How to make a do-it-yourself hut

Being alone with the wild, a person is in an extreme situation. First of all, he needs to take care of the shelter, where he would be protected from the weather, cold and animals. For this, our ancestors built a hut with their own hands from improvised means.

This type of home can not be called permanent, but it will allow you to spend a short time in the wild, protect from rain and help keep you warm. Moreover, the fact of having such a house already inspires hope in a person and gives him strength to fight for his existence.

The most important condition for survival is the minimum expenditure of forces for the extraction of food and the manufacture of shelters. Therefore, to build a hut with your own hands is necessary from improvised means, spending a minimum of effort on their search and construction. It is necessary to show maximum imagination in order to make a suitable home out of what is nearby. But just for this, real experts give their recommendations.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to make the foundation of the entire structure. Dry branches or fallen logs may be suitable for this. However, it must be borne in mind that various insects and snakes can be under them. So this search should be done carefully.

In order to make a hut in the forest, you should put large branches at an angle to the tree, thus forming a kind of frame. You can also connect several branches in the manner of an ancient Indian hut, having received a pyramid from the branches. After this, it is necessary to collect deadwood or small branches with leaves. They should be used to create walls and roofs, imposing a dense layer on the resulting frame. At the same time, it is recommended to position them so that the entrance is in the opposite direction from the blowing wind.

When making a hut with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the floor, since it will have to sleep on it, which means it should be soft and warm. For its organization, leaves or dry moss are suitable. This material is spread evenly on the floor, creating a kind of carpet. It is worth remembering that this is not a garden house. The hut can contain various insects in its materials, which means that it is necessary to come up with a way to get rid of those. This can be done with smoke. It is enough to light a small fire and, using the smoke from the burning grass, smoke all the pests from the structure. Also, with the help of fire, you can thoroughly dry the shelter and make it more comfortable.

Making a hut with your own hands in cloudy weather, you should think about a possible rain. It is necessary to close all the cracks in the roof well, and along the perimeter of the walls you can throw moss and earth to protect the house from moisture leakage.

Thus, you can collect the hut in half an hour and use the minimum amount of building materials and forces. It can not be called a full-fledged dwelling, but thanks to this design, you can survive the bad weather, spend the night in the forest, warm yourself in the cold time of the day and wait for help. At the same time, the hut is one of the most popular buildings that are used for outdoor recreation.

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