Lessons from astromineralogy: how to choose the right stone for Taurus women

Women Taurus - what are they? Firstly, beautiful. Big, expressive eyes, delicate facial features, soft, kind or cheerful, perky smile. These persons, as a rule, are artistic, love music, dance well. They adore their home and try to turn it into a cozy, cute little nest. By the way, they are great at it: design abilities in their blood. Ladies Taurus - beautiful, caring wives, gentle, loyal mother. They are born mistresses. Let the school sciences be given to girls-Taurus hard, but the science of housekeeping, the subtleties of the culinary art are comprehended by them easily and perfectly. Sometimes Taurus are capricious, obstinate, irritable. So after all, spots also appear on the Sun!

Turquoise: a piece of heaven enclosed in stone

stone for Taurus women
When it comes to which stone suits Women Taurus, astrologers first call turquoise. Why? Because this mineral from ancient times symbolized the joy of life, heartfelt fun, happiness. Its color ranges from pale, milky blue to bright blue, blue-green, like the sea in the pre-storm. How can a stone be useful for Taurus women? Firstly, he is a wonderful charm from the evil eye and other negativity, which sometimes falls upon its owner. In the old days, a piece of turquoise must be taken by travelers on the road. The mineral protected them along the way, protected them from violent death and other misfortunes. Centuries have passed since then, but esotericists still advise to purchase this stone for Taurus women, who often go on business trips, business trips. This is especially true for journalists, because by their occupation, they have to be in dangerous places and hot spots. As well as a business woman, whose activities are also sometimes associated with all sorts of problems. No less useful is a stone for Taurus women engaged in magic, acquiring and practicing secret knowledge. He drives away the forces of darkness, as if exposing a strong shield between the β€œthat” world and β€œthis”. And finally, turquoise is the strongest love talisman. A ring with a blue pebble, like a spring sky, is customarily given to a girl for betrothal. Putting it on his finger, the young man not only admits his sincere and strong feelings, but promises to be faithful and devoted to his chosen one.
which stone is suitable for Taurus women
Such a gift as it guaranteed a successful, stable family life, because turquoise strengthens the feelings of lovers, helps to carry them through the years in its original form. In addition, this stone is important for Taurus women as a symbol of sincere and reliable friendship. It attracts success, promotes spiritual and career growth, helps to establish just such a life, about which the lady dreams. As for medical parameters, turquoise plays the first violin here. It positively affects the nervous system, relieves irritability, nervous tension, and depression. With its help, a headache passes, the work of the intestines and the entire digestive tract normalizes.

Rose Quartz Charm

Many precious stones possess strong healing energy. For Taurus women are very useful, in addition to turquoise, emerald, amber, white coral, rose quartz. Rose quartz symbolizes unconditional friendship and love. Wearing jewelry made of turquoise and quartz will make the Taurus woman happy in friendship and personal life.

gemstones for Taurus women
In addition, the pink crystal has long been considered a powerful weapon in the fight against infertility. It heals the kidneys, liver, and pelvic organs. Stone can provide invaluable help to the female body: to establish health, restore vitality and optimism. It cleanses the energy field around a person, feeds him with positive charges. The delicate pink color of quartz acts in a calming, relaxing, beneficial way, giving rise to a feeling of inner harmony and joy of being.

A cheerful emerald, light sunny amber and other stones, when worn correctly, can become you wonderful mascots-helpers in personal affairs and public life.

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