Feed-through switches are installed in junction boxes. Many models are made with a two-button switch. If necessary, you can install multiple devices on the same network. If we consider a circuit with two lamps, then the connection occurs through a transceiver. The type of cable, box and switch is taken into account. To understand this issue in detail, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the connection diagrams.
Single box circuit
The connection diagram of the passage switch from 2 places (photo is shown below) involves the use of an expander. If we consider contact switches, they can be installed with wire adapters. In this case, the trigger is applied with a winding. The first contact of the switch goes to the zero phase. The resistance on the plate should be 55 ohms. The second switch is connected directly through the expander. It should also be noted that the block is previously important to clean. The second contact is connected to the block winding.
Two box scheme
The connection diagram of the passage switch from 2 places to two lamps has a controller. The first switch is mounted in zero phase. In this case, the second-order contacts are closed on the plate. The second switch is installed through the expander. It should also be noted that the resistance on the controller must be at least 30 ohms. Sometimes an insulator can cause breakdowns. In such cases, electricians install an additional lining.
If we consider three-button passage switches, the connection circuit of 2 places has a dual controller. In total, one expander is required. The upper contacts are pumped in the first phase, and the resistance on the plate is 35 ohms. If we consider the standard two-button type switch, then it should be compatible with the expander.
Application of a two-core cable
Through a two-wire cable it is possible to install various passage switches. The connection scheme for two lamps involves the use of a dipole transceiver. The junction box must be carefully cleaned. The switch may be installed on the adapter. It is mainly used with a lining. The insulator in this case is installed last. It should also be noted that the triode will need a linear type. If we consider single-button passage switches, the wiring diagram of 2 places consists of a contactor and a filter. The upper contacts are clamped on the plate. The lower wires should go to the first phase.
Connection via a three-wire cable
Using a three-wire cable, it is easy to install break-through switches. The connection scheme from 2 places to two lamps has two expanders. The first switch is installed near the connection block. The upper contacts of the device go to the zero phase. On the contactor, it is important to immediately check the resistance. This parameter averages 5 ohms. If we consider strip boxes, then the contactor can be used with an analog filter. The lower contacts of the device are closed in the second phase.
The insulation must be under the box. It should also be noted that there may be problems with turning on the lamp. In such a situation, it is recommended to check the insulation of the wire from the switch. The resistance on the controller plate is on average 30 ohms. If we consider two-button passage switches, the connection circuit of 2 places has contacts that close from the bottom row. The output wire from the plate goes through the zero phase. In this case, the resistance on the block is on average 45 Ohms. If we consider the switches with three buttons, then they are allowed to be mounted on expanders. In this case, the controllers are used with different conductivity. Before connecting, experts advise you to immediately check the resistance level.
Using a four core cable
The connection diagram of the passage switch from 2 places through a four-wire cable has two expanders and one contactor. If we consider a simple model, then the expander is installed along with the insulation. It should also be noted that the switch is mounted on a lining. The upper contacts of the device are immediately connected in the zero phase. The plate must first be checked with a tester. In some cases, the circuit is malfunctioning.
The resistance is 45 ohms. Contactor for switches may be used with a winding. Adapters for blocks are used only low resistance type. Sometimes contactors are used with filters. If necessary, the wire from the expander can be isolated. The triode in the block must be located at the bottom. The second switch must connect through the controller. If there are problems with breaking current, then the lining is installed.
Connection with a remote unit
The wiring diagram of the passage switch from 2 places with a remote unit has one wired type controller. If we consider the switches on two buttons, then the connecting contacts go to the first phase. The plate must first be checked with a tester. In some cases, the unit needs isolation. The second switch must be connected through an expander. It should also be noted that the contactor must be cleaned. The resistance on it is an average of 45 ohms. If you use an adjustable expander, then the contacts from the controller are closed in zero phase. The triode must be under insulation.
Additionally, you need to consider a circuit with switches for three buttons. The expander is suitable for this purpose low impedance type. The first switch is connected through the controller. The top contacts of the elements go to the second phase. Another switch may only be connected through the cover. In this case, the connection block must be checked immediately by the tester. The upper contacts of the second switch are closed in zero phase.
Discrete switch application
The connection scheme of 2 places (pass-through switches of a discrete type) involves the use of one expander. Specialists recommend using controllers only on covers. It is also important to note that blockers of different conductivity are suitable for connection. Considering the switches for two buttons, it is important to note that the connecting contacts always go to the first phase. In some cases, the expander may malfunction. This is due to an increase in polarity in the circuit. To solve this problem, filters are applied.
Consideration of connecting blocks with a dinistor
The connection scheme from 2 places (passage switches) with dinistors has make contacts and a controller. If we talk about switches with two buttons, then the expander is used with a lining, and the resistance on the plate should be at least 55 Ohms. In some cases, two contactors are used. All this is necessary in order not to waste time on isolation. The controller must be installed behind the adapter.
In some cases, the expander is used with one output. The upper contacts of the first switch are connected in the first phase. It should also be noted that the switch should be next to the junction box. However, it is attached only through the expander. If we talk about simple one-button pass-through switches, the connection circuit of 2 places has contacts that are closed in the second phase, and the resistance is not more than 45 Ohms. Triggers are not used in this case. If we talk about circuits for two expanders, the first switch is always mounted with a thyristor.
Integral Expander Application
Integrated expanders are connected in a wired box. The extender in this case is mounted behind the adapter. Two-button switches are padded. It should also be noted that filters use low conductivity. The upper contacts of the switch always close in zero phase. It should also be noted that the output of the expander is important to carefully clean.
The lower contacts of the first switch go to the second phase. The conductor must be under the insulator. The trigger for a standard box fits with the lining. The second switch in the circuit closes at the controller output. His upper contacts go to the first phase. The isolator should only be used on discharge amplifiers.