to read: “Gulfes estata, amnides fork. Deborah the Elf, Adele Calque. "

After that, the magician must take the candle in his right hand and go around with the patient three times. Then he removes the rim from the patient’s head and sets fire to the thread. At that moment, when the twig straightens, it is necessary to say: “Ahavid-khal, edvial-khom.”

After that, go outside, stick the rod into the ground and pour it with prepared water. Bury the cinder of a candle nearby.

Church Candle Plot

There is another simple and quick way to get rid of migraines - this is a conspiracy to the full moon from headaches. All that is required for its holding is three church candles of any size. The method only works if it is used on the full moon.

Place the candles in front of you and light them. You should completely relax and look at the flame for three minutes. Then utter a conspiracy: “From longing, the head begins to clear, and the pain recedes. Sorrows and ailments leave me! Amen!"

Candles should burn out completely. The cinders are wrapped in dark cloth and stored in a place that only the person who performed the ritual knows about.

Plot with an egg

Migraine caused by spoilage can be removed with a chicken egg. The ritual is held at any time. For its implementation, an assistant will be required, who will roll out damage and read the plot from a headache.

Headache relief

The patient should sit on a chair and relax. The assistant becomes behind. In his right hand, he takes a fresh egg from domestic chicken and leads them clockwise on the patient's head. During rolling out, it is necessary to read the conspiracy: “The egg is boiling, it will not turn back. Where it went, the pain disappeared. " The action is repeated until the migraine has passed. At the end of the ritual, the egg is broken into a glass of water, the liquid is poured into the toilet.


The enemy can be avenged by using magical conspiracies. Damage and headache on a person is easy if some secrets of black magic are known. But before using such a terrible force for vengeance, it is necessary to think that evil will return in any case. Most likely, the torment of the enemy is not worth it to cripple your own life.

Full moon rituals

In the event that the desire to take revenge does not let go, you need to go to church on Friday. There, buy a candle and put it behind the repose of his enemy. Looking at the flame, whisper the words of the conspiracy: “The candle of the deceased, for my enemy, is childish. The head of the slave (name) hurts more and more. I’ll plant him in the forehead as soon as I put out the candle. Amen! ”After that, the fire is blown out. The candle is turned over and put it in the same place.

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