Orthodox prayer for a child: texts, reading rules, requests for help and protection

Praying for your child is a natural spiritual need of parents, not only mothers, but also fathers. Appeal to the Almighty not only helps to protect children from adversity, illness, danger and guide them in life, it also helps parents curb their own anxieties, worries.

If in the old days there were no questions about how to ask the Lord or saints for their children, then in our time it is relevant for many. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of people were not brought up in the framework of the Orthodox culture and are not familiar with spiritual traditions.

How and where should one pray?

As a rule, for those who do not quite understand the principles of behavior in church service, it is enough just to carefully observe the people present in the church and do the same. With regard to appeals to the Most High or saints, one can resort to the same principle, that is, listen to prayers for children. Orthodox priests in no way limit parishioners in their requests to the Lord.

You can pray using ready-made texts or expressing needs in your own words. You can seek help both in the temple of God and in any other place. In other words, if there was a desire to pray, this should be done regardless of where the person is located.

The strength of the Orthodox prayer is not in its words, but in the energy message that a person puts into them. In other words, the strength of faith, the absence of doubt and the purity of thoughts are important for prayer. The purity of thoughts should be understood not only as the absence of secret, not very righteous desires, but also the liberation of the mind from all the vain. That is, you can’t pray for the needs of your children and at the same time think about where and what to buy for dinner, or plan a family budget. There should not be any worries or troubles in the head of the person who is praying, his mind should completely surrender to the request to the Almighty, concentrate on it.

Despite the fact that you can pray anywhere, you should not avoid visiting the temples of God. Under the church vaults there is a special atmosphere, as they say about it - a prayer atmosphere. The atmosphere of the temple helps to free your mind from everyday worries and completely surrender to prayer, in addition, the church atmosphere strengthens a person’s energy, fills his soul with grace.

Do I need to light a candle when visiting a temple?

Of course, an Orthodox prayer for a child can be read without lighting a candle in front of the image. Neither the saints, nor the Lord himself need candles from the parishioners; the Most High needs only absolute faith that has no doubts.

However, it is not just customary to put a candle in front of an icon. This tradition is not without meaning at all and it must be followed. By installing a candle, a person adjusts to the desired mood, all unnecessary, vain thoughts and worries leave his mind. A slightly fluttering light and the smell of wax also contribute to this. Thus, the Orthodox prayer for the child, thoughtfully and leisurely read in combination with the installation of a candle in front of the icon, will be stronger than the one that was uttered “between things”, by a person who only rushed to the church for a moment.

Orthodox church with a bell tower

However, do not take the installation of a candle as a kind of magical ritual or a semblance of sacrifice. Its ignition does not guarantee that the prayer will be heard and accepted.

Who should I contact in prayer?

Traditionally, the mother’s Orthodox prayer for children is offered to the Mother of God. She is considered the comforter, patroness and heavenly patroness of all women raising children. From time immemorial, it is to the Mother of God that they come with every misfortune, both large and small, invariably gaining help through their prayers.

In addition to the Virgin Mary, the saints and, of course, the Lord himself ask for the well-being of children. There is no single answer to the question of which saint the Orthodox prayer for the child should be addressed to. Since ancient times, from ancient times in Russia they have turned for help to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, martyr Barbara, St. Tryphon. In recent centuries, they have been praying for their children to the Matron of Moscow. Of course, they turn to those saints whose name the child is named.

Are there rules for reciting prayers?

Orthodox prayer for a child does not have any restrictions or church prescriptions governing its reading. You can ask the saints or the Almighty for your child as your heart suggests.

In the hall of an Orthodox church

However, if a person is at a church service, his order should not be violated. Personal prayers are uttered before or at the end of the service, but not during the reading of sacred texts. This means that you should not push through the believers to the desired icon with candles in your hands and begin your own prayer while the priest reads akathists or other texts. Of course, no one will say anything to a person who does this, but it is unlikely that such a prayer will be effective.

