Our time is characterized not only by fabulous technological progress, but also by the mass of diseases that have just become the norm for the average person. Where do the problems with overweight, with the disruption of the internal organs, chronic fatigue come from ? Many appear, no matter how trite, due to the wrong diet. How to balance nutrition?
It’s quite difficult to determine what the ideal ratio of ingredients will be for you. Each person has features: physique, lifestyle, age, weight, etc. However, within certain limits, balancing nutrition is certainly possible. You can do it yourself. It is important to know the correct ratio of nutrients in the diet. Proteins should account for about 30-35% of the daily menu, carbohydrates - 35-40%, fats - 25-30%. You must try to maintain this balance.
In addition to the fact that a balanced
diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) is very important in terms of the percentage ratio of these parts, the observance of food intake rules is no less important. It is very important that the single servings are not large. In this case, you need to eat at least five times a day. Then you will not feel hungry, and metabolic processes will be much faster.
Every morning should start with a hearty full breakfast. To balance nutrition, you need to eat almost immediately after waking up. At this time, the body needs new energy. If you do not provide him with food, he will perceive this as a stress factor and will begin to slow down metabolic processes and accumulate “vital reserves” in the form of subcutaneous fat. This negatively affects both health and body shape. The best choice for breakfast is cereal. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. Dinner, on the contrary, should not be dense. In the evening, metabolic processes slow down.
In order to balance nutrition by protein content, you must definitely eat meat (preferably low-fat veal, poultry) and fish. The most healthy fats are found in fish. Mayonnaise, sauces, salad dressings, margarine and gravy should be discarded. Also, do not forget about dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
It is good to eat as many high fiber foods as possible. These include brown rice, whole-grain bread, most vegetables, raspberries, prunes, nuts, dried apricots, etc. Well-processed foods are best eaten in small quantities (muffin, white bread, pasta, polished rice).
To make it easier to adhere to these rules, you can create a diet that implies a balanced diet for a week. On average, a person needs 2200 kcal per day. This figure needs to be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of your body and lifestyle (mobile or not). According to the calorie table, it is easy to calculate how much you plan to consume energy per day. A sample menu might look like this.
1st breakfast:
- Oatmeal without oil.
- Boiled egg (one).
- Vegetable Salad.
- Tea with ginger.
2nd breakfast:
- Persimmon.
- An Apple.
- Tea.
- Crackers.
- Fish (one hundred grams).
- Vegetables.
- Tea with cinnamon.
- Boiled meat.
- Nuts.
- Water.
- Low fat yogurt.
- Pomegranate juice.
- A few bread rolls.
- Cheese without bread.
- Curd (non-greasy).
- Kefir with cinnamon.
- Tomato juice.
- Fruits.