The history and current state of the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo

The history of the temple, which will be discussed in this article, began at the end of the XVII century. This special time between the church schism and the reforms of Peter the Great in the church sense was a turning point. However, nothing special in the years before the revolution specifically with this temple did not happen. This is very different from it, for example, the Church of the Nativity in Mitino, which was founded a little later - in the second half of the XVIII century. An interesting feature of this building is that it survived, being untouched by anyone, except for thieves and looters, the entire period of Soviet power.

Church of the Nativity in Chernevo

The history of the Nativity Church before the 1917 revolution

The first temple, on the site of which is now located the Church of the Nativity in Chernev, was built in 1683. In 1722, it was decided to remove it and build a new church of stone. There was no bell tower in the original design. It was added later, in the 19th century. At the request of the peasants living in Chernev, in 1800 the church was attributed to the Vvedensky church, located on the territory of the nearby village of Ivanovo. A request for this was addressed to the ruling Moscow diocese by Metropolitan Plato at the request of the villagers priest Vasily Romanov. The estate in which the church was located, over time, passed from one hand to another. At the end of the XIX century, it was divided into two parts and sold to two landowners, whose last names began to be called the area in the future: Shubino and Lebedevo.

nativity temple

Church in the post-revolutionary period until 1989

Prior to the closure of the church by the Soviet authorities, the priest was priest Nikolai Vorontsov. And before him, the father of his wife, from whom he had five children, served in the same church. When the revolution happened, the parish of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo was abolished, and the abbot was forced to work at the factory. Nevertheless, during the anti-religious persecution of 1937, he was arrested and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out at the Butovo training ground. The church itself, however, did not suffer. The usual practice of demolition and explosion of religious buildings at that time did not affect the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo. Actually, he remained untouched even by the end of World War II. In 1974, the temple was given the status of an architectural monument, which is under state protection. Unfortunately, this did not save the church from the fact that by the end of the 80s it was in extremely poor condition. Over the previous years of inactivity and abandonment, it was completely plundered, including even floor coverings.

Church of the Nativity in Mitino

Temple after 1989 to the present

The return of the church building to believers occurred only in 1989. After a period of restoration work and restoration of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo, a full-fledged parish again appeared with regular divine services. To date, church premises have been fully restored, and the temple area has been landscaped. In addition, a Sunday school building was built near the church, and new bells appeared on the bell tower.

Formally, the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo has one throne. But there is a second, added. It is established on days when it is necessary to perform two liturgies on the same day, since, according to Orthodox traditions, it is strictly forbidden to perform the same service twice a day on the same throne. He was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God in memory of her Kazan icon.

How to get there

To get to the church in honor of the Nativity of Christ, you need to go along the Butovo metro line to the Ulitsa Gorchakova station. Then walk to the church. This will be about ten minutes with an average walking step. There is also the opportunity to get to the temple from the Yasenevo metro station. To do this, take the bus on route No. 202.

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