The beneficial properties of such a wonderful plant like aloe are known to many. It is in order to be able to take advantage of these properties that very many grow it on their windowsill. But you can use it not only for quick healing of wounds.
The best thing a woman can do for the skin of her face is to use natural cosmetics to care for her. It is almost impossible to buy one, so do-it-yourself cosmetics will be the best option. For the preparation of homemade facial cosmetics, aloe is the best suited.
It makes sense to first talk about the properties of this plant. It consists of essential oils, a large number of amino acids, beta-carotene, fiber, trace elements and, of course, vitamins. All these substances make aloe juice extremely useful. It acts as an excellent antimicrobial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. He fights well with sunburn, by the way. It is because of this that it is used in sunscreens. In addition, it cleanses the pores, restores metabolism, moisturizes the skin, makes it supple.
Of particular importance for cosmetology is the so-called biostimulated aloe juice. To obtain it, the juice must be placed in a dark, cool room. Under the influence of adverse conditions, substances are formed in it that enhance the vitality of the plant. You can also make biostimulated juice yourself, for this you need to cut one of the bottom sheets and place it in the refrigerator for two weeks, and then squeeze the juice out of it.
Almost every company producing cosmetics has a line of cosmetics based on aloe. However, in most of these products, the content of aloe does not exceed 15%, which is not enough for a therapeutic effect. Therefore, these products are suitable only for young and non-problematic skin. Creams with aloe content of 20% and higher are much more expensive and not available to everyone. That is why it is better to make face cosmetics from it yourself. Aloe is an affordable plant, which means that everyone can afford the creation of such care products.
First of all, you need to learn how to properly cut aloe leaves. You need to cut off mature leaves, these are those that are as close to the roots as possible. If the tip of the leaf begins to dry, then the latter has already matured. You need to separate the leaves at the very base. Cut off, they should in no case be kept outdoors for more than three hours, so that they do not lose useful properties.
It was the turn of homemade facial cosmetics recipes. Aloe is the main component of all of the following recipes. The juice of the plant cleanses the skin of the face well, and it is very simple to apply for this purpose: a small piece is cut from the aloe vera sheet, on the one hand they peel off and wipe the face with flesh in the morning and evening.
Very effective obtained from aloe masks. For each skin type and for almost all problems, there is a mask.
Aloe mask for aging and sagging skin: as a basis, you can use solid vegetable oils, such as palm or cocoa butter. You need to take 2 teaspoons of any oil, add to it a teaspoon of biostimulated aloe juice and a teaspoon of sunflower oil. The mask is applied to the skin after a hot compress. Hold the mask on the skin for 10 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab.
Moisturizing mask. Aloe, pulp and juice (each teaspoon each) mixed with 3 teaspoon daily cream, add a spoonful of vodka, half a tablespoon of peach seed oil to the mixture. Mix everything and apply to the skin cleansed with a piece of leaf. After 30 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.
Cleansing lotion for dry skin. Remove a large sheet of aloe in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then pour it with a liter of cool water for 2 hours, bring the mixture to a boil and cool. Then you need to strain the broth and put the lotion in the refrigerator. They rub their face and neck every day.
There are many more recipes for face cosmetics, in which aloe is the main component. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to “squeeze” all of them into the framework of one article.