Fortune-telling about the betrayal of a husband or wife will give an answer. How to guess for treason?

Treason is insidious and cruel. She kills relationships slowly, stealthily, ignoring the feelings of the "third superfluous". But this is the real question: often infidelity turns out to be a far-fetched, prompted game of our imagination, and not a real fact. Will help resolve the issue of fortune-telling.

fortune telling
There are many ways. Using one of them, you can resolve your doubts and make the right decision.

Fortune telling husband

For lovely women, the question of fidelity is sometimes paramount, because this is the basis of their world. In order not to bother with unnecessary suspicions that destroy family happiness, carry out the following ritual, then everything will fall into place. Ordinary candles will help fortune-telling for a husband’s infidelity . Take two pieces. They need to be mentally connected with the “defendants in the case”. One is you, the second is the husband. Place the candles so that the distance between them is at least ten centimeters. You need to light them at the same time, and then watch what happens. If the husband’s candle goes out right away, then, no matter how painful, he cheats on you.

If both flames burn evenly, then you should not worry, he is faithful to you! If your goes out, then you should be ashamed! You accused a betrayed person of treason, while you yourself are ready to look on the side. If the candles begin to crackle, your couple have envious ones, or someone stares at your husband, cherishing a plan to take him away. Such a fortune-telling fortune can also clear your relationship from the evil eye if you use church candles in the ritual .

fortune telling husband
Their fire will burn all the negative, involuntarily collected by both of you.

Draw cards

Take a new deck (it’s best to buy it). Try to make the imaginary traitor come into contact with her. For example, put a deck under his pillow. Fortune-telling on the cards gives a very definite answer, if you can decipher their meanings. So, shuffle the deck, and then randomly get one card. Cheating means two pictures: an ace of diamonds and a jack. If one of them fell the first time, then your suspicions are well-founded. You need to make a decision: fight for a relationship or let go. But if the ace of hearts or nine fell, then fortune-telling was carried out with a brilliant negative result: you are loved and adored! This method gives a one hundred percent result. But keep in mind that the answer is in the first map: all the others no longer matter. If as a result of awkwardness one fell out of the deck, then it is the answer. Repeated fortune-telling of the beloved is not necessary. It will not give a result.

Pick up tarot cards

This deck is not in vain considered magic. Fortune-telling with the help of Tarot cards can not only give an answer, but also suggest ways out of the situation. They also provide an opportunity to influence a loved one, prompting him to return to the bosom of the family. Yes, Tarot cards are capable of this.

fortune-telling on the cards
Fortune-telling begins with the right attitude. Even if you hold the deck in your hands for the first time, you need to try to find a common language with it. Go through the cards, get to know them, ask for the right answer. Now get three pieces. Consider. Swords in the layout - a warning sign. The presence of major arcana (except the Tower) is encouraging. The direct positive answer is the presence of a page of swords. This is a 100% guarantee of treason. The tower will indicate a break in your relationship soon. A good sign if there are bowls in the layout. This suit is responsible for the relationship and symbolizes the relationship between you. If pentacles fell, then do not expect warmth and harmony, although we are not talking about treason. Just your relationship is tied to material aspects.

Fortune telling

This method is considered reliable. Use should be a ring donated by the person on whom the fortune-telling is carried out.

fortune telling
You need to pick up a time when no one will disturb you for sure. It is advisable to do the ritual at night, with the full moon. It is especially good if you can open the windows and conduct the whole ritual in the moonlight. This will help get rid of far-fetched suspicions and reveal the truth. So, take a piece of paper. Write on it the name of your beloved. Burn. Now over the ashes you need to keep a ring tied to a string (at least ten centimeters). If it began to swing parallel to your position, there is no betrayal, perpendicularly - the answer is positive. If you do not move for several minutes, the situation is difficult. There is no fact of treason, but there is a desire. It is recommended to take matters into your own hands and try to improve relations. Such a fortune-telling can be carried out regularly. Just do not overdo it with your unfounded suspicions. Still, trust is the best soil for the flourishing of love!

Especially for men

Somehow I do not really believe that strict machos will be engaged in a ring or cards.

tarot fortune telling
For them, there is another method of removing traitors to clean water. It is recommended that fortune-telling a wife be conducted by a psychological test. Just remove the engagement ring from your finger and see what happens. Violent reaction and scandal - something is wrong here. Resentment - she is true. Clarification of relations, but not by a stormy method - she is worried and afraid to lose you. I didn’t notice - her thoughts are busy with another! This is almost one hundred percent treason.

Is it worth guessing?

Think about what actually causes you suspicion. Perhaps the uncertainty in the fidelity of the chosen one is the result of your doubts about your own abilities. Then why guess? Take care of yourself. Your relationship is up to you both. If you take responsibility, then you will become a leader. Another question is when doubts are inspired by the behavior of the second half. Man became distracted and inattentive. Constantly withdraws into himself and stopped sharing his thoughts with you. This is already an alarm bell. Maybe he didn’t cheat in his head at all, but you already started to get nervous. In order not to offend the beloved with suspicions and not push them away from you, it is recommended to tell fortunes. Thus, you will regain your confidence, and relieve him of emotions. It turns out that fortune telling is a little trick. Your little secret. It is quite acceptable if you want to keep love.

Ancient magic divination

fortune telling wife
Our ancestors used the forces of nature, talked with them. For example, women went to Trinity in a birch grove. There it was necessary to choose a pretty tree and talk with him, as with a girlfriend. If a birch tree throws a yellow leaf over your head (in June it is almost impossible), then it mourns the grief that has fallen on your shoulders. This is not a good sign: a traitor is nearby. A tree can be asked for help. In your own words, as you know how. Then pick a few twigs and bring home. From them, collect a broom and sweep the whole house to the doorstep. Either treason or an insidious deceiver will leave. But it will become easier for you.

What to do if fortunetelling predicted treason

Tip: do not be nervous. This is a big hit for many people. But it happens. Perhaps you no longer need this relationship. Only the fear of change makes you grab onto them and not let go of the traitor? Calm down and talk. Let the conversation be extremely sincere, filled not with insults, but with a desire to help. Not only you suffer. Treason is insidious, which makes all participants of the triangle suffer. Together you need to get out of the situation. Self-respecting people will find the right solution. And the notorious egoist nearby is a terrible curse. Do you need this? Sometimes fortunetelling helps get rid of a terrible scourge, which is unrequited love.

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