This article describes what a food product called almonds is. This famous "nut", according to scientific definition, refers to the stone fruits of the genus Plum. But due to its taste and specificity, we are used to calling it a nut. Yes, and the scientists themselves give him enthusiastic epithets like "king nut", "royal nut". After reading the article, you will learn all about the benefits, chemical composition and nutritional value of almonds.
The benefits of the "royal nut"
Since the almonds have an amazing balanced composition, it is able to help with various health problems.
Since ancient times, people considered the properties and nutritional value of almonds unique. For example, the Arabs compared this โnutโ with a divine gift, which hides in its bowels something unprecedented and mysterious.
Chinese philosophers, speaking of almonds, draw a parallel with the feminine under the name "yin": the product is equally sophisticated, aristocratic, has an exquisite aroma. In America, it is believed that almonds bring love, happiness and prosperity to a young family. In Italy and England, the nut is called a symbol of fertility and fertility.
Calorie content and chemical composition of almonds
This popular walnut is distinguished by excellent taste and unique composition. It is not surprising that scientists recommend using about 5-10 of these nuts every day.
Firstly, it is worth noting the relatively high calorie content of almonds. It is known that about 600 kcal falls on 100 g of product (this does not mean that it does not suit losing weight - it is possible to eat, but in moderation).
Secondly, the composition of nuts is so rich that the nutritional value of almonds is not subject to any doubts.
For the convenience of describing the chemical composition of the nuts, as well as understanding these data, two groups of components are distinguished. This includes:
- Ingredients that represent the nutritional value of almonds.
- A group of pharmacological active substances that has a healing and healing effect on the human body.
So, 100 g of nuts contain:
- 18.6 g of protein;
- 57.7 g of fat;
- 13.6 g of carbohydrates.
The nutritional value of almonds is increased due to the content of the following useful components:
- 65% phosphorus (or vitamin B1);
- 67% magnesium (or vitamin B2);
- 26% calcium (or vitamin B3);
- 110% copper (or vitamin E);
- 99% manganese (or vitamin C).
All percentages presented are based on the daily rate for a person.
The components that represent the nutritional value of almonds are a group of pharmacological active substances that has a healing and healing effect on the human body.
Nutrition value "under a magnifying glass"
Proteins - fatty acids are of particular value to our body. It is known that we must receive irreplaceable acids from the outside, since the body is not able to produce them independently. That is why unprocessed protein found in almonds is so valued.
Fats make up about 30% of the nutritional value of a personโs diet. They can be found in all cells of the body. In addition, they are reserve cells that accumulate chemical energy. If the diet is cut, this energy will be used as the main source of nutrition. A large number of unsaturated fatty acids in almonds can reduce cholesterol, which prevents the risk of developing atherosclerosis. The need for such fatty acids is about 25 g per day or 5% of the total calorie intake per day.
Carbohydrates are one of the most important components of food. They satisfy the body's need for energy quickly and efficiently. Due to the fact that the plant contains a polysaccharide (starch), the promotion of food improves, appetite decreases and a quick sense of fullness appears.
Detailed chemical composition
First of all, it is worth noting macronutrients or the so-called mineral substances (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus). Due to the high content of these components in the almond, certain enzymatic reactions and the functioning of bioelectric systems are provided. A day to cover the need for minerals, it is worth consuming about 2-3 almond kernels.
Trace elements in almonds play an extremely important role for the health of our body: this includes manganese, copper, iron, zinc. These substances are fully capable of transforming a person. Iron is necessary for hemoglobin, is involved in blood formation processes. A person needs only 20 mg of this trace element per day. Only 100 g of almonds cover half the daily requirement. Copper is a participant in neurological processes, promotes the production of hormones, participates in tissue respiration. Manganese in the composition of nuts affects protein metabolism, plays an important role in enzyme systems.
Riboflavin (B2) contained in almonds is able to cover about 80% of a person's daily needs. Thiamine, or B2, is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system; pyridoxine (B6) is involved in the transport of iron, in the work of the kidneys and intestines. A lack of vitamin B6 can lead to disturbances in the central nervous system, to the appearance of dermatitis.
Pantothenic acid, or B3, is needed by the body to nourish the skin and normal growth.
Ascorbic acid is responsible for providing mental and physical activity of the body.
Tocopherol, or vitamin E, has a number of useful functions: it is actively involved in spermatogenesis, ensures the maturation of germ cells, maintains pregnancy, and performs the function of a vasodilator. 100 g of almonds contains about 170% of the daily allowance for the human body.
The content of such a large number of medicinal and nutritional components makes almonds a useful and unique food product.
Almond application
According to the data presented in a scientific article (authored by V. Artamonov, candidate of biological sciences), almonds are mainly used in this way:
- approximately 92% of the product is in the food industry;
- about 6% - for medical purposes;
- about 2% - in the creation of cosmetics and perfumes.
Due to its structure and specifics of use, formally almonds were assigned to the group of nut-bearing ones. Almonds, in fact, are a stone fruit, the most valuable part of which is the seed, or kernel.
There are two types of this fruit:
- bitter nuclear;
- sweet nuclear.
The first contains 3.5% amygdalin glycoside, which releases strong poison, the so-called hydrocyanic acid.
The sweet variety of almonds is used everywhere and for various purposes. Gorky - only after industrial processing and with caution.
Product selection
As we have already said, the chemical composition and nutritional value of almonds make the product indispensable. But it is also important to be able to choose it correctly, otherwise the healing effect of consumption may decrease or not be observed at all. When buying almonds, you should make sure that its shell is not damaged. There should be no โrustyโ coating on the surface. Nuts should have the same color and size. A fresh product has a light nutty flavor. Before buying, carefully read the composition on the package - some manufacturers can "cheat" and flavor the product with salt, sugar or other preservatives that reduce the nutritional value of almonds. The shelf life and appearance in such cases do not suffer, but the efficiency from the use of the product is significantly reduced.
Almonds, the composition and calorie content of which were considered in this article, should in no case be left in open containers. Recommendations for storing the product are as follows: nuts should be stored in a closed container in a cool place. You can significantly extend the shelf life of almonds by putting it in the refrigerator - there it can last a whole year!