Making money on the Internet is what everyone dreams of. True, not everyone can realize their desire. Therefore, on the Internet very often there is talk about the so-called mutual funds. For example, "Eleurus." Real reviews about this organization are what help you understand if you can make money this way or not. Let’s take a closer look at this organization. Maybe we are faced with nothing more than the most common deception?
What is an online fund
It is important to understand what a virtual mutual fund is. "Eleurus" is just one of those organizations. Similar "enterprises" appeared a very long time ago. What are they?
In fact, "Eleurus" is an economic type pyramid. Exactly the same as any other so-called mutual fund. The main advantage of these organizations is that they promise you the full return on deposits. That is, earnings. Daily income varies depending on the type of organization. And actually, you get constant passive income. Very convenient, isn't it? But is there really such a technique? What real reviews about the Elevrus Foundation are left by participants and just users of the World Wide Web? Let's try to figure it all out.
To begin with, the promises that the organization gives us are more than tempting. Firstly, you will receive, as already mentioned, earnings. And secondly, among the participants in the project very often different raffles are held. And the prizes are quite impressive: sometimes equipment, sometimes jewelry. In general, everything that a modern person may need.
The Elevrus project is a mutual assistance fund that positions itself as an international organization. So, the participants there are not only from Russia. The project management assures us that you will receive your first earnings the very next day. True, you have to invest a little. And income will depend on your contribution.
The managers of Elevrus say that their organization is nothing but the best way to achieve their goal. For example, you can now develop spiritually. And creatively too. After all, earning will no longer be a problem. Simply withdraw money to a card or e-wallet when necessary, and then spend it as you please.
Very tempting, isn't it, earning? "Eleurus", as you might think, is just a dream. But for some reason, some users are skeptical of such organizations. Why is this so?
The meaning of earnings
"Eleurus" is a pyramid that promises its participants simply unrealistic earnings. And just this fact makes you think several times before joining the community. In addition, the conditions of "work" are also questionable.
What do we have to do? Join the community and then invite a few more people to the organization. They, in turn, are calling new members and so on. Everyone, of course, invests some amount of money in development. And you get income. Here is such a pyramid this "Eleurus" (international community).
As many people assure, do not trust this kind of organization. After all, it turns out that money just falls on your head just like that. But, as practice shows, this in reality does not happen. To fully understand what is at stake, we introduce a little specificity.
On the day you can receive an income of approximately 0.8-2% of the amount of your investments. That is, the more you pay, the more profit you will get. According to managers, a year, about 202% of the income from investments is obtained. Pretty large amounts. Especially when you take into account the fact that a person will really begin to invest decent money in an organization to increase their own income. "Eleurus" - a divorce or the truth? This is pretty hard to understand.
Nevertheless, some people still willingly believe (even somewhere deep down) that the pyramids and mutual funds will help them earn money. And for this reason they become their participants. Each can do this in a few clicks of the mouse.
The thing is that in the Elevrus Foundation, registration is not much different from the usual registration of a user on a particular site. The only thing that can be embarrassing is the requirement to enter bank details, passport details, and also give your address of residence. In principle, if all risks are discarded, then this is quite normal. After all, project managers should know where to charge you money to withdraw funds!
After going through a small registration process, you will become a member of a mutual fund. Elevrus is an international community that really helps make money. And all that is needed is a small investment at the very beginning and registration. As already noted, all this is quite a dubious pleasure. It turns out that huge earnings will appear literally from the air. When a person understands this, he thinks. "Eleurus" - a divorce or a real way to earn money? What do the members of this organization say directly?
Happiness comes to us
Of course, on the Internet you can find many diverse opinions about our today's project. And finding out where the truth is and where the lie is is difficult. After all, someone assures that Elevrus is a bona fide company that pays funds. And some think and say something completely different. It is difficult to distinguish a lie from reality.
More often than not, one can come across more or less positive opinions about the Eleurus Foundation. Real reviews say that the first income to your account will really be around in the evening. Or the next day. Their size depends on your initial investment. As already mentioned, the more you invest, the better. After all, then the profit will be large.
Many participants say that this fund helped them change their jobs and do what they love. In other words, this is a fairly solid income. "Eleurus" saved people from the problems of providing for the family and themselves. You can sit at home, do what you like, and even not think that you will be fired, run out of money and so on. Just a fairy tale, not life. And people who have not yet joined the project, having read such opinions here, unconditionally join the fund. Is it correct? Maybe somewhere there is still a catch?
Job or foundation
For example, the truth is that on the Elevrus Foundation, real reviews in practice are extremely rare. In other words, all these wonderful songs about "free" earnings are nothing more than fairy tales. In any case, an intelligent person might think so. Money just doesn’t come from anywhere. And no one "for beautiful eyes" will help you with earnings.
