Nature conceived so that a woman gives birth to children. Reproduction of offspring is a natural function of the body of the fair sex. Recently, more and more often you can meet mothers who have only one baby. Many attribute this to their busyness and unwillingness to devote a few more years to household chores and caring for their babies. However, there are women who dare to give birth to a second and subsequent child. This article will tell you what a process called "second birth" is. Mom's reviews about this are very controversial. Perhaps it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and body structure? Let's try to find out.
Pregnancy and preparation for childbirth
What features have a second birth? Mommy reviews will help you find out. Before this, a few words must be said about the natural process that leads to this event. So, about once (less often two or three) per month, the weaker sex reproduces a cell that is completely ready to take part in conception. To do this, she needs a man's gamete. It is obtained during sexual contact without the use of contraceptives.
After the fusion of chromosomes, the active division of the formed structure and its advancement towards the genital organ begins. When the fetus is in the right place, there is a strong attachment to the endometrial layer. That is how pregnancy is born. After that, for a long nine months, the cells are transformed into an embryo, which eventually becomes a small child.
Birth of a child
Which is easier, first or second birth? Reviews of mothers say that the process can be natural or carried out by means of a cesarean section. Doctors completely agree with women on this issue. The choice of this or that method completely depends on the indications, the state of health of the baby and the woman in childbirth. Also, an important role is played by the desire of the future mother.
Second birth
The reviews of mothers who gave birth, as you have already found out, are very contradictory. Each process is not like the previous one. In order to find out exactly what is the difference between the birth of the first, second and subsequent children, you need to parse each feature individually. So, we will analyze how the second birth takes place (reviews of women in labor will be taken into account).
How does the process begin?
What kind of second birth are they? Mommy reviews say that the processes are completely different from each other. If at the time of the birth of the first-born, the woman did not even imagine that she could wait, then this time everything is completely different. A representative of the weaker sex is preparing to survive all the same harbingers and signs of the approaching appearance of a child. However, this does not always work out.
If the first birth began with the outflow of amniotic fluid, then it is not a fact that this will be the second time. Remember that each pregnancy is individual. Many women say that during the birth of their first child they were injected with certain drugs to stimulate the process, as the contractions were weak. The second time, they were able to give birth on their own without using any kind of medication. All this is due to the fact that the second pregnancy proceeds more naturally. The woman’s body already knows which hormone needs to be released at a certain time, and does it more quickly.
Also, some newly minted mothers say that the first birth went smoothly and quickly. The second baby did not want to be born for a long time, and the doctors had to resort to the use of stimulating drugs. In this case, there is only one explanation. During pregnancy, there was some kind of hormonal malfunction, which entailed such consequences. Also, the reason for stopping labor during the second birth can lie in the problems and diseases of the pituitary gland.
When or for how long?
How is the birth of the second child? Reviews of women say that the processes begin at about the same time. If a representative of the weaker sex felt the onset of labor at the 39th week, then subsequent babies can make it appear at 38-40 weeks.
Many women say that all subsequent babies are born a little earlier. So, if the first baby appeared at 40 weeks exactly, then the second can show its activity at 39 or 39.5. Doctors say that this is not necessary. The baby is in the womb exactly as much as he needs for full development and readiness to live regardless of the mother’s body.
What can be said about the premature appearance of children? How are the second births in this case? Reviews of women say that if there was already a premature appearance of the child, then there is a likelihood of a recurrence of events. However, it is very small. About four out of five women with premature births get acquainted with their second child on time. However, there is an opinion that the earlier the first-born appeared, the higher the likelihood of a recurrence of the situation. The situation is especially aggravated by the small gap between the appearance of the children.
Contractions (first phase of labor)
How is the birth of the second child? Reviews of women say that the process of contractions lasts less time. So, the first period of labor (when the cervix opens up to 4 centimeters) can last from three hours to one day. In this case, the fetal bladder is most often whole.
