How to find out how many grams of baking powder in a teaspoon?

Any culinary specialist knows: if you want to cook a real tasty dish, be sure to observe the proportions indicated in the recipe. To do this, there are special kitchen scales with accurate grams, measuring cups and spoons. One is convenient to use for liquid products, the other for bulk products. But what if there is none of this in the kitchen? You can use ordinary cutlery - tea and tablespoons.

Weight and volume

During the preparation of a dish, you should first preview the composition, the presence of all ingredients, as well as the ability to measure products. For example, if the recipe indicates that you need to take 250 g of flour, then everyone knows that it will be about a glass in volume. But how to measure small portions? For example, does every housewife know how many grams are in a teaspoon of baking powder?

how many grams in a teaspoon of baking powder

There are many special tables that indicate the weight of the product and its volume. Not all bulk products of the same volume weigh the same - a teaspoon of cocoa - 5 g, and starch - already 10. So add ingredients by eye. The same, it would seem, product has a different weight - granulated sugar - 7 g, and powdered sugar - 10 g. Weight depends on the density of the product. Of course, there is no need to delve into the chemical data of each of them. But it’s worth remembering at least the most frequently used ones so that the dish turns out tasty every time. When products are mixed approximately, a masterpiece will not work.

Even if you want to bake simple pancakes, you should find out how many grams of baking powder in 1 teaspoon.

How much does a teaspoon of baking powder weigh?

For almost all baking, baking powder or baking powder is used. Some cooks replace it with soda, which, depending on the recipe, can be extinguished or not. If you want to add soda, you need to know some nuances. Everything is much simpler if you use a special powder. But there are doubts here: some indicate grams, others indicate volumes (glasses, spoons).

how many grams of baking powder in 1 teaspoon

In order not to make a mistake and not spoil, for example, a cake, you should know how many grams in a teaspoon of baking powder for dough. And there, according to chemists who measure weight under certain conditions and at a certain humidity, it is only 3.6 g.

Can the baking powder be replaced?

It happens that you are going to bake something, and there is a mood, and products. You start mixing the ingredients, and suddenly it turns out that there is no baking powder. And without it, as you know, the dough will not be magnificent. And it will turn out not “count ruins”, but some ordinary-looking cobblestone.

how many grams in a teaspoon of baking powder

Experienced housewives are able to replace the necessary products with what is at hand. And then it is not so important how many grams in a teaspoon of baking powder.

To make homemade powder you will need only three ingredients: flour, soda and citric acid in a ratio of 12: 5: 3. You can make one norm or in reserve. And you can measure with anything: glasses or spoons, the main thing is to observe the proportion.

According to the hostesses, such a composition is no different from the industrial one. The dough is loose, no soda taste is felt. If you make a lot of homemade powder, it is better to replace the flour with starch, as is done in production to increase the shelf life.

In the kitchen, it is always good to have scales for measuring. And then it does not matter how many grams are in a teaspoon of baking powder or any other product.

But do not despair if you have to measure with spoons. The taste and aroma of this will not change. The main thing is to know the measure!

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