Game complex for cats with their own hands. How to make game corners for cats

Nature rewarded cats not only with their peaceful disposition and ability to move gracefully. Pets are rampant lovers of outdoor games, after which the owners often have to collect shards from vases, transplant flowers from overturned pots or, worse, re-glue wallpapers after successful attacks by the “home designer”. Build a game complex for cats with your own hands. And your “mewing” problems will be much less.

DIY game complex for cats

We are developing a project

As in any other serious enterprise that requires attention and some knowledge from us, before you start building, you should first decide on the main stages of the upcoming procedure.

  • The design of the structure should harmoniously match the environment.
  • The design of the “cat entertainment center” should be solid, firmly holding multi-level bases and, of course, safe for the animal or group of domestic inhabitants.
  • If you are planning to equip the complex for large cats, you should pay special attention to the shape and size of the future building, since the "overall" size of animals is sometimes determined by considerable weight, respectively, the design, material and fasteners must meet the requirements of high "seismic stability".
  • Be sure to make an estimate of the upcoming project. This will help you save a lot if you intend to treat such an undertaking with the proper measure of wisdom and practicality.

Game corners for cats

Game complex for cats with their own hands and with love

Of course, if you carry out the construction for pets, so necessary for their harmonious development, this can say a lot. First of all, that you are a really attentive and caring host. This means that the result of your, so to speak, practical love will correspond to the proportionality and grandeur of your feelings. Of course, you should not be too zealous, but you also do not need to save much on the material. Everything should be in moderation and tasteful. It should be noted that the drawings of the game complexes for cats presented in the master classes mainly include a three-level idea. That is, the structure consists of three bases, which are located on supporting columns. An integral part of such designs is the house, which can be located on any floor of the cat "penthouse". Another key element is the hanging rope, which is quite dense in structure and qualitatively strong. Your imagination should not be limited to the examples you saw. You are a “free artist”, and therefore you can realize your own creative impulse in the form of a well-maintained and comfortable playing corner for your beloved cat.

Complex for big cats

The material and tool you need

Based on your own considerations, prepare the necessary construction equipment for the implementation of the plan, as well as purchase the required components for the future design. Decorative elements: jute rope, carpet and other composite materials accompanying your presentation can be expressed in a significant amount of cash equivalent. Therefore, the most accurate calculations should be made so as not to buy too much. Do not forget that the game corners for cats are made of material that is as close as possible to its natural origin. Animals can also be exposed to the adverse effects of allergenic substances. Taking into account the absolute fearlessness of the representatives of the cat family, try to give your design the highest possible height. Remember, a cat likes to climb to the “top”.

Some useful tips

  • Game complexes for cats, photo

    Equipping a do-it-yourself game complex for cats, keep in mind the important point that it is vital for an animal to monitor the state of its “weapon”. Therefore, so that the darling does not use polishing or upholstering of furniture as a grinding material, it is necessary to braid a jute rope around the supporting posts, thereby creating an animal comfortable conditions for preventive manipulations with its claws. The base, which may be a plastic pipe made of pressed cellulose, which is not too large in diameter, is coated with non-toxic glue, and then secured with screws using 3-5 turns.
  • Carpet can produce exterior decoration of the house and multi-level bases. The pale green color of the grassy hue will optimally match almost any interior of the living room.
  • To diversify game complexes for cats, the photos of which you see in this article, you can use decorative elements in the form of hanging bunches of knitted wool, rubber toys fixed on a movable spring, or butterflies that can be made independently of polyethylene.

It is worth knowing about it

First of all, the “entertaining” platform you built for your beloved cat should by no means turn into a sleeping place or a cat's dining room. Be vigilant and do not let your pet liberties. A well-bred cat should understand - where they play, they don’t eat there ... It goes without saying that you should not drive a resting animal from the upper tier at noon. After all, it is natural for a living organism: after dynamic games, soak up and relax during a short sleep. Believe me, it’s not so difficult to build a game complex for cats with your own hands. The only thing you need to have is a desire ...

Drawings of game complexes for cats


Today you can buy a ready-made house or a corner for cat entertainment. Variety, assortment and reasonable prices make the choice optimal and appropriate. But tell me, what will not be in the purchased corner or cat complex for games? Right. There will be no embedded love and spiritual effort. Your cat will be especially grateful if you make her a "training ground" with your own hands.

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