Deer is a noble animal, which is a pleasure to draw. But you need to understand that building his head is not an easy task. It is necessary to maintain all proportions correctly. In this article we will tell you how to draw a deer head.
Half siluet
How to draw a deer
head for a budding artist? It is necessary to conquer the complex form in parts. For example, start with a half-silhouette.
To draw such an image, you first need to make a layout. And it should be remembered that the noble animal has rather long horns, so be sure to leave a large free space in the upper part of the leaf.
We will draw the image from the center. First, draw the face of the animal. In shape, it will resemble a drop. We immediately outline the nose, and we take the left part of the head to the shade. We portray the neck. We outline it with two wavy lines. And on the left side of the neck will be longer. To make the cut of the picture visually look prettier, draw a coat.
The left side of the neck is immersed in the shadow. We attach ears to the head, they will be in the form of leaves. You can shade them right away. Branched horns are easiest to draw. They look about the same as the branches of a tree. To make the deer look aesthetically pleasing, the horns must be rounded. We finish the right side of the animal's face, namely: the eye and hair. We will draw the left part of the animal with a well-honed eraser. We draw the eyes with strokes, outline the hair and create volume in the ears.
Light silhouette
How to draw a deer head? The easiest way to do this is by depicting a silhouette. How to draw it? The silhouette of the head of a deer will begin to depict from the muzzle. It is not visible as such, but all the same, to build it is necessary to draw a triangle. To his right and left we attach ears. They are leaf shaped.
Now you need to draw a neck. We will draw it with a rectangle that expands and is rounded down. Getting to the image of the horns. In shape, they look like a semicircle. You can draw this geometric figure to help you. You should make the line less even and add branches to it. Last action: paint over the silhouette with a soft pencil.
Sophisticated silhouette
How to draw
a deer head? You can exactly the same as in the previous paragraph, with only a few changes. For example, you should not draw a deer full-face, but in profile. We depict the face of the animal. The main role here is played by the horns. Without them, our deer will look like a dog. Horns are best depicted in three quarters. And you should definitely mark the eye with a tubercle.
The silhouette of a deer head can be complemented with snowflakes. After all, many people associate this horned animal with the New Year, so you can convey this idea in a drawing. One or two snowflakes can be depicted on the silhouette itself. This should be done not with white paint, but with a well-honed eraser.
Industrial deer
We have already told how to draw the silhouettes of the head of a noble animal. Now let's complicate the task. Let's make a silhouette drawing of the deer’s head with a pencil, and fill it with objects surrounding a person on the street. This interesting creative task develops the imagination and helps to better feel the form.
We draw a silhouette, and then we need to break it into pieces. Separate the ears, horns, nose, neck. The muzzle must be divided into two planes: one upper, the second - lateral. And now for the fun part. We fill each of the parts with figures. For example, on the neck we draw a house, which stands on a cobblestone road. Above it are boards and stairs. On the side of the muzzle we draw a bridge and a barrel, and on the upper part - a conveyor from the boards. Horns may consist of cranes, nuts and screws. In general, here the flight of fancy can be unlimited.
Realistic drawing
It will be difficult for a novice artist to portray a noble animal. But having completed several approaches, the result can be improved.
How to draw a deer head with a pencil? You need to start with the layout. The figure fits well into the triangle. In the center we draw the face. It will look like an oval, narrowed down. Immediately you need to depict the nose. It will be in the form of a hyperbola. The nose itself is also depicted as an oval. Outline the eyes. We draw the neck with light strokes, outlining the hair. We pass to the ears. They will be in the form of ovals, pointed at the top. Immediately depict the volume on them and increase the coat with shading. Getting to drawing horns. First, we depict small horns that are attached to the head, and then large and branched. We achieve volume on them due to clarification of the upper parts and darkening of the lower ones. We clarify the details, and our drawing is ready.
It is not necessary to draw the full head of a deer. In order for the viewer to understand which animal is depicted in the figure, it is necessary to show the characteristic features. How to draw a deer’s head in stages, so that the image looks like a sketch? Here you do not need to make a layout, most importantly, competently build a form. We depict an oval - this will be the face of the animal. We outline the nose with a heart and planes depict the volume on the cheeks. We emphasize the cheekbones and outline the eyes. Be sure to draw eyelids. We outline the shape of the ears, but do not draw them. And now you need to depict a horn. We divide it on the plane and draw only the base. We complete the sketch with a darkening of the neck.
Deer cardiogram
To make such a picture is very simple, but it looks spectacular. Need to draw a cardiogram. Alternating zigzag and straight lines, we depict a strip. In its center or a little to the left you need to draw a silhouette of a deer head. And it will not be a silhouette, but rather a contour, and the most primitive one. We draw the face of the animal, turned to the left, ears and horns. The neck of the animal will be adjacent to the cardiogram. The drawing is ready.
Such drawings are made in art universities so that students are better acquainted with the form. So if you don’t quite understand what parts a deer’s head consists of, then it’s worth at least once depicting a chopping.
We will start drawing from the muzzle. We draw a drop, but we don’t round it, but as if cut off from all sides. The nose is a square. Two triangles extend from it to the right and left - these are the cheeks. The surface of the nose is represented by a pentagon. From it cheekbones, temporal and frontal hollows will depart. When the head is ready, draw the ears. It will be a rectangle. We show the volume with a quadrangle, and divide the rest of the space into three parts. We draw horns arbitrarily, but we also break them into geometric shapes. It remains to depict the net of which the body of a deer consists.