Spring cleaning: where to start?

Can you say that your apartment shines with cleanliness? Remember the last time you did a thorough cleaning? Not sure how to do a spring cleaning at home? Or are you scared to even start this event?

The house should be clean

Are you wondering where to start spring cleaning at home? In fact, it’s not as difficult to put in place an ideal order as it might seem at first glance. In this article, we propose to complete this process, following the general cleaning algorithm, which allows you to organize actions as best as possible. Get ready to memorize or write down some worthwhile tips. Well, let's begin to bring perfect purity!

cleaning of the apartment


It is in the entrance hall that guests enter your apartment. Therefore, if you are thinking where to start the general cleaning of the house, then give preference to this particular room.

First of all, you should wipe the front door well from the inside and outside. All accessories of the hardware: lock, handle, door peephole, must work properly, otherwise it is necessary to repair them. Be sure to shake out the mat at the entrance. If it is already disheveled, replace it, let it not spoil the appearance of your home.

The entrance hall is often filled with unnecessary things: toys, boxes, bags and other garbage. All this must be put in their places, and unsuitable - to throw in a landfill.

spring cleaning house

Carefully inspect the walls. All wall decor elements should be removed from their places, if possible, then wiped or rinsed, because in the hallway everything is quickly covered with dust. Wipe the interior doors and their handles, then hang the removed things in the order they should be.

Wipe the shoe racks with a damp cloth. Complete the general cleaning in each room by washing the floors.

Are you done with the hallway? We will continue our cleaning. Let's take the next room, such as the living room. Such a sequence is not mandatory, you yourself can determine your own procedure. But still it’s more convenient to start the front of work with large rooms.

Living room

The first point of the general cleaning of the main hall is the washing of windows and window frames. It is very convenient to wash with a special spatula with a rubber tip. Do not wash the windows in sunny weather; soapy stains may remain. Wipe off dust from window sills and slopes. Water the indoor plants. After these actions, you yourself will see how much lighter and more sunny it has become in the room.

House cleaning

The walls of the living room are cleaned according to the same principle as in the hallway - hanging wall items must be removed and wiped, walls should be wiped or washed, if the surface is washable, dust should be shaken from the curtains. Clean the window blinds and wash the curtains. Remove the cobwebs in the corners and on the ceiling with a broom or a special panicle. Or walk along the surfaces with a vacuum cleaner. If the wallpaper has peeled off somewhere, you need to glue it. Places with peeling paint should be painted over.

Free sofas and armchairs from covers and covers. Vacuum the upholstered furniture and change the cover. If spots appear on the bedspread, try to remove them. It is advisable to knock out carpets from dust on the street.

The next stage of the general cleaning of the apartment is wooden furniture, shelves and racks. You need to get everything inside, sort it out and throw it away or shift the excess. Then vacuum the inside of the dressers and cabinets with a brush head. Thoroughly wipe the upper parts of the furniture set from dust and plaque. Take turns in order in all the drawers and compartments of the cabinets.

Check the cleanliness of the skirting boards. If they are noticeably dirty, you need to wipe them.

Also, do not forget about important details:

  • lighting elements and sockets;
  • mirrors;
  • doors and door hardware;
  • cords and cables (integrity check);
  • home appliances.


The next step in the general cleaning of the house will be to restore order in the bedroom. Here we repeat the sequence of actions performed in the living room. If necessary, put the curtains in the wash, clean the blinds. Wash the window frames, wipe the batteries, and shake out the bedspread.

Remove unnecessary items from the bedside table and dressing table. Remove their contents and wipe the inside of the furniture well.

Go through the clothes in the closet using the four-box method:

  • first box - remove (revise later);
  • the second is to get rid (give, give);
  • the third is to store (rarely used things);
  • the fourth is to throw it away.

