If a person choked during breakfast, when he hurriedly ate, being afraid of being late for work, this is most likely not a sign, but the usual reaction of the body. But there are times when a food or drink just goes "the wrong way." In such cases, you can think about what it would be?
Popular superstitions and signs have firmly entered our lives. Studying ancient signs and warnings, one involuntarily thinks and finds a rational kernel in them. Many of us have more than once become convinced that they are the wisdom of our ancestors, which was passed down from generation to generation to descendants.
It often happens that while eating someone from those present may suddenly choke on food. The reasons, it would seem, are simple - either he was very hungry or in a hurry to eat. And what do the signs say about this?
Interpretation of signs depending on the situation
- Choking while eating is a sign that portends the arrival of a guest who will appear in the house soon.
- If you choke on a visit, it means to come to this house again.
- If a piece went wrong during the conversation, folk wisdom warns that the person wanted to lie.
- Cough up, after the first sip of morning coffee or tea - at the arrival of the guests.
- If a neighbor choked at the table and had to help him, one must be prepared for the fact that soon it will be necessary to solve the problems of the husband (wife), parents, and children.
- If you dreamed that the food fell into the wrong throat - most likely, this dream warns of a serious illness.
Interpretation of omens depending on how to choke
You can choke on not only food, but also drinks and even your own saliva. Regarding this, the people also had their own interpretations.
For example, the sign of choking on saliva - what is it for? A similar situation indicates a strong excitement of a person. The people believe that if a person choked on his own saliva, then he wanted to cheat or embellish something. It is possible that a person hides his feelings and emotions.
Signs of choking water - to guests in the house who come from afar. In the old days, it was believed that guests would come by water.
If you choke on coffee or tea, it means someone is rushing into the house.
You can choke even with air, if after a deep breath an attack of severe coughing begins. Choking on air (omen) - it is believed that at that moment someone thought badly about the person.
If a fish bone is stuck in the throat, you should analyze the relationship with your other half.
Signs to choke on a fruit bone - to the betrayal of a friend or relative. Most likely, someone is preparing a trick. If it was a cherry stone, then the intrigues can be exposed.
The sign of choking on bread crumbs is a series of minor troubles.
If a piece of meat gets into the wrong throat, you should be careful, life may be in jeopardy. This omen is a warning to be extremely careful.
How to neutralize the omen
If the interpretation of the signs is not very favorable, you can try to neutralize the unpleasant outcome. You should take a loaf of bread from the table and put it on the top of your head for a few seconds.
Another effective way to neutralize any unpleasant predictions is to intensively rub the bridge of the nose with the index finger of the right hand. Popular wisdom says that this method is very effective to neutralize any sign.
In most cases, the sign of choking on food does not predict anything worse than the arrival of uninvited guests. But if the interpretation is alarming, it is better to take the most primitive measures to neutralize it.
Instead of a conclusion
If you analyze some of the national signs, then you can find a rational grain in them. For example, a bad belief about the habit of sitting cross-legged - it is believed that unclean power lures in this way. In fact, such an image of sitting can result in a violation of blood circulation. Or a popular superstitious warning is not eaten with a knife, supposedly it can lead to excessive viciousness - but it can lead to serious injury.
And accidental ingestion of food in the wrong throat is dangerous for health and well-being. But for some people, especially superstitious, this event can predict good changes or warn of impending troubles.
It should be borne in mind that the sign takes on a prophetic character only if the person at that moment spoke, ate or drank without excitement and haste. In addition, the interpretation of signs depends on specific circumstances and what exactly the person choked on.