How to make a wax seal at home: a master class

The wax seal looks interesting and attractive, now it is used as a masterโ€™s seal for decorating envelopes, scrapbooking, etc. If you are a lover of needlework, then you probably would like to have your own seal, which can be used as your sign. We have found for you a master class on creating a wax seal at home. This master class is more suitable for already experienced craftswomen who know how to work with material and tools.

How to make a seal from sealing wax at home?

DIY wax seal

A seal made of wax, resin or wax is a magnificent decor that can be used for scrapbooking, and in various types of decoupage, and in many other types of needlework. To create it you will need:

  • piece of wood stick for printing;
  • wood burning device;
  • thin sharp knife or clerical;
  • listing;
  • sandpaper;
  • drying oil;
  • pencil.

To create a print, a wooden stick for a shovel, a mop, and so on, is suitable, such can be purchased at an ordinary hardware store or in a household goods store. Choose a stick suitable for your diameter.

DIY printing

Create print

So, how to make a wax seal at home? Saw off a piece from the stick, about 5-6 cm long. Orient your hand, measure out such a segment that is convenient to use. Grind it well from all sides. Carefully treat the one on which the seal itself will be.

Print with a straightforward image for printing that matches the diameter. Cut it in a circle, then cut the pattern with a thin knife, making a stencil from the printout.

Mirror the drawing to the surface of the future print, so that the correct print is obtained on the print - from right to left. Paint over the cut holes with a pencil, do it carefully. So that the stencil does not crawl, it can be fixed with a small piece of adhesive tape.

Next, deal with burning. Preheat the wood burning device, try to burn the image at the same depth, so that the print is smooth and clear.

Process the finished print with drying oil or other special moisture-resistant impregnation for wood. Wipe the area thoroughly with a rag and leave to dry for a day, otherwise it will get your hands dirty. Here's how to make a wax seal at home. After a day, you can safely use it.

Wax seal master class

Test Drive

Now you can try finished printing in business. Take wax, sealing wax or other material suitable for printing (we will talk about alternative printing materials below), spread it with a candle or a lighter, drip in the place where you want to place the seal. Give the material a couple of seconds to grasp. Dip the seal in ordinary oil, blot the excess with a tissue. Press it evenly and firmly against the material and leave it to solidify completely.

When it hardens, carefully remove the seal. If you are afraid of damaging it, then swing the signet a bit so that it lags a little inside. Holding it up, you will get a neat, beautiful impression created by your own hands. The wax seal made at home is ready.

How to print at home


It is worth saying that a wax seal is already a common combination of words, because now they call it any seal made not only from wax, but also from other alternative materials that perfectly cope with the task assigned to them. Scrapbooking masters shared with us their findings and ideas. How to make a seal indistinguishable from wax from improvised material? If you are interested, then let's rather see how to make a wax seal at home from simple materials, which probably were lying around with lovers of needlework.

DIY wax seal

Hot Glue Printing

If you are fond of scrapbooking, then you definitely have a glue gun and a couple of rods. Great material to simulate a wax seal with your own hands at home. Let's try it.

Take the finished seal, you can also use various stamps, coins and buttons. Turn on and heat the glue gun, drip the glue of the size you need to the place where you want to print. Do not skimp, the print should be thick. Allow 20-30 seconds for the product to freeze.

Attach a stamp, coin or seal, allow to dry. By removing the coin, the seal can be painted with acrylics or from a spray can. You can also use colored glue sticks.

Glue Wax Seal

Wax pencil print

And here is another way to make a wax seal at home. Wax pencils are weaker than sealing wax, but they are a great alternative and much better than glue, because they do not need to be painted.

Remove the wrapper from the wax pencil and insert it into the gun. You can also melt it with a lighter or a candle, but the glue gun will do it a lot more accurately. One minus of this method is that the gun will not be suitable for glue, but it can be further used for wax.

After making a small drop in the right place, let the wax solidify a little. Also lean against any stamp. When it dries, you get a great seal.

In the same way, you can melt a regular colored candle.

Wax Seal

Printing from the mass for modeling

Another material from which you can create cool prints is the mass for modeling. All you need is to roll out a small, even pancake from the mass, attach a seal or a coin, crushing it well. And then bake in the oven according to the instructions on the packet with the mass. Printing is strong, resistant. It is perfect for decoration of various products.

Beautiful wax seal

So just that you can create a really interesting element for the decor. Create with pleasure!

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