How to delete messages on Facebook: ways

Progress has given us the greatest invention - the Internet. For example, through the social network Facebook, you can connect with your friends or relatives who are in another country. However, it may be necessary that the extra eyes do not see the correspondence. How to delete posts on Facebook? Consider below.

Normal delete

how to delete messages on facebook

The easiest way to delete messages on Facebook is standard. Removal occurs as follows:

  • First you need to go to your page through a browser or application on a mobile device.
  • Then select the “Messages” tab in the menu on the left. Open the correspondence in which you want to delete. Then there are two ways. The first is to delete messages one at a time, that is, open each one, click the Delete button. The second way is to select the "Delete messages" item in the "Actions" menu. Opposite the messages that you want to delete, check the box, click "Delete."

Move to archive

how to delete posts on facebook

These methods take a lot of time and are not very convenient. In addition, it is worth noting that Facebook has an interesting feature. When you delete a message by pressing the "Delete conversation" button, it is completely destroyed.

And if you use the "X" button, then the correspondence is transferred to the archive. And they will recover again if the interlocutor sends you something.

Uninstall by extension

how to recover deleted messages on facebook

Accordingly, the question arises: how on Facebook to delete messages so that forever and without much straining? Fortunately, such a method exists.

First, note that this method is suitable for users of the Chrome browser. Using the Facebook Fast Delete Messages extension, you can delete messages with a single click.

You can add an extension to Chrome on the extensions page. After installation, it activates itself. Now there is no need to open each message. To permanently delete individual messages or dialogs, just click on one of the buttons located in the upper toolbar, or the button marked in red.

Recover Deleted Messages

delete the Facebook message from the interlocutor

After the first part of the article, it became clear how to delete messages on Facebook. There are such cases that it is simply necessary to recover accidentally deleted messages. To the delight of many, such methods are also available.

And then the question arises: how to do this? How to recover deleted messages on Facebook? Recall that when you delete a message using the “X” button, messages are sent to the archive. Therefore, the easiest and most logical step is to try to find them there.

To do this, go to your profile on Faceboook on a computer or other device using a browser or mobile application. In the left menu, open the "Messages" tab, then click on the "View All" button, which is located at the bottom of the list. A panel will appear on the right, where next to the Inbox folder as well as the Other folder there is a More tab.

After clicking on this item, the “Archive” button will appear. In it, many will find for themselves a lot of old messages that have been deleted, perhaps a very long time ago.

Delete messages from the interlocutor

So, we found out how to delete messages in our profile on Facebook. However, sometimes this is not enough. After all, often sent messages are intended for another person or should not be sent at all. And therefore, it will be further considered how to delete the interlocutor's messages on Facebook.

And here, too, there are several options. The simplest, but not suitable for everyone is to ask the interlocutor to delete messages without reading them. Such a method is only suitable for those who trust and know that a person will definitely not read the message.

The next way is to log into the interlocutor’s account and get rid of what is unnecessary or not intended for this person. This option is also not for everyone. After all, few people have passwords from pages on the social network of their friends or relatives. And if you still have such an opportunity, then you should take care of security and use anonymizer. This program will help maintain anonymity by providing a proxy server in another country.

And finally, two more methods that are effective. They are associated with spam. First you need to try marking the interlocutor’s messages as spam. This method does not give a one hundred percent guarantee, since the machine determines whether it is spam. A special program, after complex calculations, concludes that the interlocutor is recognized as a spammer. If she decides that this is so, then the message will be automatically deleted.

The last method is to become a spammer yourself. After finding that the message should not have been sent, more messages begin to be sent after it. You can do with simple messages with different, randomly typed characters. But it is better if it will be a lot of posts with links to various sites. It is them that the spam filter does not like. As a rule, after this the message is deleted permanently.

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