Many women believe that every pregnancy is accompanied by a phenomenon such as toxicosis, that this is normal and goes away on its own. However, in some cases, the symptoms of early gestosis (toxicosis) become so strong that a woman needs hospitalization.
What is toxicosis?
Toxicosis refers to an uncomfortable and unhealthy condition associated with pregnancy.
There is still debate about what causes early symptoms of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and salivation. There are only theories of the occurrence of this condition. Someone associates its appearance with the immune system of a woman who perceives the fetus as a foreign protein in her body, some scientists suggest that heredity and psychological predisposition play a role. But in most cases, still, toxicosis is a simultaneous combination of several factors.
How is toxicosis manifested?
In terms of toxicosis can be early when it appears before the 12th week of pregnancy, and maybe later, occurring after the 20th week.
What is toxicosis in the early stages, almost every woman knows. According to literary data, 90% of all pregnant women face it, although most people tolerate it easily. But there are those who feel so bad that they cannot perform even the lightest work.
The severity is determined by the number of episodes of vomiting, for example, mild - up to 5 times a day, moderate - 6-10 times a day, and severe - more than 10 times a day. In addition, indicators of blood pressure, pulse and the general condition of the pregnant woman are taken into account. With a large loss of fluid, dehydration of the body can occur, which will have a negative effect on the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.
Symptoms such as salivation and heartburn are often observed with toxicosis, but there may be rare forms of this condition, for example, pregnant dermatitis or jaundice.
What is toxicosis in the later stages, few know, but this condition poses the greatest danger to mother and child. According to the classification, it can be manifested by dropsy, preeclampsia and eclampsia. The body accumulates a large amount of fluid, at which time the blood pressure rises to such numbers that placental abruption may occur , which threatens fetal hypoxia.
How to cope with toxicosis?
A pregnant woman needs to know not only what toxicosis is, but also about methods to combat it.
You can help yourself by following simple recommendations:
- Physical activity should alternate with rest.
- Be sure to walk in the fresh air.
- After eating, it is advisable to lie down for several minutes.
- In the morning you do not need to get out of bed abruptly, it is better to eat something in the supine position first (for example, a cracker or a slice of orange).
- You need to eat and drink fractionally and often.
- The herbs will benefit. For example, sage, chamomile and mint reduce salivation, and calendula and valerian are soothing, water and honey and pumpkin juice relieve nausea .
Severe toxicosis during pregnancy is observed in only 2% of cases, but it is a formidable condition, because it can lead to the death of the fetus or the woman herself. You should know that at home it is possible to deal with the phenomena of toxicosis only in case of its mild course. With indomitable vomiting, sudden weight loss, sagging skin, fever or severe weakness, you should consult a doctor. Severe toxicosis should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.
Drinking medicines (antiemetics, vitamins C and B, choleretic) is possible only after consulting a doctor.
You should monitor your weight if a sharp increase is observed, this is an occasion to visit a doctor, because edema can be the first "calls" of late toxicosis.