How to choose and install a tachometer on a boat engine?

The bulk of motorized watercraft is equipped with a minimum number of systems to establish control over engine operating conditions. Obtaining important indicators regarding engine revolutions, the total time of its operation allows the tachometer for an outboard motor.

What is a device?

boat engine tachometer
The outboard motor tachometer is a small-sized device that is used to synchronize with the engines of swimming vehicles. Installation is made without direct intervention in the structure of complex mechanisms that are responsible for the course of the vessel.

A tachometer for an outboard boat engine captures the pulses that come from the engine through the electrical circuit of the spark plugs. Based on the data obtained, the device displays the engine operating time and the number of revolutions completed.

A tachometer for a boat engine is made of waterproof materials. The weight of most devices is about 50-70 grams. The device operates from autonomous power and starts when the engine is activated.


Today, tachometers in various designs are widely available. The simplest devices are capable of displaying only information regarding engine revolutions. However, choosing a truly functional tachometer for an outboard engine, the owner of the boat additionally receives data on the number of engine hours worked, oil pressure, engine temperature. The presence of the last two possibilities looks desirable for low-power motors. However, the installation of additional sensors is often associated with serious structural and technical difficulties.

Features of choice

tachometer for Yamaha outboard motor
Which is better to choose - a Chinese device or an expensive tachometer for a Yamaha outboard motor? The main argument in favor of devices from the Middle Kingdom is affordable for most users cost. According to this criterion, devices from reputable manufacturers designed for installation on motors of famous brands will always lose to Chinese products.

Another important point is battery replacement. Here it is worth paying attention to the availability for opening the device cover. In this case, it will be possible to restore the operability of the device on its own, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Among other criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a tachometer for outboard motors, the following should be noted:

  • clarity of the image on the display;
  • compliance of the capabilities of the device with the indicators of engine cycle;
  • simplicity of installation and operation.

Connecting the tachometer to the outboard motor

outboard motor tachometer
The installation procedure of the device involves the implementation of fairly simple tasks, the implementation of which is potentially capable of any owner of a water vehicle. The main thing is to accurately perform the work in the following sequence:

  1. First, the device is removed from the factory packaging, after which it is checked for damage.
  2. The lid is removed from the boat engine, which provides free access to the spark plug. Around the latter, at a distance of about 5 cm from the tip, a loose tachometer cable is wrapped in several turns, which is fixed with electrical tape.
  3. The device is firmly fixed to the dashboard of the craft using self-tapping screws.
  4. Finally, a high voltage cable is connected to the tachometer.

To install the device separately, you will need to purchase the appropriate wiring. The most difficult stage of installation is fixing the tachometer on the dashboard. On some motorized boats, a panel designed for these purposes does not open. In this case, the boat owner will have to resort to alternative solutions, showing ingenuity.


tachometer connection to outboard motor
As you can see, the tachometer is a fairly practical equipment for owners of motor boats. The obvious benefit, the variety of assortment, the possibility of self-installation - all these are factors that encourage users to purchase such a device.

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