Red thread on the wrist: why wear it?

A few years ago, a trend appeared to wear red strings on a hand. Many famous and public people on the left wrist could notice this fetish. Paris Hilton, Rihanna, Ksenia Sobchak, Vera Brezhneva, Britney Spears, Philip Kirkorov, Madonna showed their red ropes as proudly as expensive jewelry. By the way, they say that in the domestic show biz they got accustomed with the "light hand" of Madonna.

red thread on the wrist
Where did the fashion come to wear red threads

For some people, famous people are a model of style and a role model. Therefore, many began to copy the wearing of thread on the wrist, especially without thinking about its semantic load. However, she is there. Unless, of course, consider it as a talisman. She came to our environment from Kabbalistic teachings and has a sacred meaning.

Red thread on the wrist: meaning and meaning

Red thread on the wrist the left hand is a kind of amulet and amulet from negative mental impact. In other words, it prevents the penetration of destructive forces from another person into the energy-informational field of a person. That is, it protects against the so-called evil eye and damage, even if they are unintentional.

In esoteric teachings, the left side also has a sacred meaning. It is believed that it personifies the negative side of life: all negative external influences and unkind energy penetrate a person’s life through his left hand. In addition, it is customary to give back with the right hand, and take with the left. This rule especially applies to receiving money. Therefore, a red thread is tied around the wrist of the left hand, so that with the received objects not to "take" bad energy.

Color is also not without reason. Red, as you know, is the color of aggression and pressure. In an esoteric context, the red color in the amulet will “scare away” hostile entities with their own weapons.

How to wear a thread?

red thread on the wrist
As already mentioned, the thread should be worn on the left hand. It is also tied up for a reason - a whole ritual is being performed. The red thread on the wrist should be tied to a loved one with whom there is a spiritual relationship. At this time, the one who will wear it should read the Ben Parade prayer, focus on the highest values ​​and avoid negative thoughts.

First they tie a thread on one knot, and then make another 6. A total of 7 is obtained, each of them symbolizes certain levels of a person’s spiritual development.

Where to get the red thread?

If the thread is needed as a landmark accessory, then it can be made of any red material. To obtain a protective talisman, the thread must be purchased at specialized Kabbalist centers. Initially, these threads were isolated from one that encircled the tomb of the foremother of the people of the Jewish Rachel in Israel in the city of Netivot. Due to the limited access to this method and many comers, the threads began to be sold at points where there are Kabbalah centers.

Other values

Far from mysticism and religion, people wear red strings for health purposes. It is believed that a red wool rope tied around an ankle or wrist somehow eliminates blood flow problems (the color of the thread as the color of blood).

red thread on the wrist
They are also worn simply because it is so fashionable. It seems that a person with a red thread belongs to some kind of caste or secret society.

Excursions to folk traditions will show that our ancestors even tied the strings from every evil eye without Kabbalah.

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