Belarusian chips: manufacturers review, taste, reviews

Belarusian products, whether cosmetics or food, have won the trust of Russian buyers. Therefore, it is readily dismantled from store shelves. But how are things with such a harmful product as Belarusian chips? The Republic of Belarus is the birthplace of potatoes, as you know, so they should be excellent there.

What brands of chips from Belarus are the most popular?


One of the leading Belarusian companies producing chips, snacks, seeds, peanuts and pistachios, corn sticks. It has been operating for 22 years, since 1997.

Belproduct produces such products as:

  1. Belarusian Mega chips in MEGA CHIPS, MEGA CHIPS EXTREMUM and MEGA CHIPS MEDIUM plates.
  2. Potato chips "Bulba CHIPS" and "Bulb STICKS".
  3. Pellet potato chips, snacks, corn sticks "Premier".
  4. Sunflower seeds "Golden kernel".
  5. Nuts "Golden Nut".


Belarusian Mega Chips are well known to the Russian buyer. The novelty that appeared more than 10 years ago immediately attracted attention with the form of its presentation. These are not ordinary chips in bags, but rectangular crispy plates packed in a box.

Megachips is the flagship of Belproduct. They are made from real dry mashed potatoes with the addition of flavoring and aromatic additives. And there are several tastes:

  • sour cream and onions;
  • sour cream and cheese;
  • mushrooms with sour cream;
  • shrimp
  • bacon;
  • aspic with horseradish;
  • chicken;
  • Thai pepper medium and extreme;
  • pepperoni pizza;
  • Norwegian lobster.

The composition of the chips contains only vegetable sunflower oil.

chips chips


Belarusian chips "Bulba" is another "graduate" of the Belproduct factory. There are both regular and grooved chips. According to the manufacturer, in the production of chips, carefully selected potatoes are used, which are cut into thin slices. Then it is fried in sunflower oil, becoming golden and incredibly crispy.

Customer reviews confirm the words of the manufacturer, they note that the chips really can not be compared with other "clearly artificial" ones.

There are several flavors:

  • village smoked meats;
  • sour cream and onions;
  • overseas crab;
  • hot peppers.

Packages come in 150 and 75 grams. It contains natural potatoes, sunflower oil and natural additives.

Chips of Belarusian production are also fluted with tastes:

  • mushrooms mushrooms;
  • sweet chili.
potato chips


The Premier chips have also established themselves as tasty and worthy Belproduct products.

When creating these Belarusian chips involved potato semi-finished product. It goes through the stages of short-term frying in natural sunflower oil, and this can significantly reduce the fat content of the product to an acceptable minimum. Flavoring additives in the production of Premier chips are used only from leading manufacturers.

The product comes in several flavors:

  • sour cream and onions;
  • sour cream and cheese;
  • crab;
  • bacon;
  • chicken.

Some may be frightened by the "potato semi-finished product." But this concept includes potato starch, potato flakes, sugar, salt, turmeric. Nothing forbidden.

prime chips


Belarusian Onega chips are made by the company of the same name. Its activity has been going on for more than 20 years, and its products are delivered to the shelves not only in Belarus, but also in other countries.

The Onega company has more than once become the laureate and winner of various authoritative contests: Brand of the Year, Product of the Year, Choice of the Year, and Peopleโ€™s Brand. Customers appreciated the taste of the products.

If we talk about Onega chips, they are made from wheat flour, potato starch, potato flakes, salt, and sunflower oil. Potato chips "Onega" are available with tastes:

  • sour cream and onion;
  • meat on coals;
  • cheese;
  • crab;
  • sea โ€‹โ€‹salt.

PODO Onega also produces chips in Onega and Kraft records. Moreover, the latter are made by hand with the preservation of the natural taste of the product. Tastes of Omega plates: sour cream and onions, cheese, Bavarian sausages and grilled chicken.

And you can try Kraft with the tastes of chanterelles, baked meat, tomato and sour cream and onions.

Just Brutal is not only tasty, but also fashionable chips, ground in a package with a stylish design. Are issued both in records, and in a usual format. And tastes will surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets:

  • Parmesan;
  • sour cream and onions;
  • Thai stack
  • caribbean crab;
  • balsamic vinegar.
onega chips


Chips Patella is a product of the Belarusian company Talan-M, which produces snacks and chips. The company regularly develops new products for its fans, while trying not to forget about the naturalness of the product. In the market of the Republic since 1997.

Over the years of its work, Talan-M has developed several brands for the production of chips, snacks and fast food products.

  1. Patella - Chips, mashed potatoes and snacks.
  2. Dynamo - chips, crackers, crackers, popcorn, potato snacks.
  3. "Tsar-Rusk" - rye crackers.
  4. "Crunch - don't be sad" - potato snacks.
  5. KUKUBIKI - breakfast cereal and corn sticks.

Talan-m products are distributed not only in Belarus, but also on the shelves of some countries of the world. Belarusian chips and snacks are made using the latest technology.


Patella is a Talan-M brand that produces potato starch chips of the same name. In the production of the Patella product, the technology is used that can significantly reduce frying, and, therefore, reduce the amount of fat in the product. This leads to the fact that the formation of a harmful carcinogen is completely eliminated.

Potato chips are produced with the following tastes:

  • crab;
  • bacon;
  • sour cream and onions;
  • hunting sausages;
  • mushrooms and sour cream.
patella chips


Dynamo chips are produced in the form of now popular records. The products are manufactured according to the license agreement with the Dynami Minsk hockey club, so we can say with confidence that Dynamo chips are a product for real fans.

Crispy plates are available in packs of 100 grams. And the main "chip" of the product is that in each pack, in addition to chips, contains a card with an autograph of the player HC. Each new hockey season is a new team, and, therefore, new cards.

The tastes of the Dynamo chips and plates are as follows:

  • sour cream and onions;
  • mushrooms with sour cream;
  • cream cheese;
  • Red caviar.

The product is made from mashed potatoes, semolina, wheat flour, potato starch, salt, vegetable oil and a complex food additive.

OJSC "Mashpishcheprod"

OJSC began its existence in 1999 by order of the Minsk Regional Committee for State Property Management and Privatization. Since 2007, food products from the joint-stock company began to be produced under the Mira trademark.

The Mira chips were very popular with customers of all ages, not only in Belarus, but also in Russia. Chips-plates "Belorusskie" and Lovers - representatives of the brand "Peace" are different naturalness and a variety of tastes.


  • dried onions;
  • dill;
  • pepper;
  • parsley and dill.

Lovers are tastes:

  • sour cream and onion;
  • hen;
  • cheese;
  • bacon
  • mushrooms;
  • aspic with horseradish;
  • red caviar;
  • black caviar.
World Chips

Reviews about Belarusian chips

The chips of Belarusian manufacturers presented in the article have worthily proven themselves not only in the "potato republic", but also in Russia and a number of other countries of the world.

According to buyers, such a harmful product as chips from Belarusian factories turns out to be more natural than similar products of more popular brands.

People called Mega Chips, Mira, Bulba and Patella the most favorite delicacies from potatoes. Buyers appreciated value for money, variety, and the lack of chemical flavor.

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