How to pray for health for the sick child of the Virgin?

Prayers for sick children are most often addressed to the Mother of God. Orthodox believers from time immemorial consider her the Heavenly Patroness, helping the child and his parents cope with all worldly needs and concerns. Of course, and if it is necessary to cure diseases, the prayer of the Mother of God also helps.

You can ask for the healing of a child from an ailment as follows:

“Mother of God, Queen of Heaven! Comforter in sorrows and Patroness in earthly joys! I surrender to you with humility, in the hope of your mercy and help in my misfortune. Do not leave, Heavenly Intercessor, give my (child's name) in his illness, the relief in bodily sufferings was granted, grant healing from the ailment of fierce. Amen!"

Many people are convinced that only the maternal prayer is addressed to the Virgin. When a child is sick, the Orthodox Church does not separate his parents; they are in the eyes of God a single whole. This means that not only the mother can pray to the Virgin, but also the father of the baby, as well as other family members. The Mother of God listens to all those in need of her help. In the case of a serious illness, it will not be superfluous to place a not very large icon with the face of the Virgin over the head of the bed of a sick child.

How to pray for children's health to St. Tryphon?

From time immemorial, the most powerful prayers of the mother for children are offered to Saint Tryphon. Orthodox women turn to the saint with many troubles, but most often they ask him for help in healing from serious illnesses, both physical and mental. It is generally accepted that Trifon needs to be prayed before the upcoming operation or other hospital procedures.

You can pray to the saint as follows:

“Martyr of Christ, the great sufferer, Tryphon! Save my (child's name) from human error, direct the hands of doctors and protect them from their negligence. The Most Holy Martyr, the Passion-Bearer of the Lord, have sent to my child healing from his illness. But grant me peace and patience, pacify my temper and do not allow doubt in the providence of our Lord! Amen"

How to pray for the deliverance of the child from the ailments Matrona of Moscow?

During Matronushka’s life, people in need of healing came to her from all over Russia. The future saint helped everyone, ridding her of illnesses by the power of her prayer. Of course, while staying in Heaven, the Matronushka does not leave without the help of all those who need her.

The Orthodox prayer for the health of the child, addressed to her, as a rule, refers to the general pain of the baby. That is, usually the parents go to the saint for help, whose child constantly catches a cold, fever, suffers from allergies and other similar ailments.

You can ask for help from Matrona of Moscow as follows:

“Mother is our Most Holy! Matronushka, marked by the Lord! I ask for your help for my child (name of the child). Begged, holy Matronushka health for him bodily. Strengthen his body, countless tormented by ailments. Do not leave my dear, blessed Matronushka! Amen!"

An Orthodox prayer for a child’s temperature, addressed to the Matron of Moscow, may sound like this:

“Blessed Mother, with the Lord abides in the kingdom of heaven! See from heaven my need and do not leave without help the child (name of the child). The heat of demonic torment, does not give my child neither sleep nor eat. His body burns, does not appease. Help, holy Matronushka, take away the heat, cool me, give him a good sleep and bring back health! Amen!"

How to pray for the deliverance of the child from fears to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Prayer from the fright of the child is very much in demand among parents. The Orthodox prayer of a mother or father can not only save the baby from the consequences of fears, for example, from stuttering, but also prevent such cases.

An example of prayer words:

“Nikolai Ugodnik, father! Our protector before the Lord, knowledgeable about all the aspirations of the earth, helping in all worldly affairs! I ask you not for your own sake, but for the good of my child (name of the child). Help, blessed saint of the Lord, to cope with fear and fright, do not let the child toil from them all their lives. Do not allow yourself to become stuttering from fear of a stutter, to lose the power of speech or to master another misfortune. Amen!"

