Cryomassage of the face - reviews about the procedure

To begin with, it should be noted that facial cryomassage is recommended by cosmetologists only in specialized salons. Professionals believe that such a procedure, carried out at home, can not give such an effect as a salon.

Cryomassage face reviews
It is difficult to disagree with this, but it is worth remembering that ice in itself has a beneficial effect on the skin, which means that facial cryomassage at home also has a place to be. However - about everything in order.

Cryomassage of face in a beauty salon

Women practicing professional cryomassage of the face, reviews about him leave the most laudatory. Indeed, this procedure has a lot of useful properties. Thus, it is possible to even out the relief and structure of the skin of the face, get rid of black spots and give it a more natural color, smooth out fine and expression lines, normalize the sebaceous glands, getting rid of excessive dryness or greasy, improve blood circulation and increase the general tone of muscle tissue. Regular cryomassage of the face (unanimous reviews of the followers of this procedure) allows you to significantly improve and rejuvenate the skin, it also acts as an effective prophylactic against aging. What is the secret of cryomassage?

Cryomassage of the face, price
It is very simple and based on the amazing effect that cold has on our skin. And in combination with professional massage, ice cubes or liquid nitrogen (which are used in cosmetology rooms during the procedure) simply work wonders, making our appearance more healthy and young. The effect that salon cryomassage has on the face (customer reviews confirm this) is noticeable immediately after the procedure. However, in order to achieve a lasting result or get rid of any cosmetic problems (enlarged pores, warts, age spots), you need to undergo a course of 10-20 procedures. And then, ideally, the cryomassage of a person whose price ranges from 300 to 700 rubles per procedure should become the same regular and permanent event, as, for example, for many baths or saunas - once a week.

Cryomassage-master himself

Perhaps this procedure, carried out at home, will not give such a quick and noticeable result, however, in this case, ensuring the majority of women is much easier than in the case of receiving services in a beauty parlor.

Cryomassage of face at home
To carry out cryomassage at home, first of all, you need to properly prepare the ice. It can be based on decoctions of herbs, fresh juices of vegetables or fruits, or simply frozen mineral water. The composition of the ice should be selected based on your skin type.

Many women are new to basic massage techniques. However, every young lady should be aware of the massage lines on her face, because the application of all creams, make-up products, and the process of their removal occurs precisely along the massage lines. When you run an ice cube over them, you (attention!) Are already doing cryomassage. It is important to correctly calculate the time - throw out the ice immediately, as the skin ceases to be pleasant.

We can agree that salon procedures are more effective than home treatments. However, if every morning, instead of washing, wipe your face with an ice cube in the direction of the massage lines, it is quite possible that you will not need an expensive professional cryomassage. Give it a try!

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