The second row of teeth in children: causes, methods of correction

Sometimes a child grows a tooth in the second row. Of course, this fact will cause concern among parents. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs when the milk tooth has not yet had time to fall out, and the molar tooth has already appeared. You can wait a while, and it will fall out on its own. But if this does not happen, you must urgently consult a specialist. At an early age, solving this problem is much easier than in an adult.

what to do if the child climbed the second row of lower front teeth

Why does a child have a second row of teeth?

The change of milk incisors to indigenous occurs in the period from 5 to 12 years. First, the lower central, and then the upper teeth fall out. The process does not cause pain and passes almost imperceptibly. Usually, a molar immediately erupts at the site of loss. But sometimes anomalies happen when everything happens the other way around. In this case, molars can grow incorrectly, they will erupt where there is free space. As a rule, they begin to grow after milk incisors. For this reason, a second row of teeth appears in children. If you do not react in time, then the wrong bite will appear.

Tooth appearance chart

The child has the first incisors, there should be 8, and then 4 fangs, the last 8 molars appear. When exactly milk teeth appear, it is impossible to say. Each baby will have its own time and order of teething. Parents can be guided by the approximate schedule of their appearance:

  • 6-12 months - lower central incisors;
  • 8-14 - upper central incisors;
  • 9-15 - upper lateral incisors;
  • 10-16 - months lower lateral incisors;
  • 16-24 - upper and lower fangs;
  • 2-5 years - upper and lower molars.

Teeth may appear within the specified period or with a deviation of 2-3 months.

Predisposing factors

This problem may appear for several reasons. One of them may be the presence of a strong milk tooth, ready to fall out. Therefore, the constant cutter has to look for a new place.

Sometimes the second row contributes to the incorrect intrauterine development at the time of the formation of primordia. Perhaps a genetic malfunction occurred that contributed to the development of another incisor. Dentists called this phenomenon an overkill. In adulthood, a person may have one or more teeth more than others. Such a deviation can be genetically incorporated and inherited further. Therefore, if the grandmother and parents had such a pathology, then the child will most likely have the same problem.

second row of teeth in children

One of the predisposing factors is the underdevelopment of the dentition. In medicine, it is called micrognathia - with problems of the upper jaw - and microgenia - of the lower. Underdevelopment of the jaw can appear for various reasons: improper nutrition of a woman during the bearing of a child, problems with a bite, too early loss of milk teeth, heredity, metabolic disorders of the fetus.

And such factors can also influence: rickets in the past, complications after an infectious disease, genes, frequent diseases of ENT organs, lack of nutrients.

Treatment methods

What to do if the child has reached the second row of the lower front teeth? The dentist removes the incisor that interferes. After some time, you should definitely visit the orthodontist. He will conduct an examination and determine if the child has a shortage of space for permanent teeth. If there is not enough space, the doctor will prescribe further treatment. Untimely correction can lead to incorrect growth and curvature of permanent teeth, which, in turn, entails problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of frequent headaches and the development of self-doubt.

the second row of teeth grows in a child

The most effective is the wearing of brackets, tuners or plates with an expansion screw. The alignment system is installed in adolescence, since the child alone can not cope with the care of it. For kids, they use tainers, which are a silicone apparatus that acts simultaneously on two jaws. For correction, they put it on the child an hour before bedtime. Regular wear promotes the expansion of the dental arches and the correction of the bite. And also due to their stiffness, teiners stimulate the eruption of permanent teeth.

And also the orthodontist can appoint plates with the expanding screw, and already in adolescence braces. The methods of treatment depend on the age of the patient. Sometimes dentists recommend waiting for the baby tooth to fall out on its own. If this happened naturally, then the jaw will gradually align under the pressure of the tongue.

When do I need to see a doctor?

The appearance of a tooth in the second row in a child will not seriously affect health at first. Dentists advise you to wait a while until the baby tooth falls out on its own. But do not drag out for a long time with a trip to the doctor.

Contact a specialist:

  • If more than three months have passed since the eruption of the molar, while the milk continues to hold on tightly to the gum.
  • The kid is uncomfortable because the cutter staggers for a long time, but does not fall out on its own.
  • Pain and inflammation appeared in the gum area.
a child grows a tooth in the second row

In most cases, when a child has a second row of teeth, the dentist removes milk, which interfere with the growth and development of permanent. But sometimes it can wait a while if it sees that a natural change is possible. After he drops out himself or with the help of a dentist, the constant will gradually begin to fall into place. This is due to the pressure of the tongue. Usually, alignment occurs within a month.