If the appearance of the first baby has a length of this phase of 12 hours, then the second time it can pass in 5-6. As you can see, time has been reduced by more than half. However, this only happens when both children appear on their own, without the use of stimulant drugs.
The length of the first phase (according to women in labor) may increase in the case when stimulation was used in the first birth. Most often, its need arises in the event that the integrity of the fetal bladder is broken and you need to go to the second phase as soon as possible. The second birth reviews of giving birth to girls are at the same time very mixed. Women are surprised why for the first time everything was quick, but rather painful, and at the birth of subsequent children the process was longer, but comfortable.
Full cervical dilatation
The second birth reviews (sensations) bring the following. Women claim that subsequent children appear more comfortable and not so painful. All this is due to one interesting fact. The reproductive system of a woman and the muscles of the pelvic floor are able to accumulate information. So, if you have already had to go through the birth of a child, then the body will never forget this.
Some women believe that the big difference between the first and second child (more than 5-7 years) makes everyone survive, like last time. However, it is not. Your muscles and ligaments all remember. The cervix during subsequent birth opens faster and better. Your body already knows what is required of it, and behaves properly.
The passage of the child through the birth canal (attempts)
In this paragraph, two main sensations can be distinguished: the feelings of the future mother and her child. Let's start with the first one.
2 childbirth reviews of women have the following. If both times the child is positioned correctly (head down), then it will be much easier for you. Since the muscles of the pelvic floor are already stretched and remember what is required of them, the child will effortlessly pass into the birth canal. At the same time, the time of attempts is reduced, and 2 births proceed faster. Reviews of mothers say that if for the first time it was necessary to push for about 20 minutes, then the appearance of the next child occurred several times faster.
What can be said about the state of the baby at this moment? Women claim that the second baby appeared with higher ratings. All babies are assigned points after birth. At the same time, breathing, skin color and other indicators are evaluated. With long attempts, the baby acquires a bluish tint. This is due to the fact that the crumbs lack oxygen in these minutes. The blueness of the skin significantly reduces the score. If the newborn quickly passed through the birth canal, then his skin remains the usual color.
The last stage of childbirth
After the baby has left the reproductive organ, childbirth is not over yet. Next, the doctor and the woman need to do everything so that the so-called afterbirth comes out. The placenta leaves the uterus approximately a few minutes after the appearance of the baby. What is the difference between the second pregnancy and childbirth? Reviews say that with the passage of the placenta, some difficulties may arise.
So, in the second pregnancy, the child's place is more tightly attached to the wall of the genital organ. If during the appearance of the first baby there were no difficulties, then this time everything could be different. Do not think that it is with you that everything will turn out in an unnatural way. Most likely, the child’s place will separate naturally and quickly. Difficulties are usually experienced by those women who previously had a cesarean section.
The second birth is easier than the first?
Reviews in this matter can also be found different. It all depends on the difference between children and the course of pregnancy. Also important is the age of the mother and her position. Many factors can affect the course of a baby’s appearance. So, what are the second birth reviews?
A break of 1.5 years - this is the time a woman needs to fully restore the body. Representatives of the weaker sex argue that the second time everything was much easier. This suggests that the body, hormonal background and the reproductive system are fully prepared for the birth of a second child. Remember that the cycle and functioning of the ovaries is finally restored after the completion of breastfeeding.
If the birth of a second child took place earlier than a year and a half later, then a woman may experience the same difficulties that fell on her lot the last time. So, many women in childbirth with weather children say that they again torn tissue at the old seams. This suggests that the body is not prepared properly for the appearance of a second baby.
What can be said about the large age difference in children? What reviews have the second birth in this case? If more than 10 years have passed since the appearance of the first child, then women say that it was very difficult for them. According to doctors, the point is not the difference between childbirth, but directly in the state of health of the newly minted mother. If you think logically, then the age of a woman with such a difference in children is more than 30-35 years. During this period, it is difficult for many mothers to give birth, no matter what the account of the child.
