Manager job description: rights and obligations

The job description of the procurement manager gives an idea of ​​the rights and obligations of this category of workers. In accordance with its provisions, the main task of the manager is to provide the enterprise with the necessary amount of commodity and material values ​​that are required for its smooth operation, as well as the organization of accounting for their movement.

The manager is subordinate to the head of the procurement or logistics department . His appointment and dismissal is based on the order of the director. In the work, the manager should be guided by the instructions, orders, orders of the director and immediate superior, as well as instructions, rules, company policy in the field of quality and other documents that govern its activities.

The job description of the manager describes what is included in the functional duties of this employee:

- the purchase of commodity and material values (inventory, supplies, equipment, chemicals, work clothes, etc.), in order to ensure their constant availability in the warehouse. The manager is obliged to negotiate with suppliers about receiving discounts, reducing prices and ensuring purchases at the lowest prices;

- maintaining the database, which contains information about the suppliers of the organization, accounting for the movement of goods, control over the introduction of selling and purchase prices.

The job description of the manager obliges him to issue invoices for sending goods from the warehouse, participate in the inventory process, timely provide management with information on the balances, receipts and sales of goods. He must coordinate the requirements for the necessary materials with managers of other departments, heads of structural divisions. In addition, the manager is obliged to fulfill the instructions, instructions and tasks of the director and his deputies, which are included in the scope of his activities.

The job descriptions of the manager indicate his rights to make suggestions to the administration and the immediate supervisor to improve the work of the warehouse and supply service. It may require the provision of normal working conditions (means of labor, workplace, premises). He has the right to receive from the organization’s and management officials statistics and information necessary for the performance of his duties, as well as independently inform the management about the shortcomings in the warehouse.

The job description of the manager imposes a certain responsibility on him.

This category of workers is responsible for untimely and poor-quality fulfillment of duties and tasks that are stipulated by the job description, for not timely performed reconciliation of reports with accounting, as well as poor-quality inventory of goods. The manager is responsible for the misuse of his rights, for non-compliance with orders, instructions, orders and other documents that govern his work. He can be held liable for non-compliance with fire safety, internal labor regulations, tactless, rude behavior when working with company visitors, as well as in dealing with staff. An employee may be punished for non-compliance with interests and for failure to ensure the safety of company documentation, for issuing third parties documentation and confidential information about the company, as well as for providing management with distorted or false reporting information and documentation.

The job description of the manager describes his interaction with officials and structural units within the competence.

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