Leave what you wear and dispose of the unfit. Remove clothing that is not suitable for the current season. Woolen things are best stored in separate bags, investing funds from moths.

hallway cleaning

Often we keep old and uncomfortable shoes "just in case". Better give it to the one to whom it is more useful, or throw it away. Having got rid of excess garbage, you will see how it became spacious and easy to breathe!

Change bedding if necessary. Clean and ventilate the mattress, dry the pillows in the fresh air, dust accumulates in them.

Furniture can be cleaned using polishing agents. Wipe off the dust on home appliances, rub to a mirror shine. In the bedroom there can be various elements of the interior, all of them must be clean and stand in their places. Take a close look, nothing should slip away from your keen eyes.

After all else, sweep and mop the floor.


Start to clean the bathroom from the upper elements, gradually moving downward. Wall tiles need to be washed well, old spots can be wiped off using a window cleaner. Clean hygiene products. If towels are disheveled or torn, change them. If any funds run out or something is broken, write down what you need to buy.

bathroom cleaning

Wash the shower curtain, if you have one. Wipe the surface of all available interior parts. Clean the bathtub or shower with special cleaning and washing compounds against dirt and rust. Wash and sanitize the toilet bowl, its seat and cover thoroughly. The toilet brush should be changed periodically to avoid the spread of germs. They say that a spongy brush is more effective than a bristle brush, but in our region they are rarely found on sale.

Kids room

We proceed to the general cleaning of the children's room. First, clean the wall shelves. Disassemble their contents, as in other rooms. Wash the shelves and put on them only those things that should be there. Throw away old and broken toys if the child is no longer interested in them.

Next, wash the windows. Wipe the furniture from dust using a polishing agent. Remove everything that is lying around, clean the surface of the carpet, wash the floor.

If the apartment has a play area or workshop, remove it in the same way. Take a short break, it is not necessary to rush to do a spring cleaning in one day. Make it easier for yourself and ask your relatives for help. After that, let's move on to the remaining rooms.


You need to get and sort everything that is in the cabinets, carefully clean their inside. Put utensils that you don’t use or use rarely. Avoid piling up, give away or throw away the unnecessary! When cleaning cabinets and cabinets, determine the sequence of your actions. Start with wall cabinets and finish with floor standing. The last should be a cabinet under the sink. It is necessary to remove the burners from the stove and wash its surface with soapy water. All household appliances must be disposed of from contamination.

kitchen cleaning

Throw away:

  • unnecessary detergents;
  • expired conservation and other products;
  • damaged or broken dishes;
  • items that you have not been using for a long time.

It is necessary to check if there are moths in containers with bulk products. Remember to defrost and wash the refrigerator. Wash the bin with a bactericidal agent.

If the kitchen has a first-aid kit, remove expired and unsuitable medications from it and clean it up.

Using an old toothbrush, you can clean the plaque from the tap and drain hole. If necessary, clean the drain pipe. Wipe all surfaces with cleaning agents.

How to keep order in the apartment

To facilitate housekeeping and cleanliness in the apartment, you should properly organize the cleaning process. It is most convenient to carry out general cleaning once a week and daily clean heavily contaminated areas of the house. Giving 10-15 minutes a day to cleanliness, it will turn out to keep the general order as long as possible, especially if you throw out unnecessary garbage in a timely manner.

All things in the apartment must have their designated place. Each new item also needs to be assigned its own location.

For order to reign in the house, you should make a bed daily, put books on shelves, hang clothes in cabinets.

General cleaning


Involve all family members in the spring cleaning. This way you will save yourself from irritation and reduce the time spent. For children, even boring work can be turned into an exciting game, then cleaning will not be a burden.

Clean up in a good mood, imagine the result. Imagination is an excellent assistant in the organization of spring cleaning. Having correctly distributed your work, you are sure to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house. There are many useful tips regarding the quality of the actions performed, but the main thing is a creative approach to solving everyday problems, with which you yourself will see how to do a general cleaning of the house will become easier and more pleasant for you.

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