Cesarean section
Separately, it is worth paying attention to childbirth, which pass through a cesarean section. To begin with, it is worth noting that this procedure is not natural. Unlike the usual appearance of the baby, doctors came up with it. Of course, such a manipulation helps save in some cases not only the mother, but also the baby. However, women giving birth are strongly advised not to give preference to such an operation. What are the second birth reviews in this case? How long does the operation take? There are actually several options for events. Consider them.
Cesarean section after natural birth
If a woman gives birth a second time, then in most cases everything goes easier and faster. However, there is an exception to each rule. So, if the second child is in a pelvic position or has a lot of weight, then doctors strongly do not recommend risking their health and crumb life. Usually, under such circumstances, a cesarean section is performed. What is the difference between 2 births?
Reviews of mothers giving birth claim that after the appearance of the first baby (naturally), it is much easier for a woman to recover. After the operation, the scar really hurts and there is no way to raise the child yourself. However, under this set of circumstances, women do not experience pain during childbirth. They do not have to endure fights and attempts. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and the expectant mother does not feel anything.
Natural birth after cesarean section
According to statistics, four out of five women are able to give birth on their own after such an operation. However, they do not always go for it. So, expectant mothers will feel all the charms of the first natural birth. The muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina do not know what is required of them. And this is despite the fact that the woman has a second pregnancy.
Also, during natural birth after cesarean, some complications may occur. The most common of these is scar discrepancy. Such a pathology can be deadly for the mother herself and her child. That is why doctors carefully monitor the state of stitched tissue while waiting for the baby and before childbirth. According to the state of the scar, they are already watching whether this woman can give birth in a natural way.
Cesarean section
Most women who have had a Caesarean section do not agree to give birth naturally. This is their legal right. Such mothers say that it’s easier for them to undergo another operation than to feel contractions and attempts. Of course, women are afraid of complications of various kinds.
During the second operation, the woman practically does not feel any difference. All sensations are similar to the first birth: the same scar, pain after manipulation, the inability to raise the baby and a long stay in the walls of the hospital.
Doctors strongly do not recommend more than three such operations. With each subsequent manipulation, the suture becomes thinner and the risk of complications during pregnancy increases.
Paired birth
Many women prefer to give birth with her husband or mother. Currently, most clinics provide this service. If your first birth took place without the presence of your husband, and you decided to go on the second one together, then everything can be completely different. Few would argue that a woman always seeks to look attractive. However, during the birth process this is practically impossible. That is why such women in labor note that the second birth was completely different. Expectant mothers not only felt pain from contractions, but also felt great awkwardness in front of their spouse.
Another group of women claims that in the presence of her husband they were much calmer. The husband helped to stretch his back and counted the duration of the contractions. Also, such women fully rely on their partner and ask him to monitor the work of the staff and control everything. In this case, a twin birth is easier and less painful for a woman.
Psychological side
On the part of female psychology, how are second births going? Reviews say the following. Many held moms know what they have to survive. They mentally prepare themselves for pain and torment. That is why it is easier for them to transfer everything that is happening. Women who give birth approximately represent what follows. Thanks to this, they feel more confident and safe.
An important role is played by a preliminary agreement with medical personnel. If you have previously chosen a doctor and decided to give birth only with him, then it will be psychologically simpler and easier.
Summary and conclusion
So, now you know what features the second birth has: easier than the first, positive reviews in most cases. Remember that not always everything can be as intended. However, before the baby is born, set yourself in a positive mood. It is your desire to help the process go more smoothly and painlessly. Surely you remember some of the problems that occurred during the last birth of the baby. Pay special attention to these issues. Do everything so that nothing like this arises this time. If necessary, consult a leading gynecologist.
Before giving birth, talk with your doctor, choose a clinic and obstetrician. If necessary, issue a twin birth. Create the most comfortable environment around you. Easy delivery to you on time and good health!