In ancient times, a short Orthodox prayer was read in the villages from the fright of the child, which was supposed to protect the baby. Sample text:

“Nikolai Ugodnik, father! Our defender, Nikolai the Miracle Worker, father! Watch from Heaven for my child, save it in a dream and in reality, in fun and in teaching, in work that is feasible and in public festivities. Do not let the child get scared, take the evil people away from him, allow only joy in everything and good only know. Amen!"

How to pray for the children of Ksenia of Petersburg?

Often it is to this saint that prayer from the fright of a child is addressed. Orthodox blessed Ksenia helps not only protect the baby from fears, but also protect it from the evil eye.

You can pray the saint about saving the child from fear:

“Mother Ksenia, the holy participant in our troubles and cares! I entrust you my child (the name of the child) to protect you from nightly and daytime fears, from a sudden fright, and an ill-fitting child. Shelter him from adversity and sorrow, but give clear, happy days. Amen!"

The prayer from the evil eye of a child helps to avoid the influence and envy of bad people. Orthodox Ksenia invariably protects all who appeal to her. However, in case of fear that the baby may be jinxed, in addition to praying, you need to put a talisman on him. It can be a small incense with the image of a saint inside, acquired in a church shop.

Mother’s Orthodox prayer for children, protecting them from damage, can be this:

“Ksenia, blessed mother, marked by our Lord! Hear me, slave (proper name), consider my needs and aspirations. I trust in your mercy, Blessed Xenia! Protect my child (name of the child) from envy of the people, from anger and hatred, from evil eyes and thoughts. Protect and do not let the devilry come close to him, let everything that is not from our Lord be on the side! Amen!"

How to pray for the welfare and protection of the child to the Lord?

Orthodox prayers for children, strong and quick to help, are read, of course, to the Lord God. There are no differences between appeals to the Almighty and prayers addressed to the saints. You should not find out how many times and on which passage of the text you need to cross or bow. Prayer is not a ritual that requires a special sequence of certain actions, it is a person’s conversation with the Creator.

Fresco on the church wall

An Orthodox prayer for a child’s health and well-being may be:

"Lord Jesus! Our Almighty, Savior of all people, living and well! I appeal to You, Lord of Heaven, with humility and hope, with faith and without the evil intent of the wicked. I ask you to grant my child (name of the child) from your bounties and favors, do not leave him without participation. I ask you, Lord, to protect my child from illnesses and sorrows, from misfortunes and wicked people, from evil and adversity, save me. Do not give to the share of his fierce ailments, endowed with good health and meekness, reward the blessings of the earth and ease the burdens. Amen!"

A prayer to the child for a restful sleep is also addressed to the Lord. The Orthodox Church pays special attention to evening prayers, considering them necessary to protect the soul during a night's rest. Such prayers are read by the child himself or delivered together by all family members. But their parents, of course, pray for the smallest children.

Sample text:

“Lord Almighty! Save the soul of your servant (the name of the child) in a night walk, do not let her be exposed to these dangers unknown to the world. If, however, you call my child to you in a dream, accept his soul in the Host of your Angels! Amen".

In the villages in the old days there was a custom, before going to bed, to kiss a child on the forehead and say such words: "Sleep with God." Of course, this folk custom did not replace the evening family prayer, it only supplemented it.

How to ask a guardian angel for a good night's sleep?

As a rule, people ask for help from the guardian angel on their own. However, if we are talking about a newborn child or a baby who for some reason is not able to turn to an angel, parents ask for him.

Small town church

Praying to a child for a restful sleep, Orthodox and addressed to his guardian angel, may be this:

“Angel the Most Holy Lord!” Come down into the earthly world and be by my child (name of the child). Protect him from bad dreams, go into the night of dark joys and hide in the early morning from your cool with your wing. Amen!"

Appeals to the baby himself, wishes said to the child for a future dream are not prayers. That is, if a person says to his son or daughter the phrase “May the Angel of the Lord be with you,” he merely expresses a wish.

How to pray for the blessing of future children?