Sometimes parents are worried when they find a gap between the upper incisors in the child. They believe that this can affect the displacement of the dentition. But this is not true. The gap will decrease over time and may disappear altogether. This phenomenon does not provoke a curvature of the teeth or the formation of a second row.

a child has a second row of teeth

To avoid bite problems, you must:

  • forbid the child to suck his fingers and take foreign objects in his mouth;
  • the baby needs to be trained to breathe through the nose;
  • if the tooth began to grow, then the child should be prohibited from touching it with his tongue or hands;
  • monitor the condition of the teeth and prevent the appearance of caries;
  • introduce products that develop a chewing reflex into the daily menu;
  • visit a pediatric dentist regularly.

How to help a child?

The appearance of a second row of teeth in children can cause discomfort in the gums. In this case, you can reduce discomfort and relieve inflammation in the following ways:

  • rinsing the mouth with herbal infusion of chamomile;
  • taking special homeopathic medicines that help remove inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • rinsing the mouth with a solution of sea salt and soda;
  • the use of well-ground food and broths.

Using these methods, you can temporarily alleviate the condition of the child before visiting a doctor.

At what age can a second row of teeth appear?

Renewal begins at the age of about 5-6 years and lasts several years. First, a milk tooth falls out, and then a molar tooth appears in its place. Usually everything goes smoothly and quickly. Children at this age often contribute to the prolapse process by actively shaking it with their tongue.

During this period, a high probability of developing pathologies with a bite. At 5-6 years old, the front milk incisors are replaced in children, and at 11 years of age, the remaining molars are actively growing. Most often, problems arise when teething lower incisors, less often upper and molars. Therefore, a second row of lower teeth often appears in children 5 years of age and older.

The second row of teeth in children at 5 years old: what to do?

At this age or a little later, the first and second painters begin to erupt. The first pair appears on the upper jaw, and then on the lower. This is the most dangerous period in which the second row can form if milk teeth have not fallen out.

Then eights come out, after 16 years. They are intended for chewing solid food, which was mainly in past centuries. In modern man, the diet has changed significantly, eights were not very needed. Therefore, they may remain in the gums. At dentists, eights are considered problematic, they appear the very last. They can begin to grow at an angle inside the cheek or mouth. But at the same time, the tooth itself may not come out, but cause pain.

second row of teeth in children at 5 years old what to do

Much less often, fangs and incisors can be located under the gum. However, they can not always be in a vertical position, but sometimes in a horizontal position. Their presence may be affected not by displacement of adjacent teeth. Treatment occurs only surgically. The doctor decides whether to correct the growth or not, after receiving an x-ray.

The second row of teeth in children increases the likelihood of developing caries. This is due to poor oral hygiene, since it becomes difficult for the baby to brush out plaque that accumulates between the rows.

The effect of natural breathing on teething

Frequent diseases of the ENT organs in a child can adversely affect the development of the jaw. During illness, natural breathing through the nose is disturbed. This, in turn, is one of the factors affecting the appearance of the second row of teeth. Since the baby breathes mainly through the mouth during illness, his tongue is at the bottom of the lower jaw. As a result, the child grows the second row of lower teeth.

Cold Prevention

Therefore, it is important not only to regularly visit the dentist, but to carry out activities that prevent ENT diseases. For prevention, it is necessary:

  • provide the child with a balanced diet;
  • to provide the body with all useful substances, keep the baby breast-fed for at least 6 months;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle with regular walks in the fresh air, hardening;
  • make sure that the child breathes through his nose;
  • treat colds in time to avoid complications.
second row of teeth in children at 5 years old

So, the second row of teeth in children can appear for various reasons. This can be facilitated by: a genetic predisposition, an underdeveloped jaw, an overcompletion, frequent ENT diseases, problems with a bite. The most dangerous period is the age of 5 to 12 years, since at this time there is a change of milk teeth to permanent. There are several ways to deal with the problem: wearing of trainers, plates with an expansion screw, braces, sometimes correction is not required. Treatment will depend on the age of the child and the degree of malocclusion.

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