Marmoleum - reviews, specifications, styling technology and features

Every year, new and new products are supplied to the building materials market. One of the new products is Marmoleum. Reviews about him are positive, despite the fact that the material has recently appeared on the market. Let's see what this product is, what are its advantages, composition, and learn the styling features.

Development history

In ancient Rome, they used special technology for the manufacture of natural floor coverings and draperies. It was an impregnation of tissue with oil heated to a high temperature. Thus improved strength and performance. In European countries, such a method of carpet production came only in the 17th century. This was due to the high share of imports of jute to Europe. So-called burlap fabric with high strength. Jute was made from Calcutta hemp with the addition of flax and Tossa-jute. If you treat this fabric with a special composition of natural wax, gum and dyes heated to high temperatures, the result is not only a beautiful, but also wear-resistant floor covering.

natural marmoleum floor reviews

In 1827, technology was patented for the manufacture of new material. In 1863, Frederick Walton received a patent. He developed an almost unique decorative layer for flooring. It was based on a composition of wood flour, flax oil, chalk, dyes and resins of conifers. It turned out nothing more than a marmoleum. Reviews about it are mostly positive, but in the middle of the 20th century, despite excellent operational characteristics, it was squeezed out of the market by linoleum. This synthetic material had a lower price, which was due to popularity.

However, in the 90s they managed to find high-quality and affordable analogues of gum and flax oil - this raw material was extracted through the processing of tropical plants. The composition was enriched with pressed cork wood chips. So the middle layer was obtained. Marmoleum is made directly by hot dry pressing. The technology was originally developed for the production of MDF, but for several reasons it was abandoned.

What it is?

Many would like to know what it is - marmoleum. In fact, behind this beautiful and loud name lies just natural linoleum. But the material is isolated from the entire mass of flooring, and there are reasons for this. It is very reminiscent of traditional linoleum. True, the similarity is only external.


If you analyze the customer reviews of marmoleum, you can see a lot of interest and demand. This is due to the composition. This material is a natural linoleum. For production now, as in 1863, wood pore, flour, cork, jute fiber, natural dyes, and linseed oil are used. As you can see, the composition does not have a single synthetic component. The material is very environmentally friendly, which cannot be said about even the most expensive linoleum.


This is an extremely interesting material not only for its environmentally friendly composition, but also for its characteristics. But, like other floor coverings, there are not only pluses, but also disadvantages. Although the benefits are much greater.

natural marmoleum for underfloor heating reviews

Reviews say the material is very environmentally friendly. It is made exclusively from natural raw materials. Moreover, the components are so cheap that it is unprofitable to fake them. This is confirmed by reviews of marmoleum - there are no fakes on the market. Since there is no synthetics in the composition, the material is harmless to humans. It does not emit any toxic substances into the atmosphere, has a bactericidal effect.

marmoleum floor heating reviews

Marmoleum is available. In the modern construction market, this is one of the most common materials among the entire range of floor coverings. The average price of a quality product is 30 percent lower than the cost of the simplest laminate.

Marmoleum has high insulating properties - say reviews. Due to them, a floor with such a coating can do without additional thermal insulation.

Resistance to various mechanical damages and high hygiene can also be distinguished. The floors will not warp, will not get wet, will not fade and will be able to withstand significant local loads. In the reviews of Marmoleum, they write that even paint spilled on the coating does not absorb and does not stick to the decorative layer. Manufacturers give a guarantee for material from 20 years. However, if you follow certain measures, you can operate the coating and much longer.

This material differs from linoleum in incombustibility. A thrown cigarette butt will not leave a hole, but will burn down and go out. This coating can only be burned with a gas torch. This allows you to use marmoleum in the kitchen - reviews confirm that on this floor, the cigarette smolders without a trace.

It is worth highlighting and decorativeness. The coating can be painted in any shade or color, as well as change the texture. Compounds exist that mimic wood, stone, and other materials. On sale there are collections of all colors - shades of more than a hundred. The advantages include the ease of laying the marmoleum. Even inexperienced craftsmen can lay the material in the form of panels or tiles.


The disadvantages include weight. With high ductility, which Marmoleum can preserve for a long time, the material has a huge mass. This is a big plus for flooring, as irregularities will be smoothed out. But due to the gravity to finish the walls or ceiling is impossible.

Despite its strength, marmoleum is fragile. Especially at the edges. It is necessary to store, as well as transport and work with the material very carefully, observing certain rules. So, the roll rolls only the base out and then - only once. If the transportation was carried out with violations, then there are certain risks. Therefore, it is better to purchase coverage from sellers that provide a guarantee. Good reviews of the Leroy Merlin Marmoleum.

marmoleum customer reviews

Material changes shape over time. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage. When laying it is not necessary to close up seams between tiles. After a while they converge - the marmoleum tends to harden and spread. But if he lay in a warehouse for a long time or was made with a clear marriage, then there is a possibility that he will not change shape.