Often people planning to conceive and have a baby ask questions about whether it is possible to pray in the temple for the bestowing health and well-being on their unborn children. Such prayers are not condemned by the church; on the contrary, they are encouraged by it. Indeed, if people who are responsibly approaching the sacrament of procreation, initially feel the need to offer prayers for their future children, then they will grow them in accordance with church traditions.

But not only those who plan replenishment in the family are helped by Orthodox prayers. Many people have been waiting for the conception of children for years, sincerely not understanding why it does not happen. Life situations are not so rare in which completely bodily people who are eager to acquire offspring have no children.

As a rule, the Theotokos is prayed for the gift of posterity. However, if in a family it is customary for generations with all troubles and needs to turn to a saint for help, then the sacrament of conception and the well-being of future children should be asked for exactly that. Of course, they ask for the gifts of the descendants and the Lord himself.

Modern orthodox icon

You can pray for the fulfillment of the sacrament of conception and the granting of prosperity to future children as follows:

“The Blessed Queen of Heaven, the Blessed Mother of God, who has tasted all earthly sorrows and joys in abundance, who does not leave the human race without care, comforts the earthly sorrows! I pray to you with all humility, with purity in my heart and without any intention of the wicked, for help in my women's affairs, personal troubles. Grant me, a slave (proper name) to know motherhood a great joy, reward a child, strong and healthy. For women's life is empty without children. They are our rapture, a reward from the Lord for meekness and humility. Bless me, Blessed Mother of God, may my mercy be bestowed upon my children. By the fact that by the will of the Lord our God and by Your intercession, the Queen of Heaven will be born. Amen!"

How to pray for children in military service?

Sons grow up and go into the army, serve for the good of the motherland and protect the country from potential enemies. Of course, there are no such parents who would not worry about the well-being and health of their children who left their home, were not afraid that their children were in danger.

To ask for intercession for the military personnel, to preserve their health and life itself, and to divert various dangers from them, was accepted by Michael the Archangel. This tradition has developed in the old days, when they served in the army for more than ten years, and the very fact that his son left for service became a real test for his family. These days, military service does not last as long as in centuries past, but the worries of parents do not decrease from this.

The image of the Archangel Michael

It is possible to pray to Michael the Archangel about the health and well-being of the sons in the army:

“The Warrior of the Lord, Most Blessed Michael, the storm of all enemies of God!Wicked with the sword of fire punishing in the name of our God, hear my prayer, do not leave the request of the great ones without attention, heed me, Most Bright Warrior of the Lord! I ask you, protect my (name of the child) on the battlefield, cover him as with a shield, with your wing, Archangel Michael! Do not leave mine even out of the battle fierce, protect from hardships and troubles, do not let human malice inform him, protect him from injustice and slander from others. Amen!"

What should not be forgotten in prayer?

Prayer for a Christian is a constant spiritual work, never interrupted. This means that you can’t pray only when need arises, one-time. It is necessary to constantly turn to the Lord in your thoughts or aloud.

Of course, there is no need to ask God every minute for something or to beg the Lord every day to give health to already strong children who do not know any illnesses. The Orthodox turn to God, not only being in need, you can pray with gratitude for the gift. Gratitude prayers are very important for a Christian. After all, they testify to his meekness and humility, the understanding that everything in life is granted to man by the grace of the Lord.

Of course, in addition to that, it is important to prevent sinfulness both in one’s life and in one’s thoughts. A person is weak in nature and without spiritual support in the form of sincere prayer is easily amenable to various temptations. It is imperative to understand what sin is, why it is dangerous and to fight temptations. And when committing a sin, one must sincerely repent of their actions or wicked thoughts. This is an important part of the spiritual work on oneself that every believer conducts throughout his life.

Five-headed Orthodox Church

Of course, even a sinner or a man who grumbles at the Lord can pray for his children. However, prayer requires a deep, sincere and absolute faith in the power of the Almighty and full acceptance of his providence, and people who are mired in sin, as a rule, do not possess these spiritual qualities.

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