What is a preliminary design for?

The first stage of designing any object is a preliminary design. At this stage, decisions are being made on the layout of the room, its appearance, location on the territory (if it comes to the construction of the structure), scale, structure, life, functional purpose and general plan of work.

preliminary design

What is a preliminary design for? Often, as practice shows, the requirements and wishes of the customer do not coincide with the current building codes and requirements for urban planning. In the future, this may entail lengthy paper proceedings on the design of the constructed facility. Therefore, the outline design coordinates and considers all the parties necessary for the customer:

explanatory note to the outline design

  • preparation of the territory for development;
  • determination of primary and secondary construction objects ;
  • determination of the necessary additional utility and service buildings;
  • connection to communications (telephone, Internet, power supply, etc.), as well as technical support for the facility (water supply, heat supply, gas supply, sewage, etc.);
  • the need for communication facilities and transport facilities;
  • improvement of the surrounding territory;
  • the need for the construction of temporary structures;
  • indicative budget;
  • other jobs.
    draft design

All of these aspects are included directly in the outline design. They are very important to consider. An explanatory note is also attached to the outline design.

This type of work helps the customer to plan and calculate the cost part correctly, to make adjustments to the construction of his facility. At the pre-design stage, it already becomes clear what preparatory work needs to be done. In the future, a preliminary design helps the customer to avoid the cost of correcting defects and errors. After all, already at this stage it becomes clear how the external networks, power supply, water supply, sewage, track system and the location of other elements will pass.

We can say that the conceptual design helps the customer to visualize and understand the technical side of his future construction project. And the contractor is much easier to approve and work out the chosen concept, remove unnecessary and make new changes.

A sketch design project consists of the following components:

- General plan. This is a schematic image corresponding to the scale of the plot with planned buildings, porches, entrances and landscaping elements. In addition, the so-called red lines are indicated on the master plan, and all planned buildings and changes are already marked with respect to them. The main goal is to comply with all construction standards and take into account the desire of the customer.

- The floor plan is a schematic representation of all rooms, furniture, equipment and utilities.

- Facade. The image helps to further approve the facade passport in the relevant authorities and get a general idea of ​​the appearance of the structure.

- Computer visualization is also important, which helps to see the object from different angles.

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