Evil eye how to determine for yourself?

First you need to understand its nature and origin, and only then go on to how to determine the evil eye on your own. The evil eye is a negative, negative influence directed at a specific person at the energy level, i.e. it is a strong desire for harm emanating from someone, transmitted non-verbally, i.e. mentally, guided by facial expressions, eyes, gestures or, in other words, certain programming aimed at harming the good health, prosperity or successful career of a particular person. Envy, revenge, greed and selfishness leads to its imposition, because now in the world and in relations between people there is a lot of hatred, anger, greed, therefore the answer to the question is relevant: how to determine the evil eye ?.

Distinguish between the conscious evil eye and the unconscious.

Without realizing it, any of us can jinx ourselves or any of our relatives, relatives or acquaintances. Most often, an unconscious evil eye is imposed on those around by careless people, because they do not control their words, thoughts and do not know the power of words. The mother can capture her beloved, adored child before the illness, or the girl can love herself in front of the mirror so much that she becomes not happy about herself or attracts various ailments. You can be smoothed out at the moment when you demonstrate your knowledge or acquisitions to others, etc. By evil eye how to determine? It is quite simply determined by the behavior and well-being of the smoothed one, since he unexpectedly acquires something that is not characteristic of him, usually having a negative color.

A conscious evil eye, as a rule, is applied by people consciously and purposefully to a specific person. Deliver it consciously can those of us who have certain abilities to influence their negative energy on others.

Many people wonder: how to determine the evil eye themselves?

It is possible to determine whether the evil eye is possible without resorting to the help of magicians or healers, by the following symptoms: sudden irritability, lethargy, apathy, laziness, indifference to life, persistent bad luck or, not peculiar to you, drowsiness, sudden weakness, not passing headaches, frequent colds, etc. Nothing in our life happens to us by chance, so you need to look for the cause of what is happening.

Consider several options, how to determine the evil eye yourself?

To determine if there is an evil eye, you can use a glass of settled water and fresh chicken egg. Ask someone close to you or relatives to help you, and sitting down on a chair, place a glass on your head, filled to half, with water. Anyone who helps you should carefully break the shell of an egg over a glass so as not to damage the yolk, and allow it to drain into the glass. After sitting for several minutes with such a glass on your head, you need to carefully remove it and examine the contents. The evil eye is not on you only if the egg yolk is quietly at the bottom of your glass. The likelihood of the evil eye increases when the shape or color of the egg changes, in the presence of thin filaments stretching to the surface.

Simple coal can help us determine if there is an evil eye. It is enough to throw 3 coals into the water and look at their behavior. Drowned coals indicate that the evil eye is imposed on you. Coals floating on the surface of the water indicate that there is no reason for concern.

Another way: 3 candles from the temple, lit before bedtime with a prayer to the Virgin, will help to determine the evil. Do not forget to cross 3 times at the end of the prayer. Watch the candles, because heavily smoky, hissing or suddenly extinguished candles are a signal of your evil eye, and maybe damage.

Sometimes the evil eye can be so strong that it is equated with a curse. The strength with which you were wished is important, as well as how much you were able to withstand this impact on an unconscious level, because people with strong energy do not have to wonder: how to determine the evil eye? But, at the same time, they believe that it is simple to remove it. Moreover, you can protect yourself from it with the help of various amulets.

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