Also, during operation, blurring of the cut is observed. This is confirmed by reviews of natural linoleum marmoleum. Cutting it is very difficult. The material is formed, but it is impossible to obtain the same ideal edges as on MDF or laminate.

Classification and characteristics

Before you go to the hardware store and purchase this new material, you should familiarize yourself with its classification. Also, it will not be amiss to find out the technical specifications.

marmoleum floor reviews

The service life, according to manufacturers, is at least 20 years. Strength is up to 160 kilograms per square centimeter. Weight - 2.6-3.4 kilograms per square meter. Thickness depends on the class and can range from two to four millimeters. There are three classes of marmoleum. Let's consider each separately.

Marmoleum is divided into classes for the reason that the end user can quickly, easier and easier to understand the assortment and choose for yourself what you need. For example, an expensive marmoleum is not suitable for home improvement. The problem is the static load from the legs of the table or other furniture - notches will appear over time.

According to reviews of marmoleum, for an apartment it is better to purchase inexpensive and finer material. A good choice is click panels. These are tiles with a lock type connection. It is a durable and durable material, and the characteristics are provided by an HDF-plate. From below it is supplemented with a layer of pressed cork. The decorative layer consists of a fiberboard coated with jute fiber with a plastic material. The surface lends itself to grinding, restoration, applying a protective layer.

Class 21-23

This is the most affordable marmoleum. Reviews, specifications correspond to the simplest general-purpose flooring. The thickness of the top layer is less than two millimeters.

Grade 31-33

It is considered an industrial floor covering. The thickness of its decorative top layer is up to two and a half millimeters. The material is able to withstand static loads. But if the load changes, tolerance is much worse.

Class 41-43

This marmoleum is designed specifically for such rooms where there are continuous flows of people. It is relevant to apply this coating at airports, train stations, shopping centers. The top layer has a thickness of more than three millimeters, due to which it is able to withstand one hundred thousand steps for five years.


Material is produced in several dimensions. So, one of the forms of release is rolls. Its width is two meters. Do-it-yourself rolls are not suitable for styling. To work with him, you need additional equipment because of the large weight.

marmoleum reviews

Tiles 50x50 or 30x30 centimeters are also available. They are suitable for laying marmoleum in the apartment. Reviews confirm that you can use glue for ceramic tiles. Tiles are glued to the main floor on a special composition. Panels measuring 90x30 centimeters are also available.

Styling process

Marmoleum rolls are not suitable for self-assembly. For most apartments and private houses, it is better to apply the material in the form of panels or tiles. After the marmoleum is purchased, it is necessary to give it time - it must lie down. Two days are enough for this. While the marmoleum is lying, you can have time to prepare the room.

Tools for work

In the process, you will need tools that are usually used to work with the laminate. Anything specific for marmoleum simply does not exist. But since the material is quite fragile at the edges, you should get a hook clamp and a mallet.

Marmoleum on the old floor

It is important that there are no serious defects on the floor. If there are any, then it is allowed to lay directly on a flat concrete screed. Those who laid marmoleum on the warm floor, in the reviews indicate that the room is getting too hot. It is best to lay tiles on existing flooring. Panels may get stuck.

Concrete laying process

About a distant short wall lay a rail 30 millimeters wide. It is wrapped in plastic film. The same rail is laid near the long wall on the left.

marmoleum on the warm floor

Marmoleum begins to be laid from the far left corner. Place a glue, mastic for laying linoleum or silicone in place under the tile with a snake. Then set the marmoleum and move it into a corner. If necessary, you can use the rule. The following rows are laid in the same way. Now it remains to wait until the glue sets, and the floor can be exploited.


Buyers like this stuff. It is inexpensive, environmentally friendly and very practical. The coating is not scratched by dog ​​claws. The cost is lower than that of an inexpensive laminate. The material also has a bactericidal effect. Many at first, after laying, they smell, but after a while it disappears. The bactericidal effect is especially distinguished. That's what it is - marmoleum. Reviews of price and quality in the best way confirm that this type of flooring is very popular in the market. It is best to pay attention to products from β€œForbo” - this is a recognized quality standard.


So, we found out what marmoleum is. As you can see, this is a fairly durable and high-quality floor covering. It is perfect for industrial premises, as well as for a private house or apartment. You can do it yourself. And such coverage will last at least two decades.

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