At the end of 2014, the construction industry was faced with powerful external obstacles: a general economic crisis and stagnation in the banking sector.
This trend was reflected in the volume and pace of construction: a decrease in demand for middle and economy class housing by more than 30%.
For construction companies, the crisis is not a reason to freeze their facilities, but rather a chance to survive and gain a foothold in the global market.
βThis difficult period allows us to identify errors and make the necessary improvements to optimize business processes. There are difficulties in the construction sector, but they are not so critical, βsays the representative of ALTIUS SOFT.
Six months later, the Montazh-Stroy company was able to give a qualitative answer to the crisis: the construction of economy-class residential facilities. The projects are based on the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete blocks. So the company was able to limit the cost of building materials and improve the quality of buildings.
A more worthy response to the fall of the construction industry was provided by a company from St. Petersburg - L1 (before rebranding - LEK ) The largest construction holding company notes a steady increase in business class housing orders.
Obviously, large companies, such as L1, do not experience great difficulties, since optimization and work on errors took place long before the onset of the economic crisis.
The largest holding in St. Petersburg notes a favorable investment climate for the construction of business-class housing:
- firstly, such apartments, according to L1, are acquired by clients who are independent of lending;
- secondly, the number of finished objects within the city is decreasing, and the demand for development is only growing.
As for middle and economy class housing, there really are difficulties, however, they are quite justified:
- increase in interest rates on mortgages;
- currency devaluation;
- reduction in the number of construction orders.
Under such circumstances, the average citizen of the Russian Federation is insolvent. But even in this case, the construction business has a reasoned answer: it is necessary to optimize the construction triad (terms, resources and finances).
Companies are starting to focus on more economical materials, nullifying unnecessary waste, theft, and more.
At the same time, quality does not fall, but rather: new materials have increased strength and durability.