The first pitfall people face is the choice between work and foundation. In fact, in order to get a good return from Elevrus, you will also have to invest heavily. And where to get the money for this? Only make money. If you have already contributed quite a lot of money, then you will have an irresistible desire to quit real work.
This is the first sign that we are faced with nothing more than the most common deception. All virtual earnings that really exist encourage users to work. And do not just sit and do their own thing. So pay attention to this fact before going through the registration process on the Elevrus website. After all, if you make a mistake, you can lose in the future not only work, but also be left without a livelihood. And sometimes bogged down in debt, loans and borrowings.
Withdraw funds
All the negativity concerning the project begins when the immediate question arises of withdrawing the money you earned. To be honest, in this regard, "Eleurus" receives negative reviews almost constantly. But, as practice has shown, such opinions are very quickly removed from a variety of sites. And people cannot read them.
What say users who have problems with the withdrawal of money? For example, the fact that funds began to disappear from a bank card tied to an account. Or that funds are simply not withdrawn. That is, they are on the virtual account, when making the transfer - they are debited, but the cards do not come to the balance. It turns out that you just donated your money. In such cases, "Eleurus" receives negative reviews always. Nobody wants to be cheated. But in practice it turns out that the way it is - you are simply "pulled" by money and credited with some kind of virtual funds without the possibility of using them.
The financial pyramid is an extremely unstable thing. Therefore, some members of the organization also express their negativity towards the Elevrus project. Real reviews often reflect concerns about system stability. Would she collapse? Indeed, many similar projects have already "covered themselves with a copper basin", having deceived many of their participants and taking all the money for themselves.
As the management assures, “Eleurus” will not collapse. Only here people are skeptical of such promises. The thing is that the same MMM financial pyramid fell very quickly. And behind it, other similar projects began to appear and fade. Statistics show that, on average, a mutual assistance financial fund lives on the order of 2-5 years. After that, it either closes, or it is recognized as a fraud and illegal method of money laundering. After such statements, the organization closes. And it is being replaced by other similar firms.
Reading real reviews about the Elevrus fund, you can see that the lion's share of users, especially those who speak negatively about the organization, are confident that the fund will close in the next few years. Or they will close it for deception. That is, it is advised not to even start collaborating with management and community managers.
Evidence of work
There are a lot of reviews on the Internet with screenshots. That is, with screenshots of computers. They usually show the process of withdrawing money from the Elevrus system. This is necessary in order to convince people - the community really pays and helps others.
In fact, such evidence cannot be believed. After all, this is all the work of Photoshop in most cases. Especially if the earnings in the picture are huge. Plus, you do not need to trust photos that illustrate the withdrawal of money to a bank card. Now, with the help of specialized programs, even a student will be able to make this kind of fake in order to convince gullible users of his innocence.
We can draw one conclusion so far: "Eleurus" is a hoax. But why, then, are there so many good opinions on the Internet about this company? Maybe people just do something wrong?
Not at all. Just someone paid for the fact that the user left a good review about the financial pyramid. This is a common practice. Especially when it comes to some product or technique.
That is, good reviews on the Internet about the Elevrus project should not be trusted. As practice shows, the negative is also ordered in the direction of competitors. But this is a very rare occurrence. Please note - all reviews about "Eleurus" will say how well a person can earn "just like that, without doing anything." And at the same time you will be given several screenshots with the withdrawals of funds. Deception of pure water. Be skeptical of too short opinions and long ones, describing all the advantages of the community in colors.
What to look for
Especially attentive users, even at the stage of reviewing the organization’s website, can understand that they are faced with truth or falsehood. And in the case of "Elevrus" we can say for sure - this is a real deception. What you should pay attention to?
For example, the template site. Sometimes the pages of mutual funds on the Internet differ only in the name and photos of the manual + personal information of the project managers. Everything else is the same.
Further - this is nothing but beautiful promises of big earnings. Not a single person will reveal his secrets of good profit. After all, this is competition. Unnecessary chores, in other words. Plus, on the Elevrus website you will definitely find positive reviews about the company. But there will be no negative opinions. This should also alert. In general, the list goes on for a very long time. But we already know the main key points.
So it's time to take stock of our talk today. Is "Eleurus" a hoax or a real way to make good money? Of course, the answer is simple - a pure trap for gullible investors. It is a common way to pull money from people.
Perhaps only the community leadership really makes money on the project. They simply "breed" users so that they invest in the project. And that’s all. When the danger of full disclosure approaches, most likely, managers will simply hide with money. And the Elevrus fund will be closed once and for all. Do not trust the international communities of mutual assistance, and then you can not be deceived.