How to choose a coat for teenage girls?

coat for teenage girls

Many parents are well aware of how difficult it is to choose teenage winter coats for girls. At this age, your growing daughter is increasingly thinking about her appearance. She wants to look not only worse than others, but better, much better than her peers. And this applies not only to summer dresses and sundresses. In winter, all young ladies also want to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right coat for teenage girls.

Choose a down jacket

The most popular and practical option to date is downy winter coats for girls. Usually these are fitted and elongated models with a belt. Pay attention to the presence of side pockets, a hood and a high collar. These elements will provide girls with comfort and warmth. Most often, manufacturers choose polyamide for the top layer of the product. This fabric is quite durable and durable.

Coat for teenage girls: what should be the insulation

teenage winter coats for girls

Preferred are natural filled models. First of all, it is, of course, fluff. It is desirable that it be eider or goose. Coats for teenage girls with duck down should not be bought if the winters are severe in your region. Such a filler is not too warm. A coat with natural down is expensive, but it fully justifies the money spent. You can choose a cheaper model, but it will be with synthetic insulation.

Synthetic insulation

Parents should not be afraid of the word โ€œsyntheticsโ€. Modern synthetic heaters are hypoallergenic (and natural fluff can cause a strong allergic reaction in a girl), they are light and retain heat very well (up to -25 degrees). In addition, for example, holofiber is a thin insulation, and this allows designers to create elegant and feminine models. Moreover, they are very warm and light. The synthetic winterizer belongs to synthetic heaters of the first generation. It is more voluminous and after several washes loses its heat-preserving properties.

Great quality and affordable price.

coats for teenagers girls winter
All parents want their girl to feel warm and comfortable in a new coat on a frosty day. But how to get a model whose price would be fully consistent with the quality? You should not immediately go to the market and buy a cheap and at first glance quite attractive product of Chinese masters. Indeed, upon purchase you will not be given any guarantees. And it is completely unknown what surprises the new owner is preparing for the owner. Unfortunately, there are many complaints about the quality of Chinese products. It is not worn for long, often shedding after the first wash, but most importantly, there are cases of allergies to toxic dyes.

Not all mothers and fathers can take their children to the company salon and buy a coat from a well-known European brand. Fortunately, today there are many proven and respected by parents online stores that offer clothing for teenagers at times cheaper than in salons and boutiques. In them, without leaving your home, you will order your favorite coats for teenage girls. Winter is a great time of the year, but only when the clothes are chosen correctly.

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