Classicism and Baroque: a Comparison of Art Directions

The art of the 17-18th centuries formed two amazing styles - classicism and baroque. These two largest pan-European styles have existed side by side for two centuries. Despite the obvious differences, they interacted closely with each other. During its development, classicism and baroque found themselves not only in world and Russian architecture, but also in sculpture, literature, interior and art. A comparison of classicism and baroque, two styles, bright, shocking and unique, we will consider further.

History of classicism

Classicism translated from Latin - "exemplary." A memorable trend in European culture arose in the 17th century. It was an era of strengthening the monarchy, everything should be perfect and at the same time luxurious, which can be seen in the impeccable figures of the ancient world.

The founder of the classicism style was France, where the spirit of freedom and perfection of man, both spiritual and physical, flew. Strict, ideal silhouettes in architectural ensembles, antique plots in painting and sculptures, rich, but restrained decoration of interiors. All these are features of classicism.

Pantheon France

In Russia, this style was entrenched under Catherine II, her desire to Europeanize the country played a key role in the construction of famous architectural monuments of that time.

Classicism is a classic, a harmony of man and nature, simple and concise in its direction. A style where certain rules must be observed, very quickly found itself in the palace culture in Germany, Italy, England and Russia.

Baroque history

Baroque means - "dissolved", "prone to excesses." The founder of this pompous style was Italy. The end of the 16th century - the Renaissance, the strengthening of Catholic power, bright, bold and majestic, it should have made an impression. All the distinctive elements of baroque are embodied in the Catholic cities of Italy.

However, European countries also took for themselves some attributes and elements of a "loose" Italian style. England, France, Russia used a new trend of culture in their architecture and interior in order to emphasize their brilliance and uniqueness.

barrocco church

The style, focused on creating the illusion of wealth and luxury of the church, as well as Italian nobility, was subsequently reflected in all countries of Europe, America and Russia. And he remained an immortal companion of the Catholic Church.

Comparison of baroque style and classicism

Two styles over the centuries go next to each other. However, they have obvious differences in the history and purposes of creation, in embodiment in art.

Comparison of classicism and baroque


Antique art is taken as a sample. Simplicity, sophistication, clear and concise images. Perfect rationality. Strictness, uniform images, balance of details

For the sample taken luxury and pomp, demonstrative wealth. Strong contrasts, theatricality. Bright expressivity

In art

Volumetric balanced compositions, sharp lines, ancient ideals in art. Clear story, restrained emotions

The rapid development of action. Strong, vivid emotions. Enthusiastic images. Intricate plot
In architectureStrict clear forms. Scale. Greatness. Harmonious proportions, monumentality. Strict simplicityComplex curved shapes. Festive flatulence. Large-scale colonnades, distortion of the proportions of buildings. Color contrasts, large windows
In the interiorDear, discreet materials. Calm colors, rich simplicity. The prevalence of geometric shapes. Antique ornamentsRich, diverse materials in the decor. Bright combinations, gold, marble, varnish. Complex ornaments. Painting on the ceiling, large furniture

Classicism and Baroque

The main features of Baroque and Classicism are luxury and low-key wealth. Both styles are reflected in expensive works of art and vibrant architectural structures. Consider the most famous objects of two different styles of the same time period.

Classicism is, of course, the Rebellion Square and the Pantheon in Paris. St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals in St. Petersburg. The Bolshoi Theater in Warsaw. The famous painting by Jacques-Louis David “Napoleon’s passage through the Alps” - completely reflects the style of classicism in painting. "Psyche Awakened by the Cupid's Kiss" is the most famous statue in classicism. The architectural ensemble Apollo and Nymphs is an incredibly beautiful example of the classical style.

Apollo and Nymphs

Whereas baroque is known to us by the Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Opera House in Odessa and, of course, the Catholic Church in the Vatican. Rubens and Caravaggio are the most recognizable baroque painters. And the Italian Lorenzo Bernini reveals to us all the expressiveness of the Baroque in his stunning sculptures.

Classicism and Baroque in architecture

As we can see from the descriptions and comparisons of the two styles, the differences between Baroque and Classicism are obvious. In the latter, it refers primarily to ancient architecture, in Baroque, to the luxury of Catholic churches.

Classicism and Baroque in architecture, a comparison of two outstanding monuments

The Basilica del Santa Croce, Italy is a typical example of Italian Baroque. Distinctive features - lush decor and many statues on the facade. Sculptures, balconies, columns, the complex shape of the building. The center is crowned by a huge round window - already going beyond the standards of typical architecture. Caryatids and Atlantes, bizarre forms - all these are the hallmarks of Baroque.

Basilica del Santa Croce

Classicism is the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. On his example, we can see the characteristic features in the architecture of this style. Simplicity and conciseness. Monumentality and severity. Clear forms, columns. Small windows of standard shape. A discreet sculpting pattern on the facade with typical patterns of the ancient world. Clear geometric shape of the structure. Pleasant discreet uniform color of the whole building.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The architecture of baroque and classicism in comparison are very different. At first glance, you can distinguish them from each other: the baroque pretentiousness is striking, of course, these are complex architectural works. Whereas buildings in the style of classicism have so much precise proportions and a strict look that they involuntarily make you think about your greatness and monumentality.

Classicism and Baroque in painting

Natives of the same time era, Classicism and Baroque, however, have distinctive features in art.

Michelangelo is one of the most famous Italian artists who set a new style in painting - baroque. These are mainly religious subjects, vivid images, emotional scenes from the lives of ordinary people. Contrast of colors, light and twilight, many household items, realistic emotions. The followers of this style in art are Annibale Carracci and Guido Reni.

Classicism is no less picturesque, but antique Greece is taken as a basis. Rafael, Giulio Romano on their canvases depict the ideal physical forms of divine characters. Cold mythical plots fascinate with their laconicism, nothing more, thoughtful composition and space around the characters to the smallest detail.

Oath of Horatius

You can highlight the main elements in comparing the trends of art of classicism and baroque. Firstly, it is the real emotionalism of the Baroque, the power of the plot and the colorfulness of the images, and secondly, the restrained beauty of ancient mythology, understandable and concise in its manifestation.

Comparison of classicism and baroque in the interior

In addition to outstanding works of art and incredible architectural monuments, baroque and classicism are reflected in the interior of houses and rooms. Further - with the equalization of classicism and baroque in the decoration of the premises.

These two styles have brought their main features to the interior. First of all, it is expensive. In both cases, it is luxury and wealth. And then we can talk about color solutions. Baroque is always bright, always gold, marble, varnished surfaces. A lot of additional items, a complex shape of furniture and fancy canopy patterns and upholstery. Of course, this is the beauty that you want to dive into, every subject that you want to study. Admiration and pomposity, what kings love so much.

barrocco in the interior

Classicism in this regard plays in contrast with the Baroque. Discreet pastel colors in harmony with each other. A calm, but no less majestic interior was created, rather, to calm, rather than disturb. Mostly light colors, sharp lines, correct objects. The functionality of the attributes of the interior, however, is not without its charm.

Classicism and Baroque in Russia

These two styles came to Russia in the 18th century. Tsarist Russia was in close contact with European states and did not want to lag behind in the opportunity to demonstrate its greatness.

Baroque and classicism in the architecture of Russia embodied, mainly, Rastrelli. It was he who was engaged in the reconstruction and construction of the main buildings of St. Petersburg at that time. Naturally, the styles were Russified, adopting the basic principles of two directions, the traditional Russian architecture was preserved. The Smolny Monastery is perhaps the most striking representative of the Baroque in St. Petersburg, while the “highlight” of classicism is, of course, the Kazan Cathedral. The architects V. Bazhenov, M. Kazakov, I. Starov stood at the origins of this style in Russia, and churches and houses built on their projects can be seen in Moscow.

Baroque and classicism in Russian architecture play a big role. Both in historical manifestation - the foundation of St. Petersburg, the new Moscow, and in the struggle for the equality of Russian classicists.

Now it is impossible to imagine our cities without the Hermitage, the Academy of Sciences and the Tauride Palace.

Classicism and Baroque in our time

In today's world, architects often turn to baroque and classicism, comparing and mixing these styles. The days of kings and emperors have passed, but the love of luxury and greatness has remained. Now you can see already modern baroque castles somewhere on Rublevka or the cottage of the next classicist oligarch in the village of Nirvana near St. Petersburg.

Baroque in modern architecture

At the Trezzini Hotel you can immerse yourself in the luxury of kings, and at the Empire Restaurant you can taste the dishes of modern kings. But this is today's luxury, although it is still not accessible to everyone.

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