Antifreeze heaters. How to connect an antifreeze heater? Electric antifreeze heater

Unfortunately, the weather conditions in most regions of Russia do not allow a quick and comfortable start of the car in the winter season. However, today there are many ways that can destroy this myth. One of these devices are antifreeze heaters, which are also called pre-launch. Why so? Because they heat the antifreeze even before starting the engine, thereby ensuring normal start-up and operation. When the antifreeze warmed up to normal temperature, the engine will cats to start at any time of the year.

antifreeze heaters


The main advantage of this device is that thanks to its work, you can start the engine in almost any frost, and this is a fact. If we consider this point in more detail, then it is also worth noting the reduced load on the starter and engine components as a whole, since with useless turns of the ignition key their wear is also significantly reduced. Another thing is when the motor and all systems will already be in a warmed state - the car will start up with a half-turn. In addition, the antifreeze pre-heater has a positive effect on the initial fuel consumption. And thanks to the presence of additional functions with the help of this device, you can warm up not only the engine, but also the interior. And in addition, you can get rid of icing glass.


It should be noted that antifreeze heaters, depending on whether they are intended for a gasoline or diesel engine, can have different technical characteristics and a different operating principle. However, what unites them into one is the heating method. Some work on the energy of gasoline, others consume electricity. By the way, the principle of operation is almost the same for almost everyone and is based on the use of common heating elements - metal electric coils or posistors (these are special ceramic elements that prevent the device from exceeding the set temperature).

In addition, it is worth highlighting the varieties of electric antifreeze heaters. These can be devices powered from the vehicle’s on-board electrical system (that is, powered by battery power) and so-called “stationary” connected to a 220-volt network.

What is an electric tosol heater?

This device belongs to the type of prestarting heaters, which have in their design special heating elements (tubular electric heaters), which increase the temperature of the cooled antifreeze to the working one and circulate it in a circle in the car engine system.

After the liquid has heated to a predetermined value, this device is turned off, respectively, the heater does not heat the antifreeze. Some models of prestarting heaters are also equipped with special interior heaters or battery charging devices. However, such tools are most often dependent on a 220 V voltage network, since they are not connected to another energy source. Thus, it is rational to use such an engine antifreeze heater only in a garage or in a parking lot, where there is access to such energy sources.

engine antifreeze heater

Why is it more profitable to use 220-volt devices?

Now let's talk about the benefits. The first reason that these antifreeze heaters are purchased (that is, those that operate on a 220 V network) is their low price and reliability. But the most important thing, because of which motorists appreciate such a device, is its simplicity and ease of installation. Mounting it and connecting to the system is much simpler than a similar device operating from the vehicle's on-board network. In addition, such a device will warm up the interior and charge the battery, while the on-board heater will only discharge it with its electric heater.

If your car has such a device as an antifreeze heater (VAZ 2110 - including), it will always be in a warmed state, respectively, you will not waste your time and nerves in order to heat the engine in severe frost. After several minutes of operation of this heater, you will have not only a warm engine, but also a warm interior. But each of us knows firsthand what it feels like to get into a cold car in the cold. At -20 degrees, the cold penetrates to the bones, and the barely barely working stove slowly only begins to supply warm air. In addition to this - icy glass, which is almost impossible to get rid of ice ... In general, the picture is not the best, especially for owners of VAZs, in which the stove is not only bad, but also a stove. With a heater, you will always sit in a warm cabin and will not be tormented by tearing frozen pieces of ice from the outside of the glass.

connection of an antifreeze heater

Devices powered by the vehicle’s on-board network

Well, for those who often love to travel, such stationary devices will bring not so much benefit as those that work from the car's on-board network. Agree, it’s not always on the road that there is a moment to find a constant source of 220V energy. Therefore, if you are a lover of long-distance travel or just a person engaged in private transportation by car, then such a device is simply irreplaceable for you. However, at the same time, it must be taken into account that such antifreeze heaters will “eat” a lot of energy from the battery, so for the future, install more powerful batteries in the car. For example, instead of a 65-ampere device, you can mount a device at 75 Ah / h and so on. But the main thing at the same time is to guess with the dimensions, because the more powerful the battery, the larger its dimensions. In the case of large-tonnage trucks, the situation is simpler - they have two huge batteries of 12 volts each, whose power is enough for the full-fledged operation of the most powerful heater.

It is also necessary to note the existence of thermos type models. Such devices can maintain the working temperature of antifreeze for up to two days without any additional energy costs.

antifreeze preheater

How do antifreeze heaters work with a pump?

The principle of operation of this tool is very simple. The heater burns fuel (diesel or gasoline), which is taken from the vehicle’s power system, and due to this, the engine coolant is heated. Antifreeze is pumped in a large circle and passes through the internal combustion engine and a regular heating radiator. The latter, in turn, warms the air, a warm stream of which is sent to the cabin. That is, warm energy is sent not only to the cooling system, but also inside the car. In the case of electrical devices, the heater is heated, while most of the energy comes from the battery or a constant source of 220 volts, in simple words - a stationary outlet, which is available in almost every garage.

How fast is this process?

Many motorists are wondering: “How long will this whole heating process take?” Depending on the model of the pre-heater and the ambient temperature, it takes 5 to 15 minutes to heat the coolant with the passenger compartment. At the same time, the maximum how much this device can consume is 400-500 milliliters of fuel per hour. Electric tosol heaters connected to the car’s battery consume up to 35 watts of energy over the same period of time.


Now many devices are equipped with a GSM-control system, individual models perceive commands via smartphones, which is an indisputable advantage in favor of convenience when using this equipment. In addition, the pre-heater can be equipped with a mini-timer, which makes it possible to set a specific time for heating the system at any time through a remote control device.


The most popular antifreeze heaters are Webasto and Eberspacher systems, which are currently installed on almost all modern models of heavy trucks (the so-called “European seven” - “Scania”, “Volvo”, “MAN”, “DAF” and so on). It is also worth noting the equipment of domestic production "Leader" and foreign DEFA and Kim Hotstart, which can also be installed on cars and SUVs.

how to connect an antifreeze heater

Where is the installation of the antifreeze heater?

This device is mounted in the engine compartment. It is impossible to say exactly where it is located under the hood, since on all cars the connection of the antifreeze heater occurs in different ways and in different places. Often, most modern machines already have a special niche for this device.

How to connect an antifreeze heater?

We note right away that on some models of preheater, the installation steps may be slightly different from those that we set out in the instructions below. Therefore, to install this system as quickly as possible, pay attention to the instructions that are supplied by the manufacturer with each device of this type.

For successful installation of the heater, you will need approximately 1.5 hours of free time and a few liters of new antifreeze, since we should definitely drain the old one.

So how to install an antifreeze heater? To begin with, we need to drive the car to the inspection hole and merge, as we already noted above, the old antifreeze. After the antifreeze is not left in the system, you can safely proceed with the installation of the pre-heater. In this case, thoroughly flush the channels of this system. This can be done with ordinary hot water.

Now we need to check whether the crane for draining the coolant is installed on the car. If this is not the case, you need to look in the engine compartment for a technological plug that is located on the engine itself, namely on the block. We need to unscrew it and remove the fitting. The latter will fit in diameter to the hose, and have threads on the second side so that it can be easily installed.

Now you need to take the fitting and insert it into the resulting hole in the engine. However, it is possible that gaskets may fall out. To avoid this, use heat-resistant silicone sealant during work . If your car already has a special drain valve, then you will need to unscrew it and then do all the above actions in the same way.

pump antifreeze heaters

Reinstall the pre-heater and carefully secure it in place. To do this, connect the input of the device to the point of collection together. The connection itself is done using a hose and secured with clamps.

At the next stage, we have to connect the engine to this device. It should be connected in such a way that the outlet is integrated in the place of the hose rupture. In addition, you can use one of the top points of the internal combustion engine. Then connect the tee and secure it with sealant. In addition, you can use the same clamps. The hose that you will lay to the tee from the heater should not have bends, that is, laid in the shortest way. Remember that cracks can occur in the tube if bends occur, resulting in poor heat supply. Next, you need to fix the hose in the connected device, and install the other side in the internal combustion engine.

Functionality Check

Now you should fill the cooling system with new antifreeze and start the engine. Leave it in working condition for about 10 minutes (let it work

VAZ antifreeze heater
at idle). This is necessary in order to ensure good fluid circulation. Switch off the engine and plug in the heater. To make sure it is working, place your hand on its top. If you feel warm, then you did everything right. At this stage, the question of how to install an antifreeze heater can be considered closed. By the way, the service requires up to $ 500 for such work, so in 1.5 hours we saved a fairly substantial amount.

How much does an engine antifreeze heater cost?

The cost of the pre-heater system ranges from 700 to 1100 dollars, depending on the type and brand of the manufacturer. As a rule, domestic devices are the cheapest on the market and no less reliable than imported ones.

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