A billboard is one of the best outdoor advertising options.

In order to promote your product to the masses, there are many marketing moves. All of them are united under the name "advertising". This marketing element, in turn, has many varieties. Among them stand out: advertising in the media, hidden advertising, outdoor advertising and many others. The last element includes a type such as a billboard. This is a fairly popular marketing move in Europe. In our country, it is only gaining its popularity.

billboard is

Billboard as an element of an organizationโ€™s marketing policy

Outdoor advertising is a very effective method of promoting goods. First of all, this type of marketing policy allows you to increase the number of potential consumers: there are a lot of people who pay attention to bright posters and posters. Outdoor advertising began its development in Russia not so long ago. Its completely โ€œyoungโ€ direction is the billboard - this is a huge shield consisting of a support and a frame. The latter, in turn, is a rectangle that is sheathed with plywood, steel plates or other material. At the same time, the surface of the frame is covered with special compounds that protect it from atmospheric precipitation and other natural phenomena.
If you pull or stick an advertising poster on this board, then it turns into a billboard. This is one of the most common types of outdoor advertising in the West. In principle, such an advantage is easily explained. After all, if the shield is installed in the right place, representatives of all social groups will see it: from students and schoolchildren to businessmen and politicians. That is why advertising on billboards is very effective if your company's product is aimed at mass consumption.

billboards advertising

Emergence and development

If we turn to history, then the very first such shields appeared in ancient Egypt. Huge frames with a canvas stretched over them were used for informational purposes. With their help, people learned about theatrical and circus performances, about the work of visiting merchants, about escaped criminals and the reward for their capture and more. Advertising billboards came to Russia from the United States of America. There, businessmen attracted the attention of buyers by placing various announcements (bills) on billboards and boards. This is where their name came from - billboard.

billboard advertising

Soviet billboards

It is noteworthy that the first billboards appeared on the territory of the CIS even during the existence of the USSR. However, at that time they were called in a completely different way. Billboards - that was the name of the first huge elements of outdoor advertising. The reason for this is as follows. In the early 90s, when large billboards with advertising posters first appeared on the streets of the USSR, Big Boards provided the main market share for this type of service. As an advertisement for her organization, she placed on each billboard a small tablet with the name of her company. In this way, the name "billboard" was further disseminated.

billboard placement

Differentiation of shields

A huge number of diverse subspecies includes this type of outdoor advertising as a billboard. These are not only shields that differ in size - they are also differentiated by the number of sides, in shape, design, etc.
The considered element of outdoor advertising can be an installed frame with one, two, three and even four priority planes. Depending on how the sides are located in relation to each other, triangular, V-shaped and other shields are distinguished.

The design is also of great importance. Depending on this feature, two types of billboards can be distinguished:
1. Non-separable - those that represent the unity of the support and the frame of the shield;
2. Constructors, or "transformers." They consist of several parts and represent a fairly mobile design. Installing this type of billboard takes less time and effort. It is noteworthy that this type is very common for large-sized shields.

And, of course, size. There are many billboards that differ in width and length. On the territory of the CIS countries, billboards, the size of which is 3 meters wide and 6 meters in length, are most common. In Europe and America you can find billboards whose surface area is 108 square meters.

Priority Installation Directions

Gradually, billboards began to be installed on the side of the road. This was due to the constant increase in the number of vehicles traveling between settlements. The speed of cars grew, and so that passengers and drivers could see the outdoor advertising, billboards began to increase in size.

And now billboards are being placed on busy highways, international routes, suburban and ring roads. As a rule, the more traffic flows along this highway, the more effective the advertisement.

billboard setting

Significant details in the installation of outdoor advertising elements

The placement of billboards has its own nuances. For example, on highways and one- way streets, a two - way billboard is usually not installed. For the advertiser, the front surface directed at the driver and passengers is important and priority. In this case, a one-way billboard is installed .

Inside the city, often instead of billboards with support, posters glued or stretched onto the walls of buildings are used. It is noteworthy that sometimes such elements of outdoor advertising become an excellent accessory, diluting the gray streets of the city.

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