A document establishing the requirements for a particular product, prescribing certain procedures by which compliance with these requirements is established is the technical conditions that are developed in accordance with the desire of the product manufacturer or customer, and therefore are considered to be intellectual property belonging to him.
The composition of the technical conditions
Since the technical conditions are a document that meets the requirements of GOST, which is part of the ESKD (Unified Design Documentation System), its composition and structure, as well as its design, are strictly defined. Two current standards that exist for the development of technical specifications will be considered now. For food products, technical specifications are State Standard P51740 (founded in 2001). This document contains general design and development requirements. For non-food products, technical specifications are State Standard 2.114 (developed in 1995).
The most important thing is to be as accurate as possible when indicating the name, assortment, consumer properties of this product, in listing the safety requirements of the raw materials used. It is precisely necessary to describe the labeling, acceptance rules, control tests, packaging, transportation, storage conditions. General specifications should provide the consumer with the most comprehensive information.
Products manufactured not according to the State Standard must be certified by a domestic manufacturer, and a certificate of conformity will require special or general technical conditions. The manufacturer may conduct voluntary certification of conformity with the technical specifications. This document should not contain information that would contradict the mandatory requirements of interstate and state standards for the same products.
Technical standards prescribe requirements for any product, and they should not be softer or more vague than those specified in the standards. If necessary, specifications can be updated and revised, including the inclusion of new sections that are reasonably considered necessary, or some standard sections may be excluded, also if there are good reasons.
Now, upon receipt of the technical conditions, there is a mandatory registration for medical and food products. The remaining cases are at the discretion of the manufacturer; he may not register his own products, since there is no regulatory document prescribing such a procedure as mandatory. But smart manufacturers still understand that registration in almost all cases is useful.
Firstly, the rights to the technical conditions already developed by the manufacturer are confirmed. A sample of such a development is present in the illustrations for this article. Secondly, the manufacturer will gain much more confidence among buyers and organizations who need such products. Partnership is much easier. Register the products of organizations that have the appropriate authority obtained in Rosstandart of the Russian Federation.
An additional document developed simultaneously with the fulfillment of technical specifications is called a product catalog sheet (KLP). It lists a specific set of various details that contain information about the designation and name of the product, directly about the company where the product is manufactured, as well as information about the document prescribing the requirements for the manufacture of this product, about the owner of this document.
And the main content of the KPL is information about the consumer characteristics of the products presented. The customer of technical conditions (GOST product) can register the catalog sheet in any territorial authority at the location of the manufacturer authorized for such action by the Russian Federal Standard, where regional and all-Russian databases are formed.
Development of technical conditions for connection
New production and living areas should be connected to the general communications. This also requires the development and implementation of certain technical conditions. Connecting to electric networks of objects belonging to legal entities, for example, differs from the same action in relation to individuals. But the following will be common here:
1. An indication of all points where the connection to the network will take place (they should not be located further than twenty-five meters from the border of the consumer's territory).
2. Indication of reasonable requirements in order to strengthen the bandwidth parameters of an existing network, as new consumers join it. The sections of wires and cables should be increased, the construction of additional lines and substations should be organized, transformers should be replaced or their capacity increased, and all equipment should be modernized. The implementation of all these activities is undertaken by the network organization.
3. Indication of mandatory requirements for meters, automation devices and emergency devices, ensuring maximum power control.
4. An indication of the distribution of responsibilities for fulfilling the technical conditions for connecting to a common electricity network.
Technical specifications for power supply are issued for a period of two to five years. If the consumer did not have enough time to carry out all the activities that are provided for by the technical conditions, the work can continue, since the network organization is obliged to extend their validity period free of charge. Technologically, the electricity connection includes seven points.
1. Specifications are prepared by the network organization, coordinating them with subcontractors and system operators.
2. Project documentation is also developed by the network organization in accordance with obligations that provide for technical conditions.
3. The project-scheme of power supply of all objects on its own site is developed by the consumer, also in accordance with the obligations that provide for technical conditions. Exceptions are when project documentation is not required, as provided by the law on urban development.
4. All parties must ensure that technical specifications are met.
5. Verification of the implementation assigned to the network organization.
6. If power is connected over one hundred kilowatts for legal entities and more than fifteen kilowatts for individuals, Rostekhnadzor joins the network organization during the audit. For less power, representatives of Rostekhnadzor can not be bothered.
7. Joining of objects upon the fact is carried out by the network organization.
Already established requirements in standards or documents of another plan that apply to these products are not duplicated in technical specifications, they simply provide links to GOSTs. Technical specifications are drawn up on A4 paper according to State Standard 2.301, where the main inscription is in accordance with GOST 2.104 in form 2 or 2a, and the title page is drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105 with additions.
In the field 6 below, after the designation of the technical specifications, the designation of the document with the technical specifications (in brackets, for example: "Instead ...") is indicated, then the date or expiration date. Tables, drawings, diagrams that illustrate certain TU provisions are performed in accordance with GOST 2.301, and the main inscription in form 2a in accordance with GOST 2.104. Originals on magnetic media, as well as copies from them, specifications for materials and substances and the like can be performed without the main inscription, without additional frames and columns.
Technical conditions
Such standards are necessary in many areas and spheres of the national economy. Particularly important are the sectors of energy, transport, and construction. The latter at any of its facilities requires an immense amount of a variety of standards, the collection of a huge package of documents.
And the design and technical documents have always been and will be the main ones, where a combination of graphic and textual references is presented, which determine the entire process of building an object.
This documentation reflects both the methods of organizing the production process and the methods of construction of structures, operation and repair of equipment. The following papers are included in the design and technical documentation .
1. Regulations.
2. Drawings of equipment, devices and tools.
3. Technological maps with explanations.
4. Schemes of all technological processes.
5. The list of construction crews and their work schedules.
6. Parameters of permitted construction and documents confirming all deviations from them.
7. Many other regulatory technology materials.
The most important document in this package is the technical conditions during construction, which reflect the norms and requirements for each specific object. It is in them that both additional to existing and missing safety requirements are stated, the features of the object are revealed - in design, operation, construction, dismantling. Without technical conditions, not a single object of constructed structures and buildings will be accepted.
The development of technical conditions is undertaken by research and design organizations with certain experience, including practical, with scientific and technical potential. Typically, the technical conditions are ordered by the investor or customer. The following components are necessarily reflected there.
1. Information about the facilities by level of responsibility in accordance with applicable building codes and requirements.
2. Justification for the development of technical conditions.
3. Other requirements that relate to the development of specifications. Fire and seismic safety, for example.
Technical specifications are developed only after the building is approved for design. Before this, many fundamental questions are surely worked out. For example, questions of conducting research at a site designated for construction, the choice of the type of foundation, materials, products that are supposed to be used in construction, the design of the scheme of the entire building and the like. The analysis of the regulatory framework currently in force, the development of standards and missing norms is mandatory.
The content of technical conditions for construction
Certain standards apply in Russia, and therefore technical conditions must meet all the requirements set for their content. There should be documents that serve as the basis for construction, all technical requirements, deviations from the normative technical documentation on the list, compensating for these deviations from the event, justification for the development of technical specifications, various information (name, construction conditions, location, etc.).
The technical specifications should contain information about the customer or investor, about the developer of the technical specifications, about the design organization, a list of control methods and acceptance rules, a description of the building under construction with its main elements, a site diagram, and planning decisions. Of particular note is the presence in the documentation of guarantees and safety requirements, as well as actions to